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View Full Version : KLAW XC rear recut Opinions

02-04-2004, 10:31 AM
I am very happy with the performance out of these tires but I think they are lacking in forward traction. I am wanting to cut some lugs out to try to gain more forward traction. I love the way they slide now, so also consider if you think this will change the way the tires control slides. (The grey'd out areas are the lugs I would cut.)

I would like to hear opinions on which cut you think will give me more forward traction without changing slide control.

Also feel free to offer up different cut patterns you think would work better.

Thanks Zingnut


02-04-2004, 03:18 PM

02-04-2004, 03:44 PM
before u go hacking away at that tire...try and flip the tire the other way...and see what the results are

02-04-2004, 04:32 PM
I have reversed the tires and lost the slide control I had with them in the forward direction. They seemed to bite mid slide when reversed.

02-04-2004, 04:36 PM
u really dont want your tires to bite that good while slidding sideways....id rather my assend if my quad grip a little instead of alot...because it will tip over...but if your going to grove them...grove them the 1st way in the 1st pic

02-05-2004, 06:08 PM
hey i just ordered these tires, which way is which? like which way is for medium to hard and which way is soft to medium?

just explain to me by the direction of the middle knobs, do they point forward for softer conditions ( opening back towards) or vice versa..


Cole Trane
02-05-2004, 06:18 PM
Look on the sidewall of the tire. It will have arrows for hard and soft.