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View Full Version : what was your worst crash with a quad

01-03-2004, 01:19 PM
im jus wondering cause im bored,what was all of your worst crashes,and if you damaged your ride real bad do you have a pic so we can all feel somewhat sorry,lol.I've only been into quads now for bout 2 or 3 years and really didnt start off riding crazy so to my surprise i havent crash real bad yet,i mean ive crashed into a gate and other lil things,but how bout u guys?

01-03-2004, 01:27 PM

came haulin *** around a blind turn and there was a chain up.

Last week 2 people died from accidents very simmular to mine. i got lucky

01-03-2004, 01:28 PM
I clipped a tree full throttle on my old fat trailblazer..my front left wheel hit and there was a small gravel hill to the right, so the quad flipped and threw me over the cliff. Kinda sucked.

01-03-2004, 01:32 PM
when i first got my bike i always went slow threw our timber but after a while i got my confidence up and one day i just went screamin threw the timber....well this was after a really bad wind storm the night before and one of the trees off to the side of the trail had fallen over..so i come around a corner about 3rd gear and i just nail it b/c a jump is coming up and like i always do i started to eye the landing...well looking ahead i didnt see the fallen tree....needless to say i hit the tree and went over the bars HARD....but all it did was bend my bars and levers....i learned now to always scout the entire trail in front of you and beyond....:macho

01-03-2004, 01:56 PM
Built a jump hit it a little fast for the first time. Well it was to steep for a jump, first one I ever built, and I was about 6-8ft in the air. Quad started to go nose down on a roll I bailed and landed on my backed rolled it out to my feet. I got up felt fine walked over my four wheeler landed on its bumper all was well. I went back first shovel strike into the dirt on went down on my knees in pain. I tore muscles that connect your shoulder to your spine. I then went to physical therapy 3 hours a day 3 times a week for a 5 weeks. When I was done with therapy I was like a 6 1/2 out of 10 in strength. When I started the doctor said I was a -3. I couldn't even raise my arm by it self. When I left I was doing 5lbs. Sounds like hardly anything but it was agony to me.

01-03-2004, 02:02 PM
my worst one was racing at jolly rogers. i juped suicide hill and landed sideways and i landed without my quad cause i jumped off and tried to run a hill thats so steep you cant walk down and i fell right to my knees, spun around, whacked my head good, and i sparined my ankle pretty bad.

01-03-2004, 02:16 PM
Worst crash on a quad would probably be when i was topped out on my 97 300 fourtraxx, came around a turn on glare ice and couldnt stop and smashed into a tree, about 3 years ago. I went flying over the bars and smashed my helmet into the tree. Bent the bars terribly.. Worst on my dirtbike would be when i hit a jump and it tossed me off the seat, smashed my nose into the bars twice and was still hangin on draging of the back after i landed.

01-03-2004, 02:22 PM
Back in the ol' 300EX days I was going down a pretty steep wash out when I somehow caught the front tire or grabbed to much front brake. Anyways my rear proceeded to pass me, once it righted itself I manged to go from the seat to underneath my a-arms at which this point the quad pushed me down the rest of this hill. After it removed my own shirt from my back it finished running me over and found its way into a tree at the bottom.
God I love this sport!

01-03-2004, 02:32 PM
I can tell you of one I almost had which would have been THE worst. I was out riding the ditches along the highway in the winter. I went up around a farmers driveway and down the other side headed towards what looked like bare frozen ground. When I hit it, I found out it was manure runoff from a hog lot that had a thin frozen crust on top of it. My front wheel buried itself and I came THIS CLOSE to going over the bars and headfirst into the manure!

01-03-2004, 04:26 PM
While jumping during a race a slower rider didnt quite make the jump and was right underneath me . Instead of landing on him and prolly killing the kid i threw the quad sideways and bailed . I ended up landing on a tree branch that was stickign out of the ground and put it right threw my side . That was my worse crash . 3inch branch in threw the front out threw the back . Spent almost a month in hospital and got a pretty crazy Helicopter ride .

01-03-2004, 04:28 PM
120 stitches and a dent in the LRD

01-03-2004, 05:38 PM
Hydroplaneing a pond in the florence sand dunes. Completly tapped in 5th with 14/37 gearing on my R I cartwheeled the bike. Broken collorbone and a mild concussion.

