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View Full Version : met some people who really help the perception of atv's!

02-23-2004, 05:52 PM
ok so my and one pf my buddies was out riding sunday, the 1st time i had got to ride this area in awhile, during deer season we cant ride there but we can ride the rest of the year, so its alright its a good area some poerlines a small gas line and several different reclaimed areas, so we were leaving and run into several people on atv's who motioned us over so we went. a younger kid dressed like he was going to a hip-hop club on a bear tracker. looked like his grand father on a foreman witha little girl a probaly the kids da on a 350X, NO HELEMTS ON ANYONE, the 2 men were drinking bear while riding!
so the guy o nthe 350x go one to tell us how his rear fenders got ripped off, he said yeah this thing will run 97 and it takes a real godd rider to keep it in control! so i said looks like you are having probs w/ that looking at ur handlebars which were all bent up? he laughed and said yeah thats the beer i drink while i ride
he was asking about where else we rode and i just said we didnt have amywhere we had just found that place, i didnt want him acting a foll getting them closed down

this is the type of people who spark the ozzy type press, but at least theguy said dont trow down ur trash out here so we can keep riding here, funny coming from here
i had wanted to give him a RED FORMAN DUMB@SS !
anyways thought id share the experience

02-24-2004, 06:37 PM
Originally posted by brandonpeake
ok so my and one pf my buddies was out riding sunday, the 1st time i had got to ride this area in awhile, during deer season we cant ride there but we can ride the rest of the year, so its alright its a good area some poerlines a small gas line and several different reclaimed areas, so we were leaving and run into several people on atv's who motioned us over so we went. a younger kid dressed like he was going to a hip-hop club on a bear tracker. looked like his grand father on a foreman witha little girl a probaly the kids da on a 350X, NO HELEMTS ON ANYONE, the 2 men were drinking bear while riding!
so the guy o nthe 350x go one to tell us how his rear fenders got ripped off, he said yeah this thing will run 97 and it takes a real godd rider to keep it in control! so i said looks like you are having probs w/ that looking at ur handlebars which were all bent up? he laughed and said yeah thats the beer i drink while i ride
he was asking about where else we rode and i just said we didnt have amywhere we had just found that place, i didnt want him acting a foll getting them closed down

this is the type of people who spark the ozzy type press, but at least theguy said dont trow down ur trash out here so we can keep riding here, funny coming from here
i had wanted to give him a RED FORMAN DUMB@SS !
anyways thought id share the experience

i hate people like that they are the 1s that gt areas closed down hell get drunk crash kill him self or other people and no more riding space:rolleyes:

02-25-2004, 01:49 PM
yeah i could not believe it myself
i mean this guy was a poster chold for birth control, but when you are dealing with drunk rednecks what can u do

02-27-2004, 08:44 PM
man that is so STUPID... i could see if he was enough of an idiot not to wear a helmet but for god sake think about the kids

03-01-2004, 07:02 AM
yeah i know i know some crsazy people who may do some dmb things on a quad but they esp. make their kids wear helmets, but none of them was dressed to ride, now im not talking boots or chest protectors one kid looked like he was going to a hip hop club crossed with a rave he had his styles mixed had on some some stove pipe rave pants and a huge @ss southpole sweatshirt to ride quads
thsi whole family needed help, but looking at their dad on the trike drinking beer while riding made since about everything!!!

03-19-2004, 10:11 AM
Every weekend there are always people on the tracks drinking, ridin w/o helmets, double, triple some times. I think it doesnt help that there is a trail that goes right to the liquor factoy. You always see them driving around with beer cases tied onto the racks.

03-31-2004, 01:47 PM
Originally posted by ScrnNmsSUCK
You always see them driving around with beer cases tied onto the racks.


04-16-2004, 10:34 AM
At least they go slow so they don't spill there beer

04-18-2004, 08:59 AM
I ran in to a whole family of dumbasses like that last summer.They had kids on every machine,and there were about 8 of them.All riding double with no helments.And this year when I went out for the first ride there were posted sings up every where and the state closed down some trails.Thanks to dumbasses like that we don't have as many places to ride anymore.

04-18-2004, 10:20 PM
did you just say "act a fool" ?

friggin' kids and their hip-hop..