View Full Version : Was forced to spank several Polarises today

01-24-2004, 08:03 PM
At risk of getting yelled at, I won't tell you what I ride at the Dunes. But we ride some very technical, boulder and rock strewn narrow dirt-bike trails around the foothills here, so i have a baby EX (250) and today a buddy with his dads' Polaris 700, and some of his buddies on 2 other 700's, plus 1 Polaris 350 4x4 came along. I took the lead, and never lost it all day. Several times another buddy that was along for the ride heard them comment,"If he can make it on that little 2 wheel drive, I can make it." This was usually followed by a loud crunching noise, as the behemoth pile of plastic and metal tubing pitched its rider, then rolled sideways back down the rocky hill. Picking one of these Buicks up is not something you casually do with one hand, either. Dang near had to call a tow truck. But at least he only paid about triple what I did.Oh, I forgot, one sprung a radiator leak out in the middle of nowhere, and if it wasn't for a guy with a bottle of drinking water, he'd still be camping up there tonight! Honda rocks! :D

01-26-2004, 07:39 PM
thats polaris for ya

01-26-2004, 08:39 PM
yeh i defenitly had the same thing happen on sunday. Rode with 6 polairs 325 trail bosses and had to whoop em all day best thing was they were all my friends but then my bearing carrier went out and i dont think ill ever hear the end of it.

02-06-2004, 06:48 AM
i rode with an Sp500 once, it got stuck, its probably still where it was stuck.

03-01-2004, 08:39 PM
haha yea i got my friends polaris 500 stuck. took forever to get the **** out

03-06-2004, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by Mr.Offroad
Honda rocks! :D SO u pissed on some polaris's. Thats cool now come riding with my group and try pissin on some banshees n raptors:p J/P man. When it comes to polaris everyone is together in smokin em!

03-07-2004, 10:23 AM
Since you put it that way, I'll come clean as to what I ride in the sand: A Raptor. And I'll defend them to the death!:blah: And I'd come ride with your group, but Jersey is a long ride from Wa. state! peace

03-08-2004, 11:00 AM
OHH **** we got a raptor owner in disguise lol. Thats sweet man:D

03-08-2004, 11:24 AM
Originally posted by Mr.Offroad
If he can make it on that little 2 wheel drive, I can make it."

LMAO... I've heard this phrase many of times when riding with a local group of utes... :devil:

03-08-2004, 11:27 AM
you guys beter not let troyleepred read this thread or he will go postal on ya azzes:p

03-30-2004, 03:29 PM
is a rancher 350 really considerd a UTILITY, i mean, the only thingg different from that and a 300ex is its racks, is a little bigger, and heavier, it doesnt have 4wd and doesnt weigh 600 pounds like polaris's do

03-30-2004, 04:01 PM
wow a Polaris bashing thread. Real mature.

nuff' said.

edit: If I weren't in a good mood I'd be goin' off like hiroshima and nagasaki on ya'll

03-30-2004, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by kHeOvNiDnA
is a rancher 350 really considerd a UTILITY, i mean, the only thingg different from that and a 300ex is its racks, is a little bigger, and heavier, it doesnt have 4wd and doesnt weigh 600 pounds like polaris's do

Dude this threads almost a month old?? :huh

04-01-2004, 03:01 PM
i didnt think it would really be a problem to post on a old thread?