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12-22-2003, 04:31 PM
the oldest son has decided to upgrade to a bigger bike. his xr70 isnt cutting it. i stopped today and checked out the xr100 and 80 and also the yamaha tt125r.

anyone have any info or expierence with these models?

12-22-2003, 04:34 PM
my neighbor has worked on alot of xr100's some of them were over 10 years old and then was the only time they have ever had work done, but keep them out of water!

12-22-2003, 04:34 PM
What about a CR80?

12-22-2003, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Guy400
What about a CR80?
if you want to go mx route i reccomend a YZ80 or 85 cause the suspension on them is better...........:)

12-22-2003, 04:37 PM
The xr100 is descent bike. A fun trail bike.

12-22-2003, 04:39 PM
i kinda wanna keep im on a 4 smoke due to future racing rules and regs.

he is ready for more bike but i dunno if he can handle a cr80 class bike yet. i had considered a 65

12-22-2003, 04:39 PM
well our ttr125l is tough stuff....but it didnt run right for a while....when we got the pipe on it we took it to the dealer to get it jetted cuz we didnt wanna mess with it and instead of rejetting the bored out the carb:huh ...they said it might work better...well that just flooded it everytime i went up a steep hill...so we messed with the jetting and now it runs ok....but like i said its tough stuff...i jump pretty big doubles on it and case it just about everytime and the suspension hasnt crapped out yet,,,,but its pretty underpowered...i would reccomend an 85

12-22-2003, 04:40 PM
xr 100 would probably be a good bike. my little cousin has one. enought power to get a little guy around.

12-22-2003, 04:49 PM
we got a ttr125l it is pretty sick if you get a pipe and some toher stuff for it.

12-22-2003, 04:56 PM
a cr80 and a xr100 are a lot different,the 80 is a lot faster..xr100 is a fun bike,my friend whos 16 years old still comes riding on it and we hit up the street with three people every once in a while -- to say the least and it handle anything. The xr100 is a good bike to begin on and you could hold onto it for a while. I think going from the 70 to the 80 is going to be a good step up for about 2 months until he outgrows that. Four stroke wise i'd go with the xr100,2 stroke i would get the kx65,80s might be a lil big.

12-22-2003, 04:59 PM
if he were interested in my it would be hands down a 2 stroke. he really wants to run Xc so i figured the 4 stroke would be a bit easier for him to improve his riding skills on. (but i aint an expert!!!lol)

the ktm 65 has my eye ...same with the yz 65 and kx65.

12-22-2003, 05:01 PM
2 stroke are the chit..i cant wait to sell my 400 and get a banshee. and damn those KTMs are sick. you'll get a lot more years out of a xr100 though,takes the abuse and anyone can ride that thing comfortably.

12-22-2003, 05:04 PM
do they make lems in 80cc's?

12-22-2003, 05:10 PM
perhaps u may want to check out the cr250,that should fit him for a long while:devil:

the kx250 is the fastest machine i have ever ridden..i've rode PLENTY of nice 400s,other dirtbikes,banshees,250rs, but this was only 250 dirtbike i've driven and i've never rode something where if u rev and hold the gas in first or second gear,it will slam powerband and wreck you...just a little bit of useless information on two stroke 250 dirtbikes..:eek:

12-22-2003, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by lil400exman
if you want to go mx route i reccomend a YZ80 or 85 cause the suspension on them is better...........:)

No it isn't.

There is no YZ65.

How big is he? I would recommend the XR100 or the CRF150 for trails/XC. The 2 stroke 65/85s are really pipey and a hassle in the woods. I rode an XR100 for a year and a half, then got an XR250 (we had an XR250R and a shorter D/S XR250L, I used the L), got rid of that and got a CR80 Expert. I used that for a season and have been on my 125 for the past 2 seasons. Trails are a hassle, but after 3 years of riding the same trails on a 2 stroke and a few riding camps it is getting easier. How much expierience does your kid have? I think the XR100/CRF150 would be a good choice because thier power curve is real easy to get used to, and they are just awesome in the woods. One of my friends (kid I sold the 80 to) still has his XR100 and it's a blast to fart around on.

12-22-2003, 05:19 PM
your correct on the yz...it was an 85 i believe.

he is 10 ...soon to be 11. he isnt a big kid in hieght (thats part of the problem) but he is very strong and stocky. the xr80 actually fit him the best currently. the xr100 and tt125 are still too tall for him i believe. i like the idea of the xr80 due to its clutch and it being one of the most reliable bikes available.

he isnt gonna be a hard core racer by any means but id like him to atleast have a bike he can develop basic racing skills on. the xr70 has allowed him to learn but without a clutch it will hurt him the longer i let him ride it.

12-22-2003, 05:20 PM
i would get him a crf150 they are not real fast but it would be a good upgrade from a xr70 and better for beginners in trails.

