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View Full Version : ? about the WB E- series Pipe

08-21-2001, 12:10 PM
i should be recieving my e series pipe in about 2 days and i am going to run stock jetting, stock filter, and everything else stock. i am located around sea level and i was wondering if the stock jetting is fine for my area? would i mess up my motor from running it to lean because i didnt buy a jet kit?

08-21-2001, 12:33 PM
I have been going through this myself and the guys here have given me some great advise. I purchased the slip-on and kept my factory jetting (148main) and kept nine disks and my machine ran great and the plug looked good. I had an impressive HP gain without doing the jetting but I put the full 12 disks back in and am in the process of doing the re-jet bust to see if I can gain more:devil

08-21-2001, 12:45 PM
so with 9 disks i will notice a power increase? i weigh about 120 lbs. and to pop a wheelie in 2nd gear i have to have clutch in and give her some gas and let it out. i want to be able to get it up in 3rd gear. if i get it up on 2nd gear i can shift to 3rd and keep it up but i want to get it up in third. Do you think with the e-series and stock jetting and 9 disks i will be able to do this?

08-21-2001, 12:45 PM
I also bought the WB slip on E Series. After I installed mine it ran like crap. I ended up getting the power kit. ReJetted to 146 main. I am also at sea level. Mine runs perfect now.

08-21-2001, 12:49 PM
cool jack!

08-21-2001, 12:59 PM
Yes with nine disks and the stock jetting you will notice a NICE increase in power. By the way I was running a UNI air filter with no airbox mods as well.

08-21-2001, 01:25 PM
For all those people that wheelie using the clutch will probably be spending some nice $$ in the future, here is an way on doing wheelies just find the balance point sit back pull up on the handlebars and give it gas works every time for me but with a pipe on you just lean back and tap the gas and she ll go !!!
so dont use the clutch to wheelie!!! :devil :devil

08-21-2001, 01:30 PM
so your saying that with the e-series with stock jetting i will just get it up by giving it gas?

08-21-2001, 02:45 PM
if u can't get a stock 400ex to stand up in 2nd gear just by punching the throttle somethings wrong. when my ex was stock it came right up in 2nd just by hanging on and extending your right thumb. and could wheelie in 3rd if i pulled up on the bars. now that i've piped and jetted it, its just alittle easier than b4. maybe your throttle cable needs adjusted.

08-21-2001, 03:03 PM
I dont know about stock jetting but the pipe will help u do wheelies easier!!!
Like Strat said if you cant do wheelies in stock(2nd or 3rd) by pulling on the bars i would check the throtle cable and stuf!!

08-21-2001, 06:21 PM
Whenever I try to just gas it to do wheelies, the tires just spin. What kind of surface are you guys riding on?

08-21-2001, 06:37 PM
maybe you just dont get traction.. i ride on dirt and grass and every once in awhile i ride the back roads (pavement). if u dont live in a highly populated area with lots of traffic try it on some pavement or on a driveway somewheres. its super easy on black top. NOTE: do not hold me responsible if u get hit by a car! on second thought dont ride your quad on the roads. find a nicely paved driveway and try it in second. if your still spinning maybe u need new tires

08-21-2001, 06:38 PM
it still should pick itself up i mean i can do one on my crappy piece of trash 300ex slow machine in 2nd on any surface maybe you need good tires are yours almost bald then that could be the problem

08-21-2001, 06:42 PM
yeah u need something adjusted.. and or new tires. the pipe will help u wheelie better. mine comes up in 5th on pavement but i have to pull up on the bars.

08-21-2001, 06:46 PM
I suck at riding wheelies anyway. Im always scared that it will flip over, but the tires are probably only a few inches off the ground. How many times did you guys go all the way over while you were learning?

08-21-2001, 06:49 PM
heck i still do it sometimes its fun until i some how cracked my crappy quads plastic

08-21-2001, 06:53 PM
How do you know when you are at the balance point, I mean, can you really feel it. Maybe I will try it some more at Florence this weekend.