01-03-2004, 05:44 PM
Doin bout 4th gear on dirt road, messin around, sliden the rear end out and stuff... then it happend! The tires just bit REAL hard and I had NO time to react, threw me off, quad flipped up and over me, I rolled a few times on the packed road (frozen too). Bend the bars pretty good, scraped up the plastic, scaped alot of paint off my helmet, big bruise on my hip... Im sure its not the last!

01-03-2004, 05:48 PM
i have only been riding for a year or so, but my worst crash was 2 days ago. i was riding in the snow that was left after the rain and was riding up a hill (it was a little icey). i got to the top and whipped the back end around to go back down the hill and i got it all the way around then it grabed and i went about 15 feet then i seen the quad rolling down after me. luckily it stopped 4 feet before it hit me. not to bad for riding like i do on the little 250

01-03-2004, 05:50 PM
Came around a turn too fast, right front wheel came and hit a tiny tree, the quad kept on going, and because of the fact that the tire went up the tree it sent me into a barrel roll and I landed about 10 feet away from the quad, and the quad 5 feet away from the tree. The quad knocked over the tree. That's the only crash I've had, last week I almost hit a tree head on going about 30mph, trying to chase my dad because he got a head start, I came down a rocky hill and it's almost a 90* turn, so I was rippin through, saw the tree and slammed on my front and back brakes, I came about 1 foot away from probably being tossed about 30 feet, the tree branced off and looked like a Y so I would've gone right inbetween both. Good thing I thank quick though.:eek2:

01-03-2004, 06:03 PM
I've crashed a good bit, 2 of them i rolled on hills but suprisingly they weren't bad.. I rolled once by myself goin round a turn 2 fast.. it wasn't bad either but worse than the hills. One time wit all my friends i did a stoppie on pavement and it went a bit to far.. I think that was the most painful outta all of em... But the worst one had 2 be when me and my gf were ridin like a week ago.. we slid on sum ice and slid to the side of the road and then the tires caught again and u know what happened next haha... I wasn't to bad really.. but it hurts ur pride alot.. nuttin i could really do and we both ended up fine....Only thing that happened to the quad was that the front fenders cracked:devil:

01-03-2004, 06:36 PM
i was goin full speed on my rancher and hit a little enbankment that stop the quad dead in its tracks. luckily i knew it was coming so i pulled my feet up and let go of the bars. the bars caught my legs and gave me two bruses and cracket the front fender with my knee.

01-03-2004, 06:39 PM
my worst crash took me out of the season i was at mapleshade mx in sugar grove pa practicing when i came off a down hill jump and my quad landed on me
2 broken ribs
broken collar bone
bruised lungs
dislocated shoulder
fracture sternum
lost feeling in right hip to this day

01-03-2004, 06:40 PM
I had some friends over and noticed they were not hittin the 60 footer at the top of the hill.I was not riding at the time since I just still had stitches in my wrist from surgery.Well,my wife left and I said"let me see your quad,I'll hit it".I hit it great 5 or 6 times in a row then I said to myself "1 mor time".This time I landed in the flat and couldn't make the turn,BAM!!! I hit a fence post all crossed up.I got twisted and thrown from the quad about 25' to my back.I ended up with 4 rib heads dislocated from my spine,and I am still going to physical therapy 8 months later.Needless to say,I wacked the top off of the tack off.

01-03-2004, 06:49 PM
The one that hurt me the worst i was going up the hill and kicking the rear around and going back down , caught a little traction so I baled and ended up with some fluid in my knee.

The one that hurt the quad the most I was riding in a old strip mine jumped a small jump and my quad went strait down in a 5ft ditch after it, I landed on the other side and was fine but it completly smashed the dg bumper I had at the time.

01-04-2004, 07:22 AM
another crash ive had is jumping a 60 foot jump at my house and i landed really crossed up and instantly flipped me over and the quad had a bent steering stem so far back that the steering stem mount was crushin the fuel cap. stock plastics were junk.

Another crash happened to my friend on the 60 footer. my friend wes (ntp22) and he landed flat on his back off of the jump. he couldnt breath for a bit and scared the **** out of me lol.

and oh on that same day wes crashed my neighbor Kevin hit the jump and well my track is out in the woods and he flew off the jump way out of control and ended up going threw two trees that are about 4ft apart and landed in a pile of logs. pretty scary day, i thought for sure kevin was dead but the kid is tuff as nails and got right up

01-04-2004, 09:21 AM
jeeze i gues ive been lucky. riding 2 years and oly two incidents that werent bad at all. first one was i was doing donuts and the front end kept lifting up on me then finally it threw me off.:p other time i got stuck in a ditch and had my feet in grab bar trying to get it out and it flipped over backwards on me into thigh deep water.:o :p

01-04-2004, 09:43 AM
I have had three that looked pretty hard I guess. The second to worst one would probably be I was ridin my Banshee at Florence, on the flats, 5th gear WFO in a wheely, hit a little 3-4 inch berm of sand with the rear tires. It made it flip over forward, and the grab bar landed on my leg and bent the subframe down about 8 inches. You could see the tire tracks in the sand of just a little front tire, then no tracks at all for 8-10 feet, then the front tires again, then the front bumper and plastic, then it ripped over forward and landed on its tires, still idling.

Next worse would be during practice at Castle Rock (1/2 Mile TT) My first or second lap on my brand new Black Fullbores, actually. I was following this other pretty fast 400 through the big sweeper, and he spun out probably 10 feet in front of me, I hit him head on, and we tore a 12 foot chunk out of the wall. Broke my front bumper bolts off and bent my AC bumper up to the plastic. It was wedged between the frame and the A-Arm bolts. It wrinkled his Duncan all the way back to his sway bar on one side.

The worst looking would be during a heat race on a 3/8 mile oval. I was trying to pass for the lead on the last lap, on the outside in my usual fashion, and got half of my outside tires out of the groove. You can see in this picture that I spun out, but you can see that I hit the #2 bike head on, my R flipped over, and just as I was leaning up, the bike landed on me. Bent steering stem, clay stuck in my shamrocks with "Douglas" imprinted on it. The worst part about this crash was we were 5th pinned when it started...thats on a PSI 425.


Got nads?
01-04-2004, 09:45 AM
I got two:

1. About 2 years ago I found a pretty good jump where I ride. Being stupid I kept going faster and faster off it until I over jumped it and me and my 400EX nose dived into the dirt, the quad rolled on topped of me. Lets just say I couldn't walk for 2 weeks, I kind of hobbled around.

2. This past summer me and my bro were practice racing on an mx track. We were on the last lap with my buddy in 1st, my Bro in 2nd, and I was 3rd. I caught up to my bro and was going to pass him on the last big table top well I was going faster so naturally I went higher and farther then my bro, then it looked like I was going to pass him, untill he it the gas and I landed on his left front and rear tires, with my right front and rear tires. It double bounced me and flipped me. Luckily neither of us got hurt with only minimal damage to our quads.

01-04-2004, 09:51 AM
My worst crash was when i first got my blaster, we used to ride in the feild next to my house and the people that lived at the top,(they didnt own it they just lived in the top corner) got mad about noise, and we didnt even ride at night. Well one day i was with my friend and i came flying up the feild and turns out they had a dug a ditch i hit going about 50mph it stopped me dead and the 4 wheeler did a couple front flips and i got knocked out and a ambulance had to come and pick me up in the feild. The cops said they couldnt do anythign because they said i had no proff that they dug it.

01-04-2004, 10:12 AM
ive i had some bad ones but the worst that i ever saw was my next door nieghbor. He has a banshee and an rm 250. He completely decked out the motor on his rm but something wasnt right so he just left it and rode his banshee but the he fried the motor on his banshhe. SO he decided to fix the 250 well after putting all new electrical in it it was ready t ogo and he hadnt been on a bike in a long time. He can wheelie for ever on a bike and he came up to me and told me that his 250 was damn fast and he told me to watch him do a wheelie so he came down the road and i heard him go through all 5 gears and he had it wound out in 5th and the wind was against him he had it full speed had to have been close to 80mph and he pulled it up and that wind hit and the bike went right over backwards. It was horrible, he broke his shoulder blade and got so much road rash. 6 weeks later he was back out on the road doin wheelies though: moral of the story, my neighbor is an idoit!!!!

01-04-2004, 10:18 AM
I guess my worst 1, I was practicing on my track. I had an 80' triple that no quad had ever attempted, well I decided I was gonna do it. I hit it 4th pinned on my 440 stroker, it wasn't enough. I cased it, went over the bars, landed about 40' from the landing. Didn't hurt the quad, just bent the bars down. I had a torn rotator cuff, back was out of place, my hips felt like they had sand in the joints. I couldn't walk for 3 weeks. My shoulder's still not 100%.

My most recent was last summer. I was practicing at Countyline MX. I was doing the double, double, triple. When I landed the 2nd double my bottom right ball joint broke, I went off the right corner of the triple, quad landed on it's front bumper, slammed me into the ground then went end over end. I had a concussion and broken collarbone(2nd time for that 1), I don't remember the wreck or the next day. The quad had 3 broken ball joints, 1 bent ball joint, 1 broken tie rod, the other bent. It wasn't pretty! I'm sure it won't be the last........:huh

01-04-2004, 10:41 AM
mine would proably be driving home from my friends house 2 years ago. i went up this steep dirt hill (about 15-20 feet tall) and then it stalled on me right as the front tires made it over the lip. i didnt shift down in time. next i start to feel like im falling backwords. the bike starts tipping over backwards. when it was straight up and down i jumped back as far as i could. i landed right on a rock and the handlebars came down on my right knee. (remember, its upsidedown). that would be my worst. that knee is still really bad today.

01-04-2004, 02:15 PM
omg,holy chit i feel bad for all of you guys:eek2: some of dat must really hurt,like da guy with the first picture,he could've had no head after dat

Tommy 17
01-04-2004, 02:59 PM
the scariest...

i was runnin up a power line here about 4th gear... mayb 5th can't remember and hit a rut... threw the quad sideways and me over the bars... i was in the air and my feet were down and i was like o chit i gotta run bc my feet are hitting 1st... my legs hit the ground and i couldn't run 50 mph or so and i face planted head 1st into the ground... my legs couldn't go fast enouf!!! quad did a flip over me and landed on its wheels... no damage to etiehr of us...

my most injured crahs...

1999 i was racing my cr80... got pushed out in the 1st turn and was runnin dead last... i passed 2 kids on a down hill and my friend was infront of me (his 1st race) i didn't wanna push him hard or scare him in this turn and i figured i'd pass him goin back up the hill... i took inside line and the kid behind me took REALLY INSIDE where there was no line... hit my left femur and isntantly broke it in half... i flew over and when i hit the ground the 2 halfs of the bone hit shattering them... my leg was in 14 pices... the bike was layin on me... and noone was round!!!!! noone could see me... i layed there tillt he guy waterin the track saw me and ran over... called paramedics... cost me 13 days or somethin in the hospital and didn't walk till next summer:grr:

heres my leg:mad:

01-04-2004, 03:08 PM

01-04-2004, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
While jumping during a race a slower rider didnt quite make the jump and was right underneath me . Instead of landing on him and prolly killing the kid i threw the quad sideways and bailed . I ended up landing on a tree branch that was stickign out of the ground and put it right threw my side . That was my worse crash . 3inch branch in threw the front out threw the back . Spent almost a month in hospital and got a pretty crazy Helicopter ride .

Now that, i can definetely say, is probably the worst posted out of all of them:eek2: ouch. Just like gettin stabbed with a knife with ruff corners, that had to leave a mark!:eek:

01-04-2004, 03:24 PM
all i gotta say is WTF:huh :eek2: how in da world did you survive

01-04-2004, 03:35 PM
this isnt that bad .... but i was racing at jollies once and i was 2nd on the holeshot the kid in front of my went to the right of the holeshot jump and i went to the left ... all of a sudden he comes over to the right and i go off the jump.... jumping over the top of him.. then i come doen hard right on his quad ... i went flyin in the air and some dumb kid runs me over.... i broke my elbow... and the other kid finished 6th ...:mad: :grr:

01-04-2004, 05:12 PM
Ewwwww...that stick thing is horrible!!! Glad you are OK!

My worst was my last big crash - I was 5th gear pinned trying to clear a 110 foot table during a race......didn't quite make it and bounced off the end of it....SIDEWAYS....I said a few bad words before I landed and flipped I don't know how many times!!! That was a painful crash - my quad ended up in the middle of the track somewhere and I couldn't breathe....had to scramble off the track...sort of remember that....made it to my quad...race was still going....I got it back up on all 4's....tried to start it and it wouldn't start!!!! I looked down at the start button and my thumb kept snapping all the way backwards every time I pushed the button....the EMT that was there helped me start it....I finished the race....and came in 3rd for the second moto before I figured out how broken my thumb really was!

That one did me in, though - I am still afraid of coming off jumps sideways now.....I think it will take a long time to get my nerve back up again for those really big jumps......

