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12-31-2003, 02:59 PM
How do you get them out? I tried pounding but they wouldn't budge.

12-31-2003, 03:17 PM
search the FAQ section of this forum. I was just reading yesterday a long series of posts concerning just that.

12-31-2003, 05:33 PM
I could only find faq for the axle bearings but i guess you would do it the same way. The only problem is I don't have a torch and my mom would be pissed if I used her oven to heat them!

01-04-2004, 08:50 PM
good luck.

01-04-2004, 09:20 PM
I couldnt get the oven to work when I tried it...maybe you should wait untill mommy is out before you try it ;)

01-04-2004, 09:51 PM
Get you a $5 propane torch and save yourself a spanking from mommy! JK:blah: ! A torch would prob work betta than the oven.

01-04-2004, 10:11 PM
jesus dont use a torch on an aluminum part:eek:

remove the 2 seals and drive out the bearing. if you have the correct size brass punch use it...if not find a socket that is the smae size as the bearing, install a 6 inch extension thru the socket backwards....and then set the linkage between two blocks of wood. (have the wood close to the bearing but allow enough room for it to come out the bottom) take a decent sized hammer and drive it out. if that doesnt work you can place it in the oven at 350 degree's for about 30 minutes, remove with hot mitts<---you can try without but it might hurt;) then repeat the above. dont beat the thing like you are driving a nail...you CAN break the linkage.

if all else fails take it to a machine shop and have them remove them with a press.

01-06-2004, 06:25 PM
Don't use a hammer. The blunt and quick force isn't the best way to do it.

Take the part (say the linkage arm for example), and find a deep well socket that fits inside the hole in the piece (not the hole in the bearing where the bolt goes though, but fits inside the race and hits the bearing). Next, find something to use as a catch on the other side. It must be strong, and wide/deep enough to fit the bearing in. Align it all like this:

=== ||||| ]]]]

With the === being the punch, ||||| being the part, and the ]]]] being the catch. Place it in a vice like this :

| === ||||| ]]]] |

Heat the part up around the bearing with a torch (propane, oxy, whatever you got) until it is nice and hot. Try not to hit the bearing - just the race.

Then just slowly crank the vice down so the punch pushes the bearing out of the part and into the catch. It may take alot of initial force to get moving, but it will come out. Just keep the part heated and apply a slow constant force. Don't try to pop it out on one big swing. Just continuously tighten the vice more and more until it pops out.

Obviously, remove the seals prior to heating it..

To install them, use the same tools, minus the catch. Get the bearing started with a hammer (keep the little sleeve in for now so the pins dont fall out) and press it into part with the punch and vice.

01-10-2004, 01:04 PM
I ended up putting them in the oven for a while and beating them out. hondafox looks like your way is the way to go but I don't have a vice, I just have a really big hammer.