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View Full Version : Ouch...and Crap!!

01-08-2004, 01:14 AM
Well.....while at the dunes (Buttercup) for New Years....I snapped my collar bone and 2 ribs..................that was the ouch...

now the crap. the bones are seperated by an inch and will take up to 3 months to heal...and no riding for 4-5 months...they won't operate and plate the bones together unless they don't heal after 2 months.....what the he**???? this HURTS......not so much the collar bone trying to poke through my skin.......as the rib broken at my spine.....breathing hurts!!! i am going to be way behind in points this season...missing 3 or 4 races!!!AAAAAAHHH

anyone else have a long recovery for a collar bone...?? anyone have it screwed together??

01-08-2004, 01:32 AM
busted ribs :(

everything you do hurts. i feel for ya man, been there.

here's a tip. when ya need to sneeze...go ahead and sneeze. it hurts more if you try to stop the sneeze.

01-08-2004, 08:59 AM
Collar Bones Suck--broke mine twice hurt worse the second time,
all they done for me was put me in some sort of a brace, and said it wasnt gonna be as good as before:huh

01-08-2004, 09:00 AM
i feel for ya. i broke 2 ribs last year and it still hurts certain ways i move.

i wish ya the best for a speedy recovery:(

01-08-2004, 09:14 AM
I broke mt right clavicle on a bicycle...trying to be Evil Kneivel...lol launched off of a shale berm, flipped backwards and landed on my shoulder blades. I looked over and saw my shoulder almost poking through my skin....not a good feeling. They tryed to set it after putting me to sleep but couldn't, so they had to cut me. It sounds like it was actually caught in my shoulder muscle (trap). I really don't have any problems with it , but sometimes when I get really out of breath, it starts hurting, I don't know if I caused some nerve damage or what.:confused:

01-08-2004, 09:24 AM
Nick - what happened??? That sucks!!! I hear collarbones hurt alot, too - but they heal up good........

Dunes were wicked, weren't they??? There were awesome jumps out there this time!!

01-08-2004, 01:35 PM
i just got out of the hospital yesterday for a broken leg.:(