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View Full Version : question for cops, or any1 that knows something!!!

02-29-2004, 08:54 PM
iight heres the deal. tonight i was at my neighbors house minding my own business when this guy come in the drive way on his quad. he was drunk to begin with, but he started runnin his mouth about me spinnin up gravel..so i said, what gravel? he said the gravel in the road. so i agreed with him and said Oh Alright. Then in return he said "dont get smart with me mother f'er ill knock your mother f'in head off your shoulders. well, at this point i was pissed so i didnt say anything back to him, when and got on my bike and proceeded to rip up the gravel. What would be the consiquences of him threating me like he did??i do have whitnesses that heard every word he said, and his girlfriends daughter sent me a message saying "HE said that if you ever smart off to him again he will know your head off your damn shoulders. Anything would help!!!:D

02-29-2004, 08:55 PM
ask popo

i dunno

02-29-2004, 08:58 PM
well if he is over 18 and you are under 18 its more severe and also its a threat so he probably will get community service and a fine if he doesnt have a record and if he does have a record its probaly worse...im not an office of a law but thats what i think

02-29-2004, 09:03 PM
On the surface it just sounds like a little spat, doubt the police will be able to do any thing since there were only threats. But if you're concerned about it document everything for future reference in case it continues.

Is ther something else involved that should be considered?


02-29-2004, 09:09 PM
i'd get on your quad and rOOSTTT! and i he threats you again give him the finger

02-29-2004, 09:16 PM
Just blow off, it's not worth making a bigger deal out of it.:cool:

02-29-2004, 09:29 PM
ok first off its not cool that the one guy has my icon. and itd be great if u got a new one. Second i believe u should rip it up on the gravel more. BTW get rid of my icon punk.

02-29-2004, 09:32 PM
ok right away king!

02-29-2004, 09:52 PM
well this dude has been a total prick ever since we moved here 4 years ago. he took us to court a while back for some money we "owed" him..we had a receipt for every penny we paid him and it added to the right ammount. so hes still got his thong up his ***** about that. he just think hes the top dog around this place. i dont think he'll like it when i pepper his purdy white corvette with a roost of big rocks..btw..raptors with mxr's tend to throw a nice size roost :eek2: