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View Full Version : staying up for 30+ hours

Greg Z
01-04-2004, 01:34 AM
Well I woke up today at SATURDAY 1 PM. School starts MONDAY 7:20 AM I wake up around 6:30AM. Im going to stay up all day till Sunday night and then go to sleep for school. Im not sure if its all that smart but its 3:31AM sunday AND if i go to sleep now i will wake up around 2 PM and then wont be able to sleep till around 4AM Monday morning

so this bassicalllly suckss:( :o

01-04-2004, 02:12 AM
I think its around 4:00 here and I dont plan on going to sleep for a while.

Ill just make myself wake up for school, that should be an interesting day...

One time I didnt sleep at all and still went to school...

Greg Z
01-04-2004, 02:27 AM
that musta sucked if I dont sleep


plusmy house is about half a mile from school... if im every to tired got a free periode i walk home and chill at my house sleep for a bit or go in the hot tub

bring some ;) ;) home

and ;) ;)

you know the drill

01-06-2004, 08:15 PM
last wekk i got about 2 hours of sleep on thurs night through fri. morning cause of my dogs and i woke up jus before 8 am stayed up from 8 am fri. till about 2:30 am sunday morning i had 2 red bulls saturday during the day. i got 10 min of sleep at 10am saturday but this was by choice cause we had a few party's both days to go to so i decided to stay up. 42 hours awake n 2 hours of sleep and 2 red ulls at least i only remember 2. ahh i love going n brek from school

01-06-2004, 08:20 PM
i got about 1 hour of sleep last night and about 5 the night before. I think tonight i'll finally be able to get back on schedule. Carry around a caffeine pill with you if you get really tired just to get you through the day and then go to sleep when you get home. Just don't nap to long so that you won't be able to sleep later.

01-06-2004, 09:24 PM
that sucks

01-06-2004, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by Greg Z
Well I woke up today at SATURDAY 1 PM. School starts MONDAY 7:20 AM I wake up around 6:30AM. Im going to stay up all day till Sunday night and then go to sleep for school. Im not sure if its all that smart but its 3:31AM sunday AND if i go to sleep now i will wake up around 2 PM and then wont be able to sleep till around 4AM Monday morning

so this bassicalllly suckss:( :o

pure genious!

if you stay up that long all weekend, you can basically fall asleep at will in school, i wish i had thought of that !

give this man a medal

Martin Blair
01-06-2004, 10:00 PM
sometimes if im tired i sleep when i get home from schol andwake up arround 1-2 am do homework and eat, then chill till 730

Narly R
01-06-2004, 10:12 PM
Only weekends I am not tired.......:rolleyes:

danney f
01-06-2004, 11:37 PM
Try working nights than watching kids during the day will the wife is at work. You wouldn't beleive what can happen within 15 minutes when you have three unsupervised kids.

01-07-2004, 12:07 AM
I stay up over 30 hours all the time. I work shift. When i work off, on my last night, i dont go to bed till the next night.

Wake up at 2pm, got to work at 6pm, get home at 7pm, go to bed that night at 10pm.

It aint fun though.

01-07-2004, 12:23 AM
id go to school all week with about 7 hrs of sleep the whole school week..... who knows how i did it, then after school id go straight to work to get money for that quad