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View Full Version : 400ex pulls to the right

12-26-2003, 12:22 AM
Wasn't really sure where to ask this so if it should be in a different section feel free to move it.

When i'm riding a wheelie my 400 drifts to the right pretty bad. Air pressure is even, it does it no matter witch way the road or trail slopes.

Even if i slide over to the left it won't correct it. Is it possible for something to be bent or what. I havn't hit anything and it's only about 3 months old

Any suggestions:confused:

12-26-2003, 02:11 AM
when I was doing the long wheelies, I would put about .5lbs less air in the left tire, cause that is the side that the chain and sprocket is on, and its pulling harder on that side. Seemed to make it ride wheelies a lot straighter, and more even. You would be able to tell if somthing was bent, cause it wouldn't drift, it would wobble;) Trying running a little less air in your left tire, go and do some wheelies on a paved flat smooth road, and see what happens. good luck!

12-26-2003, 03:08 AM
Originally posted by hondarider2006
when I was doing the long wheelies, I would put about .5lbs less air in the left tire, cause that is the side that the chain and sprocket is on, and its pulling harder on that side. Seemed to make it ride wheelies a lot straighter, and more even. You would be able to tell if somthing was bent, cause it wouldn't drift, it would wobble;) Trying running a little less air in your left tire, go and do some wheelies on a paved flat smooth road, and see what happens. good luck!

With a solid axle, I doesn't matters what side the chain/sprocket is on. both rear wheels will be moving at the same speed.

The only time that I had problems with my ex drifting to one side is when my air pressure wasn't even, so it baffles me that yours only drifts to the right. if your axle was bent, you would have a wobble. I think that the battery(left side) weighs more than the pipe(right side) so I don't think that it is a weight issue unless your frame or subframe is bent pretty bad, or unless you have added something rather heavy to the right side of your quad.

So unless your right ***** cheek weighs like 50lbs more than your left, the only suggestions that I can give you is to check your tire tread to see if they are even, and to make sure that the tread is going the same direction on both sides.............maybe the direction that you turn your handlebars while in a wheelie could cause more weight to fall on the right side, but I don't think so.

good luck

12-26-2003, 03:43 AM
I am really going out on a limb with this one, but is it possible that your rear rim's offset don't match?..................

Sorry if it sounds like i think you got your quad set up all hillbilly style:o

12-26-2003, 07:34 AM
Sounds like a front end alignment needs to take place...:cool:

12-26-2003, 07:42 AM
Originally posted by Rico
Sounds like a front end alignment needs to take place...:cool:

:huh I don't see how that would matter with the front end in the air

12-26-2003, 07:50 AM
Originally posted by sickmojave
:huh I don't see how that would matter with the front end in the air

That's right you sissy's ride wheelies with your back wheels...:o

LMAO,, I didn't read that part.. DOH :D

12-26-2003, 09:33 AM
lol. Well i don't think it's a wheel and i hope my left *** cheeck doesn't way more.

I'll try dropping a little air in the left side.


12-26-2003, 10:26 AM
ive got this problem too, the rims are stock, the tread is the same, going in the same direction. BUt i never thought about air pressure. hmm ill have to look into that

12-26-2003, 11:30 AM
Maybe you got a can or two of fix a flat in one of the tires.

Swap sides with the rear tires & see what happens??


12-26-2003, 04:28 PM
Time for axle or swingarm bearings!

12-26-2003, 05:22 PM
Might be a bearing getting tight or one side on your brakes dragging.........JMO

12-28-2003, 02:45 AM
Originally posted by BIGRED400
Might be a bearing getting tight or one side on your brakes dragging.........JMO

I'm thinking the brake thing wouldn't matter since there is only one!;):huh :rolleyes: I'm sure you just weren't thinking

My quad also pulls when i wheelie....I'm going to try and mess with tire pressure...i hear also that most tires are not identical some are wider than others even though they say they're the same exact tires.....thus you will have to run different air pressures for them to be equal in size...and make your quad go straight!:macho