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View Full Version : Anyone here been to St. Anthony?

02-23-2002, 08:31 AM
We are going for the first time in late June. Any tips?

02-24-2002, 07:32 PM
Check my site for some St. Anthony info.

Tips? Be legal, have a flag.

Camp ant either the BLM site (Free) or the Sand Dunes Resort ($15 to 20 per day, full hookups). BLM is colser to the big dunes but less facilities, Resort is farther from the big dunes, you pay, but has facilities. Either way, pay attention to the rules in camp or you will be kicked out; quiet hours and speed limits are the big ones.

St. Anthony is awesome, you'll love it. Again, be legal there are cops on quads there and they are armed, BTW.

02-26-2002, 06:10 PM
St. Anthony's will blow your mind the place is incredible!! :D

Like Wyoduner said watch yourself and also be aware of the dunes on your first ride out. There were tons of razorbacks when we were there last May, which can be a great time as long as you know they are there and you know what you are doing. Also, many of the larger bowls have large rocks at the base so take a peek before you just drop off.
If you stay at the Sand Hills resort watch yourself, the owners aren't the friendliest folks that I have ever met. The "rules" can be sort of up for interpretation. As an example they say they allow dogs and we actually had to pay a deposit (which was ok because all of us have very well behaved dogs) but they hassled us for them going to the bathroom even though we cleaned up after them. They also gave some of the people with us trouble for there tents leaving marks in the grass even though they told them to put them there. I guess they just left a really bad taste in my mouth and my guess is they are lucky they have the only "real" camp resort on the dunes or they would have been out of business a long time ago.
One more thing, if you need race gas make sure to call ahead or bring enough because only one place in Rexburg carries it and it isn't always in stock.

02-27-2002, 06:22 PM
Out for sand is correct. St Anthony is Awesome. It has very challenging hills. Also, as for the race gas, they dont have a pump where you can buy it by the gallon. You have to buy a 55 gallon drum. The race gas they carry is Unical.

03-17-2002, 04:26 PM
yes its fantastic. me and friends go every labour day.

twisted threads
03-20-2002, 04:40 AM
Saint Anthony Idaho dunes are the best. It was a bummer how much power I lost because of elevation. I may be going in June.

03-20-2002, 09:07 AM
you will lose power because St anthony is at a high elevation, but you can get your power back. All you have to do is rejet your carb. I suggest bringing extra main jets with you so that you can jet your bike for the elevation. If you have a two stroke this is a must or you may end up burning up your piston.

twisted threads
03-20-2002, 02:20 PM
Yea I did rejet my carb I went from a 180 to a 172 on my 250r. But a big bore would have been sweet there. Some hills are so big that most 4 strokes cant make them. I love it!! But is a 14 hour drive ouch!

03-20-2002, 03:26 PM
It's kind of funny.... You guys are complaining about LOSING power because of the 5000 ft elevation. I get all happy because i GAIN power when I go there. That and Litltle Sahara are the 2 lowest altitude places I ride. I live at 6500 feet and do a lot of riding at 8500 feet.

BTW, I read someplace that the BLM was renovating the BLM campground this year so there may be some inconveniences in that area.

twisted threads
03-21-2002, 03:26 PM
WhoDuner have you ever been to the coastal dunes. I wasn't complaining to bad it was just a big difference between Sealevel and 5000ft thats all. But the loss of compression is wort every bit of it because Idaho ROCKs!

03-25-2002, 03:09 PM
Twisted, no coastal dunes yet. I HOPE to make the trip out to the Oregon dunes this summer. That's almost 1300 miles each way but I think it will be worth it.

I know you weren't complaining... It just gave ME and excuse to complain. I haven't had my Basnhee below 5000 feet so I look forward to seeing what it will do at sea level.

twisted threads
03-26-2002, 04:52 AM
WhoDuner You will like it in Oregon I think. It is lot different then Idaho but one thing that is better is the hp you have. you will love but dont foget to bring lot bigger jets.