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View Full Version : Get a Sony laptop for $5

01-15-2004, 10:36 AM
Your asking yourself "How can I receive a laptop for $5?" Well you simply pay the $5 membership fee to start enjoying all our features! After you activate your account you will receive an e-mail from us either 1, 2, or 3 times a week. (Depending what you have chosen upon sign-up.) Inside the e-mail there will be a link to click after our ad and you gain credits into your EZLaptop account! Once you receive so many credits you receive your laptop absolutely FREE! Don't visit other sites that only give you 1/4 of a credit or 1/2 credit per click. Our site offers whole credits, and whole credits only! Your personal information will never be sold or given out to anyone. EZLaptop only uses your email address to send you the weekly ad.

Another way to receive more credits into your account is by referring people! If you refer friends, family, co-workers etc. you will earn whole credits this way too!

Our site is unique and one of a kind. In little as 2-3 months you can receive your laptop for just receving the weekly ad! On top of that, if you refer anyone you can receive your laptop in even a shorter amount of time! How could it get any better than that?
Just visit this link below:

i have no life and spank it 5 times a day

01-15-2004, 10:47 AM
Actually, I didn't ask my self "How can I receive a laptop for $5?" because it is probably just a bunch of bs!

Sorry buddy, not supposed to advertise here. Talk to Harlan, EXrider admin about advertising.

I will go ahead and post it...

01-15-2004, 10:50 AM