01-04-2004, 05:49 PM
Originally posted by bobby88
Now that, i can definetely say, is probably the worst posted out of all of them:eek2: ouch. Just like gettin stabbed with a knife with ruff corners, that had to leave a mark!:eek: Yeah it hurt like a mother F****r and left me with many nice scars . One is right from my belly botton down and is about 12 inches long cuz of where they had to cut me open for surgery , 2 others are about 3 inches long and are off to the right hand side , they are a result of tubes that were shoved in me for a month . Then I got the initial scars from from branch going in and out . I was in more shock than pain when it happened . EMS had to cut the branch cuz if they would have pulled it out at the track I'd have died almost instantly . They flew in the helicopter and flew me to the hospital . Doctor told me afterwards that If theyd have drove me the 15 minute drive to the hospital , I wouldn't have made it . I dont ever wanna experience a helicopter ride under those circumstances again ... I didnt even get to see outside ... cheap ride I want my money back . Joke:cool:

01-04-2004, 05:54 PM
it was my birth day and i had a couple friends over we went riding i didnt wear my helmet so were out riding havin a blast i go ripping up a hill in fourth gear my rpms were goin down so i down shift and jump on the throttle to hard the front end comes i jump of the back injuries were 6 staples in my head, a broken wrist and a very sore back

sam the brave
01-04-2004, 06:55 PM
one day three years ago i was racing my brother we both had blasters and as i hit a corner as fast as it could go my tire poped and sucked my off the trail and i hit a big tree i completly destroyed the blaster got wipe lash wore a neck brack for a month from thata one

01-05-2004, 01:10 PM
the only bad one i have had is when i was at my friends house and he just got a brand new 250ex, like 2 days after that he went down a trail and i let my friend ride my 400 so i didnt pay attention to where my friend on the 250ex went so when i got my 400 back i was flying down the trail i think i was in the top of 4th and i nailed my friend on the 250ex head on he was in like 3rd or 4th, he flew of and rolled down a hill, his bike ended up upsidedown, when i hit him i just did a little endo, well i poped both his tires and bent both his rims so the didnt hold air, bent his a arms and tierods, and i just got a flat ( tires were bald any way ) and a bent tierod. this was like the day before thanksgiving and he still didnt get his bike back from the dealer where hes getting it fixed. it was barley broken in to, we were both fine, he just had a bruise the size of a football on his leg

01-05-2004, 02:08 PM
my 1st year racing back in 92 (i was 12)i was at a small oval in south alabama for a 4th of july weekend.i was right behind a guy on my blaster when he had to turn sharp right comming out of turn 2.i tried to go low but i slid into a guy on a suzuki 250 that had spun out. my right rear hit its right front and slung me off straight down the middle of the track and my quad went off the track (remember i was going to the infield). i was like superman flying for about 15 ft till i landed on the base of my neck and back. jammed my neck for several years and tried to turn one vertebre sideways and broke my thumb. still having problems to this day. wrecked my axle, nerf bars and hurt me pretty bad. i think it just rolled that guy over.i got up looking for my quad and was going to race once i got out of the ambulance but the bike wasnt able. when we got home we had the motor ported polished and bored.

01-05-2004, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by 400grl
Ewwwww...that stick thing is horrible!!! Glad you are OK!

My worst was my last big crash - I was 5th gear pinned trying to clear a 110 foot table during a race......didn't quite make it and bounced off the end of it....SIDEWAYS....I said a few bad words before I landed and flipped I don't know how many times!!! That was a painful crash - my quad ended up in the middle of the track somewhere and I couldn't breathe....had to scramble off the track...sort of remember that....made it to my quad...race was still going....I got it back up on all 4's....tried to start it and it wouldn't start!!!! I looked down at the start button and my thumb kept snapping all the way backwards every time I pushed the button....the EMT that was there helped me start it....I finished the race....and came in 3rd for the second moto before I figured out how broken my thumb really was!

That one did me in, though - I am still afraid of coming off jumps sideways now.....I think it will take a long time to get my nerve back up again for those really big jumps......

corry was that at glen helen?

01-05-2004, 06:18 PM
It was december 22nd 2001.

I was riding my 300ex about 3 miles back into the woods.The guy that owns the property also owns a construction company.They had been using a trachoe to dig this ditch and all the dirt was piled up about 4 foot high.One spot was about 6 foot high with a nice angle on it.The thing was it was barely wide enough for the bike.

