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View Full Version : Rode a DS650 Baja! Sweet!

02-25-2002, 05:20 PM
Hey guys I just rode my buddies DS this Saturday and that thing is awsome. I don't wanna hear anyone bad mouth it.

And man that thing was soooo comfortable. I could sit down over whoops,where my 400 would of beat me to deasth, oh and jumpin, man that thing doesn't feel like a 470lb beast in the air, and she lands like a butter fly.

Oh and wheelies, man they where also fun, it brought the front end up soo easy. And when I was runnin like 5th gear wide open,those front wheels where barley touchin the ground,it was kinda like a fast boat in the water.

All I gotta say is maye she is too wide for trails,but its a nice,comfortable quad!

02-25-2002, 06:27 PM
Man, I rode this 4 wheeled today and it had 65 hp. I tied it to a tree stump and yanked it out of the ground. I then hooked up to school bus and drug it around the parking lot about 80 yds. It seems to sit a bit high though and although the low end is awesome, the top end is a dog. Maybe I should put bigger rear tires on it. I also cant seem to get it to two wheel or wheelie. I think I will trade in my 400EX for it though. Wow the power is awesome. What do you guys think?

By the way, it is a John Deer...

02-25-2002, 09:52 PM
Yeah, those John Deere's are awesome. I have a JD tractor and two JD snowmobiles and they are 440's. They're alot of fun, too bad we haven't had any snow to speak of this winter!

Ham Sandwich
02-27-2002, 07:58 AM
umm freakystone are you comparing the DS to a JD tractor?

02-27-2002, 08:05 AM
No, I was just pissing with the guy... For fun you know. I have one of those high paying office jobs where I have all day to play on the internet as I talk on the phone to my customers.

But we use to ride with a guy that had a DS and I would compare it to a Pilot. It was just to big for the guy to enjoy and since we mainly trail ride and mud, he was miserable. My 400EX and the other quads, (Mojave's, Warrior, Blaster) would eat the DS up in the woods. And the few times he did ride the DS in the mud, it got so lodged that it took 5 or 6 of us to get that hunk of lead out. Needless to say he sold it. I wasnt impressed with the speed. My 400EX stock kept with it not problem. You have to like the suspension though.

Ham Sandwich
02-27-2002, 09:31 AM
a pilot, are you kidding! hehe, thats why DS stands for dune sport not mud/trail sport. they are horrible in the tight stuff but they are designed For wide open haulin not tight technical stuff

and no way a stock 400 will come near a ds on a straight away drag, the bikes too powerful and pulls away with ease