12-22-2003, 05:36 PM
I had a xr80 and then sold that and moved up to a ttr125. I also used to ride a buddies xr100 alot. All 3 were great bikes. The xr's were very reliable and I never had any problems with the ttr. I liked my ttr alot more though....just more power. Also I realized the ttr had alot more bottom end then the xr80's and xr100's and it also had more travel.

12-22-2003, 05:43 PM
Originally posted by Pappy
if he were interested in my it would be hands down a 2 stroke. he really wants to run Xc so i figured the 4 stroke would be a bit easier for him to improve his riding skills on. (but i aint an expert!!!lol)

the ktm 65 has my eye ...same with the yz 65 and kx65.

ya my cuz has a ktm 65 fast as a ******



12-22-2003, 06:20 PM
/\ definately go with the ktm/kx 65. YOu can up the preload and raise the ride height a little bit, but those bikes are fast as balls, they run side by side with 400ex's and more. Also, they will let him learn how to ride a racing bike, then when he's ready he can move up to a next bigger. i Think that the xr 80 would be too small of a step up, but thats just me. He should go directly to a 65/85 racing bike or an xr100/crf150

12-22-2003, 06:31 PM
Originally posted by YamaWarr0121
/\ definately go with the ktm/kx 65. YOu can up the preload and raise the ride height a little bit, but those bikes are fast as balls, they run side by side with 400ex's and more. Also, they will let him learn how to ride a racing bike, then when he's ready he can move up to a next bigger. i Think that the xr 80 would be too small of a step up, but thats just me. He should go directly to a 65/85 racing bike or an xr100/crf150

ya that thign will bea t my bro's 400 off the line!:eek2:

ex kid
12-22-2003, 07:56 PM
pappy, we've had an 02' tt-r 125 since december of 01'. AWSOME BIKE. does everything rght and is very predictable. i work at a yammi shop and every customer i have come in loves there tt-r. our bike has been ridden by my 75 pound brother who came off a 97' xr70. it was the perfect switch. my only suggestion for you is to get the tt-r 125L model without the electrict start. the L model has larger tires and stiffer suspension and a little more travel wich is deffinatly a plus and a front disc brake. our bike has been ridden hard even by me and is mechanically sound . the yamaha has been very reliable and dealers stock alot of parts. it is faster than the XR and my customers seem to prefer the yamaha over that suzuki DRZ 125. the other cool thing about the yammi is that BBR makes some really cool **** for the tt-r. IMO the yamaha is a better bike all over and your boy will get more time out of it and probably like it more cause its quicker, better handling and better stoping than the xr.

ex kid
12-22-2003, 07:57 PM
OOOOOO YEA, distrcit 6 has a class that is perfect for that bike. four stroke 100-125cc class seems to be ruled by yamaha's.

12-22-2003, 08:34 PM
thx ex kid.

yeah we have been looking at the yammy for some time. i actually came close to buying one to run around at races on. im gonna take him in to the dealer and let him sit on a few. i have bad feeling its way to tall for him even wth the smaller tires. that in itself is the dilema. i think other then learning the clutch the xr80 probably wouldnt be much over the 70. in any event the 80 would be outgrown too fast to warrant the purchase of a new bike. i may have to talk him into staying on the 70 until his toes can atleast touch the ground on the 125:p

we have even considered building him a full on race mini quad to hold him over till he reaches "non dwarf" height...lmfao 9poor kid...it aint his fault he is short) the problem with teh quad is that he cant really race it anywhere but district 6. thats not a bad thing but with other commitments i dont think i can swing it:(

btw...did i tell ya there is a full natrual terrain mx track in my neighborhood:devil: but its for bikes only (i dont like it but i respect it) so yet another reason for the new bike

12-22-2003, 08:48 PM
If you leant towards keeping him on the 70 till he can reach on a 125, don't rule out the CRF150. You can always soften the suspension to squat under his weight so his toes touch.

I say get him the biggest bike he can handle, that way by the time he out grows it he will be tossing it around like a rag doll on the track. and before you now it he'll be on a CRF450;)

12-22-2003, 08:58 PM
I think an xr100 would be a great choice.There good reliable little bikes.A buddy of mine has some stuff done to it.It runs real good and can beat my neighbors moded blaster.

When I was your sons age I went from an XR75 to a yz80.The yz was a 86.It had liquid cooling and front disk brake.That thing was fast.But my RM80 would run circles around it.Of course it was fully ported with a pipe and silencer.Those little 80's are bad.I am 18 now and 6'5.I would mind having a little 80 to mess around on.There definitly fast enough.

Those little KTM's are crazy.

12-23-2003, 02:25 PM
I can't resist bringing this up Pappy, but with the way you buy/sell/trade quads for yourself, why are you worried about how the bike will fit him a year from now? Buy what you think is best right now. If he outgrows it next year, big deal. You haven't outgrown a quad in years and it hasn't stopped you from getting something different on an almost monthly basis!:D