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View Full Version : wrist pin seized

02-14-2004, 10:23 AM
To make a long story sort the oil wasn`t going around. I haven`t figured that one out but I figure the oil pump is shot i`ll look at that later. for know I need to take the piston off but when the motor stop ( sieze ) the wrist pin is also seized so I can`t change the piston. I took the piston clip off and hit the pin I took them off before so I know how to do it. But this one is just stuck. I even heated up the piston and the pin still won`t move. Not even a little.

I need some help cause it I get mad im just going to get the grinder out the piston will come off:devil:

02-14-2004, 10:39 AM
umm, fyi dont try to hit the wrist pin out with a hammer.... it ruins the connecting rod to crank bearing. People sell a piston pin remover... the 1/2 assed way is to get a socket with the perfect size(can go inside the wrist pin hole yet seats on wrist pin itself) , then seat 1 side of the socket in the hole, against the wrist pin, and then take a C-clamp, and put one side on the side where the pin will more towards and the other side on the socket. And then hopefully the pin will "give in" and move out till hits the otherside of the C-clamp. Then it should come out a little easier. Sorry, its really hard to explain. Good luck-darren

02-14-2004, 07:02 PM
Thanks I`ll try that I never taugh about that. It usaly comes out with just a little tap of the hammer but I guess that after about 1/2hour of riding with no oil ( there was oil but it didn`t go around it just stayed in the box) it tends to seize stuff.I`ll try that and maybe put a little heat on the piston and I`ll let you know if it works Thanks.

02-15-2004, 07:19 AM
I kinda like the grinder idea.;)

02-16-2004, 10:41 AM
I probably don't have any options other then the grinder cause I tryed the clamp idea and I bent the C clamp until it poped out. And I had the piston heated up pretty good.