View Full Version : Pics of my ramp that i just got done building in welding class

01-14-2004, 04:24 PM
i just built this tell me what you think

01-14-2004, 04:39 PM
that looks pretty nice, i am also in a metal fab. shop in my school.
How wide did you make it, and have you hit it yet? With only 1 and 1/2 inch square tubing it might not be strong enough..:confused: well let me know how it turns out, i was goin to make one once i get all the material, and it is going to be 3inch angle though.

01-14-2004, 04:40 PM
I woulda put a few more verticle supports, and some x bracin in the back of it, but not too bad.

It also gains height very quickly, that jump is goin to hit pretty hard, I had one like it, max was like 3rd gear just because it threw you too much if any faster.

Not bad:devil:

01-14-2004, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by JACZ400
I woulda put a few more verticle supports, and some x bracin in the back of it, but not too bad.

It also gains height very quickly, that jump is goin to hit pretty hard, I had one like it, max was like 3rd gear just because it threw you too much if any faster.

Not bad:devil:

heres the one he's talkin about

the new ramp is gonna be totally sick tho :cool:

01-14-2004, 04:51 PM
its plenty strong enough, they only use 2 inch tubing on the pro ramps so i think i will be good with this one.as far as it being too steep of a ramp i dont think ill have to worry about it in person it doesnt look that steep at all.and no i havent hit it because i need to put some ply on it , and get a landing built im predicting proly february when ill get the first hit off and it is 3 ft wide as well plenty enough for me on a bike. and about the x bracing in the back i was planning on doing it but didnt have enough time and i didnt order enough metal. i finished this thing in 2 weeks only 1 hour 15 minutes a day and about 4 days were taken up making the cuts in the tranny bending it then rewelding it.

01-14-2004, 05:10 PM
ok, i thought it was goin to be for a quad. Well i just wisht that would be strong enough for a quad, cause then it'd be cheap to build..

01-15-2004, 10:36 PM
Originally posted by JACZ400
I woulda put a few more verticle supports, and some x bracin in the back of it, but not too bad.

It also gains height very quickly, that jump is goin to hit pretty hard, I had one like it, max was like 3rd gear just because it threw you too much if any faster.

Not bad:devil:

my exact thoughts as soon as i saw this, ... this is why i always stressed people having professional ramp builders build their ramps.... it would be like building your own car, how do you know its safe to drive when finished ? in the end people would save alot more, the more ramps bought the more prices go down plus you get a quality ramp that you know is right. i coulda made that ramp for dirt cheap and there would of been no guess work

that ramp the person i quoted posted at the bottom has way too much squareness to it. you could save yourself ALOT of time, money, and weight by tearing out everyone of those horizontal cross supports on the bottom rail except the first and last one and being its not all that tall you dont need that one for the uprights either. all you would to of done is put one X brace in there and it would still be stronger than all that added stuff. and if you wanted to make it super strong put one x brace in the front...... or even faster and cheaper yet. put one angled piece going one way in the back and another one going the other way in the front, you still did an X and it saved even more time weight and money.

ramp building isnt a game... your playing with your life. as they say on TV all the time "dont try this at home"

01-16-2004, 02:27 PM
Originally posted by Jason1
my exact thoughts as soon as i saw this, ... this is why i always stressed people having professional ramp builders build their ramps.... it would be like building your own car, how do you know its safe to drive when finished ? in the end people would save alot more, the more ramps bought the more prices go down plus you get a quality ramp that you know is right. i coulda made that ramp for dirt cheap and there would of been no guess work

that ramp the person i quoted posted at the bottom has way too much squareness to it. you could save yourself ALOT of time, money, and weight by tearing out everyone of those horizontal cross supports on the bottom rail except the first and last one and being its not all that tall you dont need that one for the uprights either. all you would to of done is put one X brace in there and it would still be stronger than all that added stuff. and if you wanted to make it super strong put one x brace in the front...... or even faster and cheaper yet. put one angled piece going one way in the back and another one going the other way in the front, you still did an X and it saved even more time weight and money.

ramp building isnt a game... your playing with your life. as they say on TV all the time "dont try this at home"

well i only have a 100 bux invested in this ramp, and sure you could build this ramp better but you also live in pa. and shipping would be a *****. my ramp may not be the best but its good enough for me, i dont need a pro ramp or a pro built ramp for that matter i just wanted something i could ride at home and something to make in my welding class.

01-16-2004, 04:56 PM
hey dude im not baggin on your work, it doesnt look bad at all. its just im concerned with safety and nothing more. that and structural integrity.. which in turn ends up being safety, so im double on safety, i know what it means to be really really hurt and i dont like it and i dont like others like that either.
your confusing that, you ignored what i said.. you think im dissin your ramp and taking offense to it and thats not the case at all.

i could of built that ramp ramp for you.... now this is totally off the top of my head of course but im saying like maybe $300 ?? maybe even less.

plus ramp shipping isnt really dont that much, more like delivery, your only in kentucky.. i coulda met ya half way and you wouldnt of been out anything more than gas.

like i said, dont take offense im just concerned for your well being i dont want to see young kids get hurt just cuz they didnt know what they were doing.

01-16-2004, 05:16 PM
300 bux is money i didnt have to spend on a ramp, you build some awesome ramps and would love to have a ramp built by you but i needed a project for school and wanted a ramp so it worked out perfect,i guess i must have misinterpreted your post but alot of hard work went into it and getting negative feedback really makes ya feel crap. if all goes well with this ramp i may build a rev.1 over summer. so again dude no offense to you i must have misinterpreted something

01-17-2004, 01:59 AM
scott.. full size (8ft) and just a frame.. would cost a bit more becuase i would have to go 6 ft wide which makes me have to upgrade on some steel for both the width and the size of the steel. but im gonna guess and say somewhere around maybe $800 .

reason i said $300 on his was because he used 1 1/2 14 awg and its only 6 ft tall and 4 ft wide, you would be wanting a 8 1/2 tall , 6 ft wide ramp with 2x2 tubing with an extra center row for extra support so the price jumps up a bit

hession. just watch yourself on that ramp if your going to use it. measure the very centers of the first two sets of where the uprights are before and after each usage .. if its starts to bow down which im betting money it will eventually do... rebrace it. and also, watch your cross supports, those might also bow, and try to center yourself back on the bike more. you kinda messed up the final angle and whats gonna happen is your front end will compress more than your rear and you end up driving into the ramp instead of running off it and it may cause your front end to nose dive uncontrollably. most of the times youll probably hit it just right with no worries but those times you might be a bit off kilter...........well ............ it only takes once.

this is why i stress so much people gettiing a pro to build a ramp. as i said the more business we get the lower we could buil'dm.. hell i could even of did that ramp for you for $250... that is really really really simple. and as i also said dont take offense to that becuase you didnt know any better, this was your first ramp. but thats why im always strongly recommending people to come to a pro ramp builder.. you spend a few extra bucks but you dont have to worry about anything. id rather pay a few extra than worry about killing myself. and im not gonna get rich off $250 . so you know i must have an alterior motive.... keeping people safe.

but anyone else out there reading this, if you want a ramp.. work a deal with a pro to build it.. doesnt have to be me.. but someone who does this for a living. that way there is no more guess work.

keep safe

01-17-2004, 03:55 PM
ramp shipping is insane... i see your in cali so it would cost well over the cost of the price of the ramp just to ship it there. try getting ahold of rick distler at fmxramps.com , hes a lot closer to you than i.. im in PA .

thanks for the inqury though