View Full Version : help with ramp

02-20-2004, 06:18 PM
what is a good degree that you want your take off to be when building a ramp. what will shoot be p a little bit but not to much. what is just a good medium degree that your ramps are at.

02-20-2004, 06:20 PM
opps, shoot me up a little. sorry

02-20-2004, 11:39 PM
less than 40

02-20-2004, 11:47 PM
so would 38 be pretty good.

02-20-2004, 11:56 PM
if i wanted a ramp at 6ft tall and 38 degrees, how do i figure out how long the bottom is. how do i make the braces the right height under the curve.

Oxbow Jimmah
02-21-2004, 07:14 AM
The bottom should be at least 12ft long. Rule of thumb is the length of the ramp should be AT LEAST 2 times the height of the ramp.

02-21-2004, 09:05 AM
yeah i was thinking 15 ft. how do i make my curve nice and even. the braces at the bottom need to be different heights and i don't no what they should be.

Oxbow Jimmah
02-21-2004, 09:55 AM
Draw it out to scale on a piece of paper like have an inch equal a foot.

02-21-2004, 11:29 AM
its all geometry. not to try to one up what the guys were saying before but you cant just say that every ramp will be twice as long as it is tall. you have to take in radius, height, and length, desired jump distance, and last but certainly not least.. final angle. into consideration. there is much to this.

dont try to reinvent the wheel and make up your own angle. be safe. go to fmxramps.com and get the rev 1 plans... they are free and they are proven. but if you insist on doing one get someone to make a CAD up for you.

Oxbow Jimmah
02-21-2004, 12:09 PM
I said that a good rule of thumb is to make it AT LEAST 2 times as long as it is high. I know you were not starting **** but he did ask how to figure out how long to make the bottom and even the older backflip ramps DBers used to use follwed this rule of thumb. Like I've been saying it's not a sure fire plan this is what you need to do but merely a rule of thumb to help go by.

02-21-2004, 01:19 PM
easy dude, .. if you understood what i mean why was there a need for an added comment. as i said im not starting crap as you know. but i just dont agree with that, ive seen many many many ramps not follow that rule of thumb. but i do know what your talking about though.. usually comp ramps follow that. as everyone knows im just not real big on amateur ramp building... theres alot more to it than meets the eye and someone can easily get hurt or killed, ask trick air from MTX. or go to the mtx ramp section and scroll through how many amateur ramps are made. dont get me wrong there are alot of talented folks out there building great stuff but alot of people dont. so thats why i said if you insist on building your own go to fmxramps.com .. check out the rev 1, its free, its a great ramp, and no one gets hurt.... everyone makes out.

have fun, let me know if you need anymore help, theres alot of pesky tricks in doing this i know how to get around and would be more than happy to help with

02-21-2004, 01:41 PM
When my friend was making his ramp he asked the math teacher to help him ...I dont know i think his ramp is 7 ft tall and around 40 degress or so.

02-21-2004, 06:22 PM
yeah its kinda difficult to explain... its by no means hard but by no means easy either.

you can do whatever you want just as long as its right. i would say either asisstance from a CAD or math expert... like in physics or something .. plus from a professional welder.. or better yet a pre approved one from a professional ramp builder.

but like that poor guy from MTX learned, Trick Air, not anyone can just go out and do anything... good way to get killed

Narly R
02-21-2004, 09:04 PM
Man, we have our ramp, that is all you need, we will prolly be hittin it at casey's tomarrow, come over, ill call ya if we do.

This is what you do, make it as high as you want, then tie a string to the top, and then get ur angle that way.;) Ill help ya if ya want...;)

02-21-2004, 11:12 PM
that works fantastic if you want a constant radius............ or does he want an eliptical.

if so , same concept applies except you figure out how much flat spot you want and stop your radius there and continue on with one flat angle. for instance, if your ramp is 8 1/2 ft tall you want to stop your constant radius at 6 ft, so put up a temporary pole and hang your string and match your side rail up to it then leave the rest straight

02-22-2004, 12:00 AM
see i just want to build a ramp to put out in a feild and jump it when ever i want.just a little 6ft one that is just a nice lttle ramp to hit. then i can always slide it back if i want to go bigger. yeah i want a constant radius.

02-22-2004, 09:57 PM
yeah thats cool

please dont take me the wrong way guys, im just trying to help out best way i know how. i certainly dont know everything and i learn everyday like everyone else. and things are hard to explain to begin with.

for instance, like i said you can do anything you want as long as its right. the doesnt sound like it makes sense but it does. for instance, if you just want a 6 ft ramp thats more than feasable. but sometimes not all things can be done. for instance.. you couldnt make a 50 degree angle ramp thats 2 ft tall for a full size MX bike... just wouldnt be safe, get me ? you could make a 2 ft tall ramp.. and you can make a 50 degree angle ramp but you cant put the two together. certain precautions have to be made and what not... just as an example.

02-23-2004, 10:31 PM
yeah thats cool i know what your talking about. i went to that web site and i think i might build the rev1.i will make it a little different but it will be pretty much the same.

Narly R
02-23-2004, 10:37 PM
I am tellin ya, its more addictin then ur fat girlfriend Tyler.:O Once ya hit it ya cant stop! You'll love it! Just dont over shoot it like me and DIE!:mad:

Jason1, ya have good info. Glad you help everyone. Makin this ramp improved my "ramp building skills" A LOT! We are already wantin a better one.

02-23-2004, 10:50 PM
i happen to like my fat girlfriend *********. we need to go riding soon. now that i think about your ramp it makes me want to hit it. but i know if i just go out this weekend and try hittin it i will pull a narly r and smack my face on the bars. who is ultimategirl or what ever. is it carley.

02-24-2004, 02:06 AM
im glad im of service.

03-10-2004, 09:40 PM
hey 6 foot ramps are very posible to make i have some ok plans for a 5 foot ramp that i just made.