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View Full Version : race cut fenders??

01-31-2004, 03:03 PM
The last thread turned into a flame fest on that redneck kid so I am starting a new one with a serious question. what are the benifits to race cut fenders, are they ok on the trails or will you end up with more mud on ya then its worth. I realy like the look it costs nothing and its easy to do. pro's/ con's?

Only awnser if you have done it. I dont want any well my best friends sisters boyfriends uncle $hit:D
Oh ya those pics on the last thread looked great.

01-31-2004, 03:07 PM
Quit picking on us redneck kids:blah:

I bought the maier race cuts for the 300ex. I did it purely to see the tires in the woods. On the 300ex with 400ex a-arms I don't get any muddier than my friend with stock a-arms and full fenders reason being everything flies over me. I think it is deffinately worth it just to be able to see my tires while I'm moving through the woods. Here's a pic of mine to help

Team Outlaw #34
01-31-2004, 03:14 PM
Really the only reason why people cut them is for looks....thats why i cut mine....but some people say for mx they cut them so they don't break....

You do get a little bit dirtier (sp?) but not to bad unless your hitting a 2 foot deep mud hole going pretty fast but then again if you go through a mud hole like that with fenders your gonna end up with the same results....

01-31-2004, 03:25 PM
i race cut my fenders and i ride in all coal mud and i dont get no more muggy then i did with full fenders

02-02-2004, 01:46 PM
I cut mine cause when you get all that mud all your fenders they start flapping all around when you are jumping and another eason is caus ei like to see what goinging on up front , but i emna personally i do not get all wet and muddy liek some people say you will when you cut your fenders......

02-02-2004, 03:08 PM
I tried race cut fenders once. It was miserable. Not only did I get covered with mud, but I had to stop every couple hundred yards and wipe my goggles off. The minute I got home, I ordered new front plastics.

I mainly ride on wet, muddy trails, and for this application they are worthless.

02-02-2004, 03:15 PM
yeh cutting the fenders is awsome. gives ur quad a great look and you get to see ur tires. Once u cut them and get on a quad with full fenders u will hate the fenders.

02-02-2004, 04:26 PM
I have stock a arms and 23 inch tires up front, am i gonna wear alot more mud like some say?

02-02-2004, 06:06 PM
prepare to be covered.

02-02-2004, 06:14 PM
before i cut them ill try a ride through some avrage mud and puddles without them.

02-02-2004, 06:47 PM
I don't mind the mud, I hate the water though. If I can see the puddle I just try to get the front end up alittle as long as it doesn't plow into the water I'm usually dry.

02-05-2004, 06:39 PM
Its just mud...mud is mud...does it really matter how much you get on you?:rolleyes:

02-05-2004, 06:51 PM
to tell u the truth . if your riding wfo through trails with realy sloppy mud u going to get muddy. i have cut fenders and i cant realy tell if im more muddier or not but it feels and looks a hell of alot better with cut fenders;)

02-05-2004, 07:23 PM
na race cut fenders don't get ya covered... they aren't too good in the winter tho. the slush and salt gets on ya and it sucks. they look sick tho!

Cole Trane
02-05-2004, 08:02 PM
Really the only reason why people cut them is for looks....thats why i cut mine....but some people say for mx they cut them so they don't break....

You do get a little bit dirtier (sp?) but not to bad unless your hitting a 2 foot deep mud hole going pretty fast but then again if you go through a mud hole like that with fenders your gonna end up with the same results....

Naw buddy, the reason people cut them is so you can see where your wheel is going, as in.... a line to the corner, or when your in the corner. Also helps to see in front of you when doing wheelies.

02-05-2004, 08:15 PM
ya i cut mine so i could see where my tires are going. after i rode with racecut i tried ridin my friends quad without bein racucut it felt really weird not bein able to see my tires

02-06-2004, 10:36 AM
I did mine for looks and for top end. It felt like I gained a few extra mph, but I probably didn't. What I did feel was the vibration at high speeds gone because wind was no longer beating on the fenders, thus it felt faster and as long as it feels faster it's all good.