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View Full Version : Who is JRD???

12-21-2003, 08:10 PM
I have seen a couple of these chassis on here and on ebay,who is this and do they have a website?Where are they located?

12-21-2003, 08:14 PM
I'm pretty sure they race district six, which is NJ and eastern PA. Check out their website- http://www.jrdmech.com/ They haven't updated in a while.

12-22-2003, 04:30 AM
i hope this doesnt offend anyone but....
they're chassis look like junk to me.
ive see a coupke up close and the 3-4 that i saw are ALL welded up all over the place.
in my opinion they dont seem very strong,to see only 3-4 chassis and all of them being welded up doesnt seem like a good chassis to me.

sometimes its better to stick with a more proven company.

and yes i believe they are from district 6 if seem them at englishtown quite a bit.

12-22-2003, 04:37 AM
one of the jrd bikes i have seen up close is on ebay now
looks like a nice bike, i wonder why someone would be getting rid of a 2003 crf bike, kinda makes u wonder a little.

like i said this is my opinion
if this bothers anyone who owns one of these bike........o well
im just trying to let people know what they might be spending alot of money on.

http://search.ebay.com/search/search.dll?cgiurl=http%3A%2F%2Fcgi.ebay.com%2Fws%2 F&krd=1&from=R8&MfcISAPICommand=GetResult&ht=1&SortProperty=MetaEndSort&query=jrd

12-22-2003, 05:21 AM
Originally posted by quad041
i wonder why someone would be getting rid of a 2003 crf bike, kinda makes u wonder a little.

everyone i know personally that has a crf450 quad no matter how new it is are selling them and taking pretty much whatever they can get for them because of the new pro production rules for 04. alot of the districts i heard are making their premier class pro production also.

12-22-2003, 08:23 AM
Originally posted by Wired
everyone i know personally that has a crf450 quad no matter how new it is are selling them and taking pretty much whatever they can get for them because of the new pro production rules for 04. alot of the districts i heard are making their premier class pro production also.

well thats better for me i guess,
if anyone knows of a FULL walch chassis crf going really cheap, let me know, ill scoop it right up.

12-22-2003, 10:20 AM
I heard JRD was going out of business because ROLL patented then Gull Wing design. But I dont know for sure.