I was jumping it alright just hitting it in 2nd gear.Well I got a pretty good run at it and was in 4th tapped or the bottom of 5th.(I can't remember)Anyway I hit the jump and the right front tire wasn't all the way on it and the bike did a barrel roll.I flew off and when I landed I landed with both my hands out in front of me and broke both of my wrist.I had to ride the bike 3 miles home with a badly bent tie rod and both wrist broken.

The pain was so bad.It felt like someone was taking foot long needles and pushing them through my arms.I spent christmas without being able to open my presents and eat christmas dinner.

01-05-2004, 06:29 PM
i kno wat it is like to have a broken wrist

Martin Blair
01-05-2004, 09:54 PM
ive never eally crashed come close a few times on 2 wheels but lucky i never have wrecked.

01-05-2004, 11:04 PM
Originally posted by Moded86R
It was december 22nd 2001.

I was riding my 300ex about 3 miles back into the woods.The guy that owns the property also owns a construction company.They had been using a trachoe to dig this ditch and all the dirt was piled up about 4 foot high.One spot was about 6 foot high with a nice angle on it.The thing was it was barely wide enough for the bike.

I was jumping it alright just hitting it in 2nd gear.Well I got a pretty good run at it and was in 4th tapped or the bottom of 5th.(I can't remember)Anyway I hit the jump and the right front tire wasn't all the way on it and the bike did a barrel roll.I flew off and when I landed I landed with both my hands out in front of me and broke both of my wrist.I had to ride the bike 3 miles home with a badly bent tie rod and both wrist broken.

The pain was so bad.It felt like someone was taking foot long needles and pushing them through my arms.I spent christmas without being able to open my presents and eat christmas dinner.

you know what else you couldnt do!!!!! :devil:

use the restroom by urself, what were you thinkin... sicko

01-06-2004, 06:25 AM
i was riding a high speed wheelie on my dirtbike when i was about 15, i didnt realize how far i had rode the wheelie and when i set the front wheel down i got caught across the chest by a telophone pole guy wire. knocked me out and cracked a rib, and had a black bruise at a angle across my chest.

01-06-2004, 06:35 AM
I was riding my brothers 250EX in the field across from our house, and I was about in 4th gear or so jumping across some berms, well I came up on this small berm that I had no problem going over on the 300EX, mostly because the 300EX's rear suspension doesnt kick nearly as much as the 250EX's does, well, I lifted the front end over it, and the back end hit and completely went over, with me on it, the 250 landed on me then bounced off and landed on all 4-wheels, it had slightly bent handlebars, I couldnt move my shoulder for 2 weeks.

The other one was when me and a neighbor were on my 2 little Yamaha Zingers, I was on the 3-wheeler, he was on the 4, well we both came out of different parts of the trail and nailed each other, I flew through the air and luckily got in a tucked position and rolled, he was fine, as was the 4-wheeler, the 3-wheeler's front wheel was completely bent around.

09-05-2005, 09:11 PM
I was going up a hill in 3rd and I didnt noticed the kick out on the top,my 400 just fliped front over,came down on my head and chest and then rolled over my arm pretty bad as it was sliding down the hill,all I gotta say is thank god for helmets,cause if I wasnt wearing one,I would most likely be dead right now

09-05-2005, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
the scariest...

i was runnin up a power line here about 4th gear... mayb 5th can't remember and hit a rut... threw the quad sideways and me over the bars... i was in the air and my feet were down and i was like o chit i gotta run bc my feet are hitting 1st... my legs hit the ground and i couldn't run 50 mph or so and i face planted head 1st into the ground... my legs couldn't go fast enouf!!! quad did a flip over me and landed on its wheels... no damage to etiehr of us...

my most injured crahs...

1999 i was racing my cr80... got pushed out in the 1st turn and was runnin dead last... i passed 2 kids on a down hill and my friend was infront of me (his 1st race) i didn't wanna push him hard or scare him in this turn and i figured i'd pass him goin back up the hill... i took inside line and the kid behind me took REALLY INSIDE where there was no line... hit my left femur and isntantly broke it in half... i flew over and when i hit the ground the 2 halfs of the bone hit shattering them... my leg was in 14 pices... the bike was layin on me... and noone was round!!!!! noone could see me... i layed there tillt he guy waterin the track saw me and ran over... called paramedics... cost me 13 days or somethin in the hospital and didn't walk till next summer:grr:

heres my leg:mad:

man, that sucks, but what are you doing with your hand?!? :huh

09-06-2005, 04:10 AM
I was riding a wheelie in a rocky field 4th pinned n hit a big bump i came down n went over the bars n my quad rolled 5 times for 30 yards i tumbled across the field n knocked my helmet off under my chin was bleeding cuz it ripped the straps right off

I sprained my ankle, got a concusion, knocked out, bruised tail bone n pretty much anywhere on my body was scraped up for about 15 minutes i couldnt feel anything n couldnt remember what happened. My friends that were there said i was lucky i didnt break anything or die lol

On my quad i bent a rim really bad, my battery fell out n some scratches??

