View Full Version : Regular AC nerfs on 400, I got a ??

12-28-2003, 05:18 PM
Ok, I have finally found the other mounting bolts that go into the footpegs. You know that on the outside there was already a hole in the peg, but you had to drill another to put the other bolt in. Stay with me. When I did this, it moved the front back so that the mounting hole on the motor mount does not line up. It seems that I am gonna have to drill a new hole through the motor mount!!?? This is mainly on the left (shifter) side. I believe that the rear brake side will be ok.

Has anyone else run into this? Got any other good ideas before I start drilling? Ahhh, AC......Alter and Cut racing parts I guess, lol!

12-28-2003, 05:25 PM
once you mount the nerfs to the foot peg...pull the front of the nerf forward so that the hole will line up. if you dont have help or cant pull far enough...use a ratchet strap and winch the front of the nerf forward until it is lined up.

12-28-2003, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
once you mount the nerfs to the foot peg...pull the front of the nerf forward so that the hole will line up. if you dont have help or cant pull far enough...use a ratchet strap and winch the front of the nerf forward until it is lined up.

I would try that before I drilled a hole in the motor mount.

12-28-2003, 05:50 PM
Thanks Pappy! That sounds much better to me than drilling another freaking hole...as a matter of fact, I think I'm gonna get on that right now, lol! :D

12-29-2003, 10:25 PM
its easyer to put the motor mount bolt in frist. leave it lose so there is play in the nerf. then take a pair of vise grips and clamp the flat plate to the foot peg. that when you drill the hole. but since you drilled the hole all ready it should come close to lining up. put your bolts on. leave those lose. do the other side then when you have both sides on tighten all the bolts.

12-29-2003, 10:34 PM
it also doesnt hurt to experiment a few times...

12-30-2003, 08:41 AM
Thanks for all the replies guys! I am seeing now that there is a pattern to this....that I havent quite figured out yet. I am working on loosening various things, then in what order do I tighten and how much??? Well, I am almost there, I think I got it. All I know is that these babies ain't coming off for nothing when I get them bolted in, lol!

Thanks again guys....AC racing = Alter and Cut racing, lol!:eek:

12-30-2003, 08:54 AM
what you want to do..no matter what your installing, is to get all of the bolts started just a little bit, then you can wiggle the part around and see where it will line up best, then tighten them down

I dont have those AC nerfs but if they are anythign like the dentons that i have, which i think they're close, it shouldnt matter what ones you bolt first