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View Full Version : Got hit by a cement truck this morning...My fault tho...

01-09-2004, 08:51 AM
This morning before i went to school i was heading down to the deil to get me some coffee. I was stopped at a light. There was a truck in front of me at the red light. This light is pretty long. About 4 trucks went past us in the intersection then the truck in front of me made a right. For soem reason i thought the light was green and made my left. A cemeant truck nailed me on the passenger side. I wasn;t driveing my 03 2500hd today. I was driving my familys old 97 mercury sable. The truck driver tried to slow down the best he could. He ended up nailed me right in the front passengers door. That door is completely shot. Its all folded and theirs wholes in it. That window broke. The back door has some dents in it. I am fine.

The cops were cool thought. They understood it was just an accident and that i wasn't running a red light on proupose. I got to have my dad look at the ticket because i don't under stand it. He marked failure to stop or yeild. He didn't mark down a fine or points. Then on the back where it tells the fines he just put a x through the whole area. He told me to go to court and pled not guilty and the prosecutor may let me off with no points. I am only facing 2 points and 78 dollor fine.

This accident was no ones fault except my own. I am just shocked it happend considering i do speed and i am always careful. The truck driver was very nice. He understood what happened and tried his best to stop but ti hard to stop a big truck at speeds. He told me if i took the turn fast i would of been ok. I slowed down in the middle of the turn because of all the gravel on the road from the snow yesterday.

Guys be careful driving. It only takes a secound to make a mistake. I am just thankful i was not hurt. I am always happy it was a cerment truck and not another vehicle that would of got damaged and costed me more money.

01-09-2004, 08:54 AM
very glad to see you werent hurt.

01-09-2004, 08:57 AM
I hoppe you dont get those two points on your record because its goign to cost you a bundle in insurance. Glad your ok.

01-09-2004, 01:12 PM
When I saw the title to this thread I thought it was about a hard night of hitting the shine, lol! That's the way I usually feel after doing that....(being hit by a cement truck, lol!)

Well, I am glad to see you're ok, just some wounded pride I am sure. Hopefully, your insurance rates will be merciful!:eek2:

01-09-2004, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
very glad to see you werent hurt.

01-09-2004, 01:27 PM
well that sucks that that happened and it's good that you can admit it's your fault and no one elses, not a lot of people can do that!

01-09-2004, 01:38 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
very glad to see you werent hurt. Yep .At least your here typing to us:p