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View Full Version : I'd like to start racing but I have some questions...

TRX310R Rider
12-30-2003, 11:12 PM
Well, I am 15 and my birthday is on April 12th. I really don't know when the first races start because I just started looking into GNCC a few weeks ago. I thought I might have to wait until next year but that's ok I will need practic anyway.

I have only been riding for about 3 years but I ride with some great riders and have learned a lot. I never have raced though on an MX or supercross track or anything like that. I wanted to ask questions to some racers...how long did you ride before your first race? How long did you train at tracks before your first race? What was your first class? Well, anyway I was thinking of probably racing the first year racers class since I am not experienced in racing. I mean I am confident in my riding ability and I think am a decent rider but I know there are people who are just amazing at riding.

Anyway though I will be riding an 87 250R with a CT310 motor in it. If you have looked around or if you know me you know my bike isn't built yet. It is stripped completely to get the frame and other parts chromed and powdercoated. That is the main reason except practice that I might way until next year.

So, really this thread is just to learn a little more about racing and about how everyones first races and that kind of stuff were. Any replies and help or just anything will be greatly appreciated. Well thanks to everyone...Later

12-31-2003, 02:53 AM
Here is a good article written on your first race. (It is from SoCal Quad Racing) Hope this helps. http://www.crashers.com/socalquadracing/features.html

big bad beny
12-31-2003, 09:31 AM
Hay i am 16 i ben riding for 9 years and i waited 8 years befor i did my first race. I raced XC i would not do a GNCC race if you have not raced be for do some xc races for a year are 2 then try GNCC and go from there but hay good luck on your first race.

P.S. Ride Red and Ride Hard

12-31-2003, 11:02 AM
It doesnt really matter how long youve ridden, yes some people need more time to learn but if your a decent rider and youve been riding for 3 years your more than ready. however you will have to wait untill your 16. it will come faster than you think.

lets see i think i got my first quad a recon in 2000, i was 14 i think. i quickly moved up to a banshee and 400ex' s i raced 2 times when i was 15 in outlaw races then the DAY after i turned 16 i raced a national. yes it will be a slap in the face but it is so much fun just go out and do it once you are 16. nothing to worry about just have a good time.