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12-13-2003, 08:11 PM
lol naw i just wanna lose about 20 lbs. fast.. and this is what it comes down to.. i dont wanna starve myself, and i dont wanna have to work out.. lol so what do you guys have for me:p

12-13-2003, 08:14 PM
several fackin miles???? i dont do the runnin chit lol can i just ride for like 5 hours a day?:devil:

12-13-2003, 08:23 PM
Just ride the he!! out of your quad and you'll lose weight! I'm fighting the same issues too! I also heard grapefruit are good for weight control too.

12-13-2003, 08:24 PM
get some ripped fuel or stacker 3 lol.. my friend weighed a goo 190 and now he weighs 135 after 3 months of taking ripped fuel and working out 3 times a week

sorry to say it your not gunna loose weight by doing nothing :p

12-13-2003, 08:27 PM
ive got grape fruits:devil: :eek2:

12-13-2003, 08:31 PM
If i had my scanner hooked up id send you over a diet that my parents got . Its made for people that need to lose weight fast in order to have heart surgery ( my rents dont have heart probs) . This diet guarantees a loss of 10 - 17 lbs in a matter of 7 days . It works miracles . Its a combination of the foods you eat which helps burn fat .

12-13-2003, 08:33 PM
hurry and hook up your scanner lol

12-13-2003, 08:34 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
If i had my scanner hooked up id send you over a diet that my parents got . Its made for people that need to lose weight fast in order to have heart surgery ( my rents dont have heart probs) . This diet guarantees a loss of 10 - 17 lbs in a matter of 7 days . It works miracles . Its a combination of the foods you eat which helps burn fat .

Just be careful with those kind of diets. It's not good to lose too much weight too fast.

12-13-2003, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by js52589
yea you will end up with too much skin :o


12-13-2003, 09:07 PM
how about this.... get off your @$$ and go to a gym, run, or get some sort of exercise on a regular basis, and learn to eat healthier foods, and not as much food in one time. also dont eat anything for the 2 hour period before you go to bed.

dont think you can loose 20lbs in a week... its isnt gonna happen. you will just be another sucker throwing your money at a company that sells BS.

stupid driver
12-13-2003, 09:23 PM
Losing weight isnt something you can do just by sayin, "im gonna lose weight". It takes effort. In 5th grade, i was 170 lbs. I was pretty big. I got made fun of ALL the time. Going to school was hell for me, because i knew the jokes were going to come. Finally, a pediatrition called me a "fatty" to my face. That was it. The key to losing weight, DETERMINATION. If you truly know you need to lose weight, you wont care how hard you need to work at it. I lost 65 lbs in all. I weigh 112 now (wrestling weight), but usually i am at about 118 or so. Just eat healthy, and excercise like a mofo. There is no "miracle diet". it takes 3500 burnt calories to lose a pound of fat. healthily, you can do that in a week or so. True, some foods will boost your base metabolic rate, which will help you some. You may want to look into that. If you want to lose 10lbs in a week, its easy. but all of that weight will be fluid and muscle, not fat. It will all come back once you get done starving yourself. You will feel like $hit too. So just eat well, and excersise, and the weight will eventually come off. ;)

12-13-2003, 09:25 PM
One time I got sick and lost my appetite for about a week and I lost 5-10lbs.:muscle:

12-13-2003, 09:29 PM
Just listen to flyin#5 and stupid driver:)

12-13-2003, 10:21 PM
lots of boom boom in the bedroom;) ....................oh wait your only 14. Sorry, make that lots of wacky wacky behind grandads shacky;)

12-13-2003, 10:27 PM
I would have to say the best two exersices, that dont feel like exersices, are a trampoline and swimming. both are great for slimming down and toning your lean muscle. It what I did in jr high to drop all the fat and get in shape after being made fun of all through grade school.

12-13-2003, 11:55 PM
making out with your girlfriend makes you lose 26 calories a minute :) have fun!!

12-14-2003, 08:19 AM
yeh me too i have to lose a good 20 or 30 pounds but all u have to do is eat when ur hungry and only when ur hungry and work out for a bit like do some sit-ups push-ups and more like use the tred mill yes i said it the tred mill:D

12-14-2003, 08:55 AM
I've lost 10 pds before by JUST stopping eating popcorn (I used to eat like...2-3 bags of popcorn a day:eek2: I weighed my most then...124 pds) Then I completly stopped eatin popcorn, and I lost 10 pds in about 2-3 weeks...114pds:huh Then I got a job...and just by accident, I lost 6 more pds, now weighin 108 pds, only cuz I was eating healthier (wasn't at home to snack all day). So just cut out some of the junky food (greasy, fatty foods and high calorie stuff) and maybe do a bit more physical activity (not alot) and eat LOTS of healthy stuff, if u want something sugary...eat an apple or peach or something, and the more healthy stuff u eat, the higher your metabolism will be (thats y mine is so high).

12-14-2003, 09:53 AM
i need to gain some weight...how do you do that? I already eat everything all the time.

12-14-2003, 10:30 AM
wow that pisses me off...how lazy some people are...its kinda like taking sterorids, doing it the easy way. how about you go to a gym and force urself to lift and run and workout. in 3 months if u stick with it and push urself u will love it cause u will see results.
or give me a call i will help u lose as much weight as you want in 2 hrs....
an old rusty machette and a shop vac....then after i can sow u up....what color thread do you want?

12-14-2003, 10:36 AM
i was in athletics for two straight years and i gained wieght cuz i was always runing and lifting weights... and yea most of my weight is muscell... its just that lil layer of fat that fudging pisses me off.... btw im 5'10" right at 200 lbs.

