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View Full Version : SERIOUS issue about ATV's, PrimeTime, Ozzy READ!!!!

02-20-2004, 07:55 AM
This issue is more serious that what we think I believe.

Last night on Prime Time they stated alot of WRONG things.

They said the ATV weighed OVER 600lbs
and could run 150mph. Jack Osbourne even said
it would run 150mph in the interview with him.

This is total BS and I was ENRAGED when I heard it. All we need is sume stupid *** politician watching Prime Time and get the wrong idea about the ATV.

I heard a local radio station in Alabama talking about it this morning and PROMPTLY typed up an email stating the facts and sent it to them. I URGE all of you to do the same to any place you hear talking about it.

I am in the process of trying to find contact info for Prime Time to set them straight with facts. I need everyone's help in doing this. We all should send "similar" but seperate emails to them and anywhere else we find that is talking about this.

This is the stuff that hurts our sport and promotes the banning of ATV related products!!!!!!!


As we all know the atv ozzy was riding was a yamaha banshee.
The Banshee weighs 386lbs via yamaha's website.
Top end is roughly 65-68mph I believe.

02-20-2004, 08:15 AM
what station in alabama said somthing? im from birmingham.

02-20-2004, 08:44 AM
There is another post in here with a link to ABC. i encurage everyone to send them a tastefull and profesional e-mail. I also encourage everyone to send an email or letter to any local news organization that states anything about this interview!

02-20-2004, 09:01 AM
WRAX was the station in B'ham that was talking about the interview last night.

Also here is the link to email Prime Time


02-20-2004, 09:53 AM
i wish i could have heard it. ever since beaner and ken are back i quite listening to tuttle and klein.

02-20-2004, 10:11 AM
This is what I posted.

As an avid ATV rider I was very disappointed with the way ATV's were presented on the show. I don't understand why how many people have died on them added anything to the interview. Cleary Ozzy was going to fast for his skill level and he even said he was stupid for not wearing a helmet. Also, a Banshee does not do 150mph. It may do 150KPH.
Please be more careful in the news you report, because careless reporting affects us law abiding, proper riding gear, family oriented riders.

02-20-2004, 10:13 AM
Nice Doibugu;)

02-20-2004, 10:49 AM
IS there a way to get Yamaha involved in this? They're machine was falsely represented last night. 600 lb monster that will do over 150 mph? If a Yamaha exec. was informed of this, wow can you imagine the heads rolling at ABC?

02-20-2004, 10:58 AM
That would probably be good to do.

I'm guessing the Sales/Marketing Rep for Yamaha for the U.S.
would work, They would know how to get it started.

If anyone finds them, just share the info with us.

02-20-2004, 10:58 AM
Can someone explain what happened, I didn't see that episode, just the previews. Thanx in advance, wb.

P.S. Jim, i think you've got a point.

02-20-2004, 11:07 AM
this BS is not helping with quads. also from what i saw they were not wearing helmets which little kids would want to copy.