View Full Version : oh boy, climbing on my soapbox

02-09-2004, 11:43 AM
what the hell is the deal with book reports:confused:

i never could figure out why i had to re write what someone else had already taken the time to write:p

my son just finished a killer report and "visual aide":eek2: on all 43 presidents:cool: and at the end of it all i still kinda find it pointless. i mean i geuss it gets you to really understand the information because you have to write a rough draft then a final copy but dayummmm. in todays computer driven world where information is at your finger tips why in the world would they still want a hand written rough draft? his is over 45 pages:huh

02-09-2004, 11:47 AM
Funny I just have a new hire that is attempting to do a report for our Owners.

Basically has to explain a 2 million dollar increase from one Qtr to the next.

Her response was, cannot they just look at the numbers?:rolleyes:

02-09-2004, 11:49 AM
Well said! I think that there should be a BIG protest aginst book reports!:mad: :macho :eek:

02-09-2004, 11:52 AM
i dont mind a report. heck i create them everyday. but constant review always burned my arse:macho

02-09-2004, 12:00 PM
I for one have to disagree, wether its the computer age or not, you still have to be able to comprehensable read and be able to convey that information to somebody else in a distilled format and make sense. i feel it to be very valuable in later life. Because in a way, that is what you are always doing. You are conveying inforamtion TO somebody From somebody or something.
Tell me the truth pappy. you are only pissed off because you had to read it all. :D

02-09-2004, 12:03 PM
no, i just cant see the point of a hand written rough draft. i do understand the value of neat and proper penmanship but he could have saved over 7 hours of writting by being allowed to use his keyboard. the final draft is allowed typed or computer generated...but not the rough draft.

he had to pick the hardest subject that they had also:macho

02-09-2004, 12:05 PM
Oh well, that didnt come across in your rant. i guess you have to take the book report over again. :D

Man, i am just kidding. the hand written thing i dont dig either. thats plain stupid and needless torture. But, the wheels of burocracy turn slow and it will take a while until they can do it all in POwerpoint or toher editor.

02-09-2004, 12:07 PM
what really pisses me off is that they allow calculators for math:grr: and IMO math is more important then anything.

im pretty proud of him though. this report is important. they will pick 5 from his region to go on to a state competition for a scholarship

02-09-2004, 12:15 PM
I whole heartedly agree on the Calculator issue. It's rather annoying when a cashier can't do a simple addition or substraction in their heads when the register has a problem. I get so annoyed that i do it for them and then they dont believe me. Ahh, good times.

I wish you and your kid good luck on the scholar ship deal.

You know what i can't believe thse days. The amount of books the kids have to lug around. I actually heard that some of them develope back problems. Thats just crazy. This is where we should have a tablet PC pilot project somehere and see how that works.

02-09-2004, 12:16 PM
maybe im just lazy, but i get along. i recently discussed the value of the business i run to the owner and explained that since profit levels are getting smaller and show no signs of ever rebounding that he may want to sell and invest. i had no advice as to where to invest but simply that his money could make him the same revenue but without the stress and work we currently do.

and low and behold i get the info i was trying to explain off my computer:D

as stated:

One quick and dirty technique is to divide the current yearly earnings by the long-term Treasury bill rate. For example, if the shop earns $10,000/year and T-bills are returning 3 percent interest, the business is equivalent to $333,333 worth of T-bills ($10,000/3 percent=$333,333, so $333,333 invested in T-Bills would return the same $10,000 income). So if you had $333,333, you could earn your $10,000/year by investing in T-bills with a lot less effort than running the shop. This technique puts an upper limit on your valuation. After all, why would you spend more than $333,333 on a store when you could earn more by spending the same money in T-bills? Of course, using this quick-and-dirty technique assumes that the teashop will have the same earnings year after year, and assumes that only monetary return matters.

02-09-2004, 12:19 PM
Plus, if he re-invests some the earning, the earning should experiance and upward trend. :D

I am just BS'ing here cause i know nothing about business as such.:rolleyes:

02-09-2004, 12:24 PM
well without going into specifics, the business we are in and have been in for 30 years sucks. the profit has been lowered to remain constant with overall pricing in the marketplace. add that with the fact that what was once a cash cow is now a credit pigs. low profit margin + high credit = no cash or cash flow.

at the end of his career he will sell off the business and walk with more then enough cake to be happy the remainded of his life. i just find it ironic and enlightening how those with m,oney make money.

the rest of us hump atleast 40 a week living paycheck to paycheck...while those with the money and BRAINS can earn what we do (alot more) and never lift a finger:p it goes back to education, i just wish i knew all this 20 years ago:eek2:

02-09-2004, 02:00 PM
just wondering, what kind of busness are you in?

Tommy 17
02-09-2004, 04:35 PM
pappy its because of students like me...

go to a website... hit copy paste print:D

take -5 for not having a ruff draft and gettin a 95% outta 100 points... i do it all the time:devil:

02-09-2004, 04:42 PM
I kinda disagree with alot of things that teachers assign, I think they are alot of easier ways to teach us what we need to know. I think that they sometimes make learning more complex than it really is. I also think that we go into to much detail sometimes, and don't learn enough about the basic things we are working on! But thats just me!

02-09-2004, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
pappy its because of students like me...

go to a website... hit copy paste print:D

take -5 for not having a ruff draft and gettin a 95% outta 100 points... i do it all the time:devil:

thats the way:D ;)

02-09-2004, 06:46 PM
Pappy how old is your son?? And how many pages did he have to write?? I HATED reports .... unless it was a subject that interested me . I did one in a Law class one time about all the BS that was happening out west and out east with all the fishing and how the salmon almost become extinct . I found it very interesting to do the report becuase it was something that interested me .... What exactly is your job title/position??

02-09-2004, 06:51 PM
I did a 15 day report on the effects of a human body's BAC being .18--it was called Spring Break:devil:

02-09-2004, 07:02 PM
my son is 10.

i just manage a business. it could be any business in the world...who doesnt matter:)

trust me, you ever wanna get in a debate about what big corperations are doing to the lil man in america...pack a lucnh..ive got plenty to say:cool:

02-09-2004, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by seatec
I whole heartedly agree on the Calculator issue. It's rather annoying when a cashier can't do a simple addition or substraction in their heads when the register has a problem. I get so annoyed that i do it for them and then they dont believe me. Ahh, good times.

Oh I know where your coming from, I just got back from the store & the cashier I had was asking her supervisor for change, dimes & nickels, she actually had to ask ME which one was NICKELS :huh :huh I couldn't believe it!!!!! I was wondering how in the hell she got the job if she doesn't even know what a nickel is????????

02-09-2004, 07:07 PM
Book reports suck...:mad:

02-09-2004, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by dirtmomma
Oh I know where your coming from, I just got back from the store & the cashier I had was asking her supervisor for change, dimes & nickels, she actually had to ask ME which one was NICKELS :huh :huh I couldn't believe it!!!!! I was wondering how in the hell she got the job if she doesn't even know what a nickel is???????? The truly sad part is that if you'd ask her what a nickel bag is and how much it cost she'd know the precise answer.

02-09-2004, 07:11 PM
/\ lmao

same thing at my school..sad but true..