12-14-2003, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by silver4hundee
lots of boom boom in the bedroom;) ....................oh wait your only 14. Sorry, make that lots of wacky wacky behind grandads shacky;)

hey how did you know i was 14...??? you been looking in my profile?

12-14-2003, 10:40 AM
im not saying i can beat u up altho im sure i could....but what im saying is that so many people in this world are fat asses and they dont care and just look for the easy way out...when in reality they should work at it...they will feel so much better bout themselves and accomplish something. i was a fat *** too but for the past 2 years ive been working my *** off and now i got abs and benching well over my body weight. my previous statement was that i was going to tie you down to a table and give u home made lypo...ya kno cut u open shove the shop vac in and suck everything out they sow u up with a needle and thread?

12-14-2003, 11:53 AM
lol bansheedude i went back and took that part out after i read ur post like 4 times lol....so... for no reason, how much do you bench?

12-14-2003, 01:31 PM
my buddy lost 95 lbs over the past 10 months by riding a peddal bike 30 miles a week

12-14-2003, 06:41 PM
i lost 70 lbs last yr in like 4 months .. all i did is stop eating fast food , drinking soda, no fried foods.. and walked like twice a week around a track.. it helps if you have someone to walk with thats a hottie too.. but mainly no soda and fast food.. its been over a year and i've had no soda only water and unsweet tea. no sugar good luck i have b4 and after pics too i went from a size 44 waste to a 38 and i weighed 275 lbs and i went down to 215 but now im at 225 good luck.. and if your going to work out do cardio (sp?)

12-14-2003, 07:31 PM
:eek: You're 14, 5'10", and 200! Holy chit your a big fugger. LOL I'm 35 and 5'10" and 185. I don't think you stand much chance of being skinny.

12-14-2003, 07:43 PM
ok soggypants or whatever ur bein a real B#@$!... lol jp 15 lbs. diff. woo hoo big deal. im lookin at losing 20 lol i kinda stoped doin stuff for a while and i need to start doin crap again

12-14-2003, 07:52 PM
and if i must say once more, most of that weight is muscell so there isnt alot of fat on me, i just want to get rid of the little that there is:) dang some of you ppl never listen

12-14-2003, 08:55 PM
Originally posted by member
hey how did you know i was 14...??? you been looking in my profile?


12-15-2003, 07:51 PM
Originally posted by member
ok soggypants or whatever ur bein a real B#@$!... lol jp 15 lbs. diff. woo hoo big deal. im lookin at losing 20 lol i kinda stoped doin stuff for a while and i need to start doin crap again

No I didn't mean FAT big I meant Like BIG MOFO. I wasn't trying to be mean. Sorry if it came across that way. If you just want to loose the fat layer I would HIGHLY recommend Joe Weiders Body Shaper and some time spent in the gym with free weights. Low weight and lots of reps. With the right diet and a simple exercise plan, twenty pounds will fall of in about a month and a half. I know, I had to do it while I was in the army, to keep out of trouble while I was in Korea.:o

12-15-2003, 08:21 PM
well tell me if i ate good today lol.. i woke up for breakfast i had poptarts and a glass of milk and on the way out for school i had some water woo hoo! then at lunch i had a piece of pizza (yuck it was still cold) and some of these things called dunkin sticks and a gator ade to drink,... then for dinner i had a waffle and a corn dog and some water... and for exercise i rode for an hour or so through some tight trails and playin 4 wheeler tag( very fun and stupid game) with some friends

12-15-2003, 09:50 PM
you need to try the Atkins diet......it really works my wife lost 25lbs in about 3 months. It is not good to lose 20lbs in one week, with the Atkins it is steady lose not just alot all at once! it is easier to keep it off and maintain if it comes of slower...with the Atkins you can eat all the meat, cheese, eggs, pork rinds and other stuff you just can't have friut or pasta.....absolutley no carbohydrates. The theroy is that carbs burn off easy and you body burns the easy carb's (pasta's and breads) and in turn it stores all the hard to burn foods into fat. If you don't eat any carbs then the body starts to burn the store fuels that are stored in the fatty cells.........believe me I was skeptical about it at first, but it really works!!! she lost it then has maintaned it for over a year now, but she has learned to change her way of thinking about foods and what to eat and what not to eat.. I hate to say it but she got to almost 150' and she is 5'5" now she is down to almost 125' for over a year now and she did this without going to the gym. she used to go to the gym non stop and struggled up and down. So take my word I saw it first hand! I'm going on it after the new year to lose about 15' needed pounds.. I've just quit drinking my 6 pack a nite and haven't had a drink in 3 and a half months.so I think that I can do the Atkins no prob......

12-15-2003, 10:22 PM
Originally posted by member
lol naw i just wanna lose about 20 lbs. fast.. and this is what it comes down to.. i dont wanna starve myself, and i dont wanna have to work out.. lol so what do you guys have for me:p

cut off your head....and prolly one of your legs.

avg weight of a human head is ~7lbs, avg leg ~10lbs. you might have to cut off an arm or half yer other leg to make up the difference.

12-15-2003, 11:48 PM
Well man, I know where your coming from. I am at 265 right now and need to get down to 225 for race season, but keep my strength. I was looking to but Hyper wheels because they are lighter, but if I lose 40lb that will be alot more weight saved than Hypers + about $800!:D So, I plan to start mtn. biking, and eliminating pop from my daily routine, no more eating before bed, and some light weith high rep workouts in the gym.:macho

It sounds like there are quite a few of us in this boat, maybe we need a thread to keep us all committedand motivated.

By the way here is a pic of me at the weight I am now. I'm on the left in red moose stuff. 6'2"@265:rolleyes:

12-16-2003, 03:30 PM
i lost 65 lbs just jogging and eating better ..its not that hard just gotta have determination and self control to turn down the pizza for rice and beef and apples insteady of twinkies