View Full Version : Holeshot XCR-03 or Razr 2

02-08-2004, 08:07 PM
What tire is preferred out there i mostly ride in woods, fields. What will get the most traction and which one will last the longest. Thanks

02-09-2004, 09:47 AM
I have the xcr03 and really like them, after runing the Texas GNCC I thought they would be worn down and chewed up from all the rock (boy was I suprised they still look brand new). I have not ran the razr 2 tire but I have the regular razr and hated them only because our soil is very sandy here and they do not hook up. If you are riding in hard pack dirt and mud the razr will work.
I hope that this gives you a little insight. If you do a search on the site there are plenty more threads talking about the razr tires and the klaws and the holeshots ;)

02-09-2004, 01:21 PM
i ran one race on my XCR 03s at a local, and it looks like they have a full season on them. I personally wont run them anymore, i didnt get the wear out of them like i thought i would. Im stickin with Maxxis, or i might try some of th enew kendas

02-09-2004, 02:33 PM
I was all for the razr's untill i rode them, like Silverfox said the razor dont hook up at all in the sand. The new holeshots are a all around better handling tire

as for the wear ... I have got a diffrent answer from everyone i have talked to.....

02-10-2004, 03:20 PM
I am mainly a woods rider with a little MX every now and then. I have Razrs and my friend had XCR's on his 300EX and he got stuck all the time. The way the tire is designed makes mud stick to it like a magnet. They are so bad that he got stuck in the middle of a mud hole and I went in the mudhole and still had plenty of traction to pull him out.

My razr's are about 5 months old and I see no sign of wear at ALL. I actually did a burnout all the way up my driveway a couple times. The XCR's are about 3 months old and they only have half the tread left. My other friend has 3 YEAR old Razr's with more tread than those XCR's. I will never buy anything from ITP until they make 9" C-Series wheels (i love those).

The Razr's are very durable too. I drove 5 hours straight at the rugged Turkey Bay and didn't have a single problem. I checked the air pressure for the first time since I got them a week ago and there still showing the same (2 or 3 lbs I believe) pressure and both tires were equal.Honda stock rims are really good though and help the tires out more than you'd think.

Also, consider Kenda Klaws. No personal experience on those but I have heard great things.

Sorry for long post but I figure I would share my personal experience.

02-11-2004, 04:43 AM
get the razzrs