Proves Hondas indestructable :D

09-06-2005, 01:58 PM
a week ago last saturday I was passin my buddy on a gravel road and i was goin probably close to 60 and somehow after a day of riding the pin holding my right axle nut on must've gotten bent or something in the rocks we were playin on earlier and it had fallen out sometime. well the axle nut fell off... wheel fell off, i felt it drop down on the corner and by the time i realized what was happening i had grabbed the brakes and started downshifting but it dragged me into the woods and i might've slowed down to about 40-45 mph and all of a sudden the quad stopped and i launched off a good 15-20 feet and i remember flyin sideways and seein the seat and handlebars perpendicular to the ground comin at me. well i tried to tuck and roll but i hit hard on my left side and my head slammed into a stump or rock or something. I crawled out into the road so I wouldn't get hit by the quad and fell over. Got whiplash, concussion, bruised hip, and tore an ab so it hurts like hell when i sneeze, cough, or anytime i have to use my abs.... which is a lot. I was disoriented for quite some time. Some kids were behind me in an s10 and they were nice enough to load my quad up in the bed and take me to my truck. My controls are all twisted on the bars and bars are bent down, not sure if they are actually bent at all, probably just need to pull them up. and it looks like i broke the small spring on the front left shock somehow. My head still hurts and glad i was wearing a helmet.

09-06-2005, 02:06 PM
Wow .. this is an old post .

Since my tree branch accident , I have shattered my tibia and fibula in over 20 places ... I haven't been able to ride since August of 2004 and I'm still undergoing surgeries . I had another helicopter ride because of the accident . :ermm:

09-06-2005, 07:26 PM
another one of my good crashes is when me and my buddy were ridding on his recon in the winter with me driving and him on the back. we went flyin up this gravel drive and at the top there was a huge ice patch. i slammed on the back brakes thinkin i could get it side ways and straighten it out. we it went way side ways and the right side tires hit the frozen gravel and hooked up throwing us about 20 feet apart and the quad rolled a good 4 times. since we were waring snow suits we didnt get hurt bad just beat up and bruised. we just rolled it back over a continued riding.

09-07-2005, 07:02 AM
over shot a table top

riley racing
09-07-2005, 07:41 AM
I have to say the worst crash our family has had was the one last weekend of my husbands. He was racing and coming down a hill and tried to pass a rider on the inside and was tucked down to the right of the quad with his knee almost in the nerf bar webs and hit a rut. With that he was too far down to step on the back break so he tried to grab the front and while doing so his palm of his hand was hitting the gas. Then the machine threw him over the bars. He hit the ground then the machine on him, they both were thrown again with him hitting the ground then the mahcine hitting him again, then they both got thrown away from each other. The result of this accident was 5 broken vertebrae's in his mid back. He is moving really really slow. Also he has some bruising and road rash on his back. As for the quad and his equipment other than some scratches everything was fine.

My worst accident was racing TT. I was racing with all guys and it was was the feature run. We all went into turn 1 & 2 of the track and was gearing down for the 90 degree turn to the infield when I didn't notice how everyone almost came to a complete stop and I checked up with the guy infront of me. Once I hit him that is all I remember till I woke up on the ground. I hit him and the quad went one way & I went over the bars the other. I was out for about 15 minutes and when I can too the pain of my right hip took over. Thank goodness nothing was broken just really bruised up from mid back down to the bend in the knee. A bit painful.

As for our two children racing nothing major on the track. Let us keep it that way too!!! (Knock on wood).

09-07-2005, 03:52 PM
my worst one was, I was jumping a table top and my foot slip off the peg in the air and landed under neath the 4 wheeler and all the weight of the 4 wheeler snapped my leg right in half about 6 inches above my ankle, my leg looked like an L spent about 4 months in a full leg cast in summer