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View Full Version : Hey guys I need a little help...

03-01-2004, 02:26 PM
Hey guys I need a little help,

I'm writing a paper for one of my college english classes about the restrictions of OHV parks and need some help finding information on it. The Michigan DNR site has some info but not nearly enough to create a 7 page research paper.

The topics I'm covering are:

Noise Pollution- How parks are surrounded by sound deading materials
Polution- How little pollution atv's cause.
Reconstruction of the current OHV parks
Restrictions and shrinking of current OHV parks
Revenue generated by the OHV community
Booming of the ATV industry and revenue generated by that
Wearing safety equipment
Recent accidents/deaths on ATV's: not wearing helmets

I don't subscribe to any of the ATV mags but if anyone has one that pertains to the subject I'm covering I'll pay them for the mag, borrow it and return it, or gladly pay any shipping charges to get it to me.

Any help would be greatly appreciated and I'll do whatever I can to repay those who help.

Thanks A ton,


Mainly interested if anyone can sell, loan, give me the ATV mags. I'll pay a few bucks for them and pay shipping if you can.