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View Full Version : Inline Fuel Filters

03-02-2002, 05:59 PM
Does anyone have, or tried one of these inline fule filters-http://denniskirk.com/powervendor/details/detail.asp?serverid=nlATV&PartNo=181667++++++&ProdType=10&SubProdType=filters&Name=Filters%2C+Airbox%2C+Parts%2C+%26+Vents&

Thanks for all your help, its greatly appreciated,


03-02-2002, 05:59 PM
http://denniskirk.com/powervendor/details/detail.asp?serverid=nlATV&PartNo=181667++++++&ProdType=10&SubProdType=filters&Name=Filters%2C+Airbox%2C+Parts%2C+%26+Vents& (http://)

03-02-2002, 06:03 PM
http://denniskirk.com/powervendor/details/detail.asp?serverid=nlATV&PartNo=181667++++++&ProdType=10&SubProdType=filters&Name=Filters%2C+Airbox%2C+Parts%2C+%26+Vents& (http://http://denniskirk.com/powervendor/details/detail.asp?serverid=nlATV&PartNo=181667++++++&ProdType=10&SubProdType=filters&Name=Filters%2C+Airbox%2C+Parts%2C+%26+Vents&)

03-02-2002, 06:04 PM
the link isnt working

03-02-2002, 06:10 PM
Sorry i screwed this up at first, Here it is- Does anyone have or ever tried one of these inline fuel filters- There made by Visu Filter,

This is what it says in the ad for it-

Laboratory dyno test results have shown a 10%-12% increase in throttle response and acceleration; 5%-15% in gas mileage

Transforms fuels molecular structure for more complete and high performance combustion

Reduces harmful carbon build-up and toxic emissions by up to 65%

Im wondering it really works, thanks for the info guys.


03-02-2002, 07:17 PM
If it sounds to good to be true....

I wouldn't waste my money on it.. :D


03-02-2002, 07:22 PM
Don't buy it. If it gave you increased gas mileage and power then why doesn't it already come on your ATV from the factory. I don't see how an obstruction in the fuel line can do anything.

03-03-2002, 09:32 AM
i had one of those (or somethin like it) on my lt. it didn't give any power (my dad got it at the shop i didn't know it was supposed to give power) but i liked it. it'll keep any crud that might fall into your gas from gettin into your carb and i like it cuz you can tell when your out of gas. maybe what i had was just a filter. i'd say get it if its really cheap.

03-03-2002, 09:46 AM
its 15buks

03-03-2002, 10:24 AM
Since it`s only $15 Bucks I would go for it. Your not going to be out a lot of Money if it doesn`t work.

03-03-2002, 10:28 AM
buy it, but dont count on any performance gains....but it is protection from dirt and stuff

03-03-2002, 02:54 PM
ya, its good protection against dirt etc. getting into your engine, i think i'll go for it. I'll post if it shows any performance, gains but i highly doubt it! thanks guys


03-03-2002, 04:18 PM
A filter is never a bad idea. I'm pretty sure the magic ingredient is a magnet. Whether or not aligning the fuel molecules along their magnetic poles will increase milage or power output is doubtful.

03-04-2002, 08:44 AM
I use one that I bought from Rockymountain ATV,,for like $2,,,No power gains,,but didn't get it for that...even though we have plastic gas tanks,,there's still crap in the gas,,and these little filters I'm sure get that crap out...