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01-08-2004, 05:37 PM
I would like to start racing sometime in the next year and I was wondering about how expensive it gets to maintain(keep in good working condition) your quad and race entry fees and all the other stuff. Is XC usually more expensive than mx? It seems like XC quads take a lot more abuse...Apprx. how much do you guys spend to get you through one full racing season? Thanks.

Martin Blair
01-08-2004, 05:53 PM
well intries here a 30 and if its a ama event you ahve to have a ama member ship which is liek 30-40 a year dopnt remember. I raced Xc last year but only made it to 3 races, i only spent 90 for entry fees and slime for my flats, along with oil and matenence stuff probably only spent arround 150 for 3 racesm if you where to break soemthing it would be more but i actually came homw with 2 throphys last year so i didnt just screwed arorund goign 2 miles and an hour

01-08-2004, 05:56 PM
Originally posted by brandon025
I would like to start racing sometime in the next year and I was wondering about how expensive it gets to maintain(keep in good working condition) your quad and race entry fees and all the other stuff. Is XC usually more expensive than mx? It seems like XC quads take a lot more abuse...Apprx. how much do you guys spend to get you through one full racing season? Thanks.

It takes every bit of extra money I get and it's still not enough. Racing is a HUGE expense.

Bill Fuller
01-08-2004, 06:07 PM
To be serious you definatly need deep pockets.
Race fee $30
Gate fee $5
ATVA membership $40 (last one year)
Oil change and gas for quad $20
Gas for trip average $20
Plus misc. expenses,Tear offs,tires,shock rebuilds,broken or worn parts etc....

01-08-2004, 06:11 PM
I just spend all the $ I have on it:D

01-08-2004, 07:19 PM
gizmocor's got the idea!!!!!!!

first times gonna run ya $40 for AMA and $10 local fee.....+ gate.

every week.... $10 gate plus $30 to race plus $12-15 per hour of drive time for gas plus $25 for fuel for the bike..

figure $150-175 the first time and $60 every week after....

so $150 a week roughly.... my local series has 30 races.. thats roughly $2000 just to get to and enter all the races.... figure if your lucky $400 in tires for the year..... plus pistons and rings... is your bike jetted right... how many topends till it is???? It could easily take $5000 to run even a local series all year competitivley not to mention the Nationals..... My opinion. the GNC's are twice as expensive to run a season of then the the GNCC's......therefore the local MX series would be more expensive to run then the local Harescramble series.... U have to factor in drive time to be sure... Most of the Cost of MX is in the A-Arms and Supension. An average rider could get away with running GNCC type races with a stock bike.. Not in MX though.. just about everyones got Arms and an axle.... just my 2 cents though...

for me i usuallly put a price tag of $500 on a GNCC weekend... that covers a room,gas,race fuels,Outback... a tire or skid plate, entry fee, race fee, and T shirt. Most of the time a run alone, sleep in the truck, skimp on the room, and am too sick from exhaustion,dehydration and lack of physical prep to enjoy the Outback. So i skip it and drive straight home doing 45 mph just to keep it between the lines, end up using no gas, and i have change left over to feed the family for another week!!!!


01-09-2004, 12:55 AM
racing is TOTALLY expensive!:eek2: Especially when you have 4 in your house that do it! entries X's 4 ,Race gas, gate fees,mods, then dont forget any of those Dr Bills if you eat chit:o

ex kid
01-09-2004, 08:11 AM
i spend about 70 bucks for a district and thats for me!!!!!!! i dont even drive. 70 x 11 races plus all the **** i broke this year. i work part time and winter is the time to save. come spring, my paycheck goes to racing!!!!!!!!!!!!!

gate fee $10

entry- $30-$35

gas/oil for the bike(s)- $20


then when the bike falls off the trailer the bill goes up....


01-09-2004, 08:18 AM
Alot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:eek2: :eek2: :eek2:

01-09-2004, 08:57 AM
It has been a while since I have raced, but I did do it for 16-17 years and It cost me everything I could make and then some! You know what, I would not trade the expieriences and friendships and lifes lessons for all that money back. It is a lifestyle, and I absolutley loved it. Just do it and scrape your way along, you won't be sorry,and by the way good luck!

01-09-2004, 10:34 AM
It gets expensive but the memories are worth it. better than sitting home flipping channels on a sunday afternoon.

01-09-2004, 10:42 AM
Certaintly worth it, I have played football, ran track...nothing compares to it...not even close....Get your district card and ATVA card a month or two in advance to make it not seem like a big hit at your first race..That could be a pricey weekend if you do it all at one time. The farthest track for my district is about 3.5 hours away, so there are some gas expenses, and food..bring your own food, everyone grills at races. Little stuff like that seem to cut down on expenses. But there are no 2 ways around it. It is not cheap........

01-09-2004, 12:38 PM
We usually spend close to $200 a weekend for a race, between me and my dad.
That includes:
Gas for truck $50 to fill (usually gets to and from the track)
Race gas + oil for quad: $25
Entry fee: $25
Gate fees: $20 (10/eac.)
Food: $50 (Gatorade, etc.)
+ whatever else comes up at the track..

At the closest national (High Point) we spend over $500 usually.

It's definitely costly!! Try and find a sponsor who pays $$.

01-09-2004, 01:04 PM
Around here it is....for mx anyways:

$15 for a CRA member ship card
$7 for the gate fee
$20 for your first class, $15 each additional class

Standard stuff, except the one time membership card.

$4 for some high test
$10 for gas in the truck...heck I don't need a full tank...just enough, lol!
$10 for an oil change every other week
$$$$$$$ for all the miscellaneous crap that happens every week!

Food and drinks I bring on my own to help off set the costs....about $10 there I guess.

Racing is dang expensive, and I do it more budget oriented and do alright. Most guys spend way more than me. BUT, man, do I freaking love racing!:D

01-09-2004, 01:40 PM
Originally posted by YLW400
bring your own food,

Most of the tracks we go to the food sucks and it cost a fortune. Thats why we bring our own.

01-09-2004, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by QuadJunkies
racing is TOTALLY expensive!:eek2: Especially when you have 4 in your house that do it! entries X's 4 ,Race gas, gate fees,mods, then dont forget any of those Dr Bills if you eat chit:o

If Troy stops racing you will save on the dr. bills:blah: .

01-09-2004, 03:41 PM
Thanks guys, that was helpful. I guess I need to start saving up if I am going to race next year!

01-10-2004, 08:03 PM
Racing is way to costly i ran the gnc motocross and all the dist 11 races . You spend alot of money but you will never forget the good times and people you meet.

01-10-2004, 09:04 PM
Its expensive....you either pay or you dont race. You always have to expect the worst(parts breaking etc.).

I race nearly every weekend through alot of the year. I will break something about every other race..lol. If you have dedication to the sport you will get it fixed in time for your next race...i usually manage to get it fixed.