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View Full Version : Derrick Brawn..anyone heard of him?

01-02-2004, 09:43 PM
Has anyone heard of him? He is an upcoming racer, and was professionally taught by the "Digger" Doug Gust. He races at Eaton Mountain MX park in Maine. But did go to SouthWick Mass. and finished 1st in the Youth Production class. He is the person that really inspired me to stay with the 300 instead of goin to a bigger machine.

here is a pic of him...i got it from Doug Gusts website:


01-02-2004, 09:45 PM
i've seen him aorund..........i think at Southwick he should'nt be a threat next year i hope.......he has a kick arse bike to

01-02-2004, 09:47 PM
i remember him beacause of those re flamed shock covers

01-02-2004, 09:49 PM
yea..he is my hero...lol :blah:

01-02-2004, 09:51 PM
Originally posted by Out_Sider
yea..he is my hero...lol :blah:

:huh :huh j/k but where on doug gust's site does it show him

01-02-2004, 10:12 PM
its on the School page
just look around the classes..you'll see him

01-07-2004, 07:59 AM
yup i've seen him at southwick and he's fast

01-07-2004, 01:43 PM
Originally posted by nacsracer12
yup i've seen him at southwick and he's fast

ya he is fast........and his 300ex is sick and i cant wait to race him next year........