08-21-2001, 06:56 PM
yeah you can it feels like your not going back down and not going to fall off i atleast can feel it

08-21-2001, 07:25 PM
if your quad as a grab bar (and it should) u will not flip backwards if your riding on level ground. all it will do is stand up hit the bar and either throw u off or just sit there on the bar. wear a helmet and your normal riding gear. after u fall off once you'll figure out it dont hurt. and you'll get the hang of it. i dont recommend these cheaters methods where u stand on the grab bar becase your going to get hurt if u wreck while standing on it. also dont try riding wheelies up steep hills or any hill for the time being. atleast until u get good at using your back brake while up on 2 wheels. i have flipped backwards while riding a wheelie going up a steep hill and the quad WILL COME ALL THE WAY BACK!! luckly i was wearing a helmet because the handlebars smacked me in the side of the head real hard not to mention the weight of the whole thing on top of me. it hurts really bad. try to avoid the situation. but on level ground while sitting down and in 1st gear its not so bad when it throws u off. just remember if u feel like your going to flip backwards just tap the back brakes. instantly drops the front end and if your not careful it could throw u over the bars if your going too fast. just keep trying you'll get it

08-21-2001, 07:26 PM
i don't know y everybody is scared of over shoting wheelies?? the first time i did it was in sand nothing broke!!
My friend and i always over shoot know just let it slide on the grab bar you wont flip it (unless you hit a rock and go to one side) you wont brake anyting but scratch a little paint off the grab bar . Y do you think they put it there(other then moving it) for safety !!! i don't know about 300 250 and all that but my 400 is still in one piece
400exBro :p

08-21-2001, 07:42 PM
Never went quite all the way over, scratched the hell out of the back bar though. When I go up too far, I just sit there on the quad for a second and smile.

The balance point on a 400 is extremely easy, hell I can carry a wheelie though all five gears, starting in 1st, 2nd or 3rd. Starting to do backwards wheelies now as well, that is proving to be tough.

08-21-2001, 07:45 PM
You mean a stopie?

08-21-2001, 07:59 PM
I've done those before as well, not too often though, I'm afraid of going over forward.

I sit on the quad backward, run the throttle with my right hand, and the clutch with my left, shift with the heel of my right foot--facing backward. The best I can do so far is about 50 or 60 feet, I practice here and there. It's hard to see where I'm going and that makes me more nervous than the backward wheelie part. If I go up too far, I simply step off the quad.

08-22-2001, 06:07 AM
My brother has a PRM 6pack rear bumper, and it was ideal to learn wheelies with. It would not lety the quad tip back too far and if the bumper hit the ground you can just let off the gas a little bit and continue on with your wheelie. The stock grab bar also hits the ground before you flip over but if you are coming up fast enough you can flip over. Some people say that if you put your left foot in the grab bar(with your knee on the seat) and keep your right foot near the brake it is super easy to get used to the feeling of the front end popping up. Just in case you get scared you can just step off the back.
Oh yeah~ A pipe will defenatly help you wheelie easier! But traction is half of it. :)

08-22-2001, 12:02 PM
look at this pic you can't flip over a 400 if you over shoot a wheelie (this is not me ):devil

08-22-2001, 02:15 PM
Carlj75, you know what they say, If you are scared to try then maybe you should resort to your Barbie plastic pink quad!

Grow some balls and let her rip!

08-22-2001, 02:34 PM
Hey a**hole, thats my daughter's Barbie quad!

08-22-2001, 02:44 PM
i hate to disagree but u can flip back wall the way if your not on level ground. i know this for a fact. i've done it. it hurts. and i've flipped riding a wheelie on flat ground too. was going to fast and sit it back on the bar. the bar caught a rock and flipped on its side. but if your going in 1st gear on level ground theres no reason to be scared to flipping. just hammer the gas and hang on