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View Full Version : me and my friend need to pull a prank on our auto shop teacher

12-10-2003, 10:02 PM
our auto shop teacher lately has been messin with me and my friend a lot lately doin little jokes like disconnecting on of our plug wires, switching around the shift knobs on the transfer case and the normal shifter, and unplugged the wiper motor right before it started to rain and i didnt notice it. so we need somethin good to get him back im thinkin somwhere along the lines of wiring his brake lights to his horn or somethin i need some ideas

Narly R
12-10-2003, 10:22 PM
Um....... its late, and I have NO idea........:huh

12-10-2003, 10:31 PM
a good one for a powerstroke ford, 95-97 right above the gas peddle there is small plug, that when disconnected wont allow the engine to go above the idle.

12-10-2003, 10:31 PM
Originally posted by Narly R
Um....... its late, and I have NO idea........:huh

Then why post?

Sorry this is just a thing i find irritating.. I just think its stupid that people reply just to say "nope, sorry can't help".

Nothing personal man, I just feel like I had to get that off my chest :huh

12-10-2003, 10:44 PM
I think wiring his brake light to the windshielf wipers would be pretty good:devil:

The gas around the tank and spilled on the floor is a pretty sweet idea, he would end up draining the tank out of uncertainty.

12-11-2003, 01:26 AM
put a rotten carton of milk behind his seat:devil:

12-11-2003, 01:30 AM
if you can get to his lesson plans, place some gay porn pics in it.

where you get the gay porn pics is your problem :D

12-11-2003, 01:43 AM
depending on what he drives. i think it has to be 3/4 ton or more, just slide out is axle shafts. lol, unbolt them and they just slide right out. then when he goes to start his car everythign is fine, cept when he puts it in gear to drive it wont move an inch. its funny as hell. my shop teacher and some buddies did it to one of his friends one time.

12-11-2003, 05:34 AM
I cut my friends brake line one time....do not do this, it was bad. he wrecked in the parking lot into the tennis court fence. The whole school saw it & it was hilarious! i never did get caught

12-11-2003, 05:44 AM
Originally posted by Jumbo747
I cut my friends brake line one time....do not do this, it was bad. he wrecked in the parking lot into the tennis court fence. The whole school saw it & it was hilarious! i never did get caught

stupid! you could have killed somone!!! :mad:

whatever you do, make sure its a prank and is not going to hurt or kill anyone....

12-11-2003, 05:52 AM
Originally posted by Jumbo747
I cut my friends brake line one time....do not do this, it was bad. he wrecked in the parking lot into the tennis court fence. The whole school saw it & it was hilarious! i never did get caught

that was real stupid man. That is Involuntary manslaughter if he would have died. Dont do anything that he can get hurt by when he drives it or something like what jumbo did, that could have ended up real bad.

12-11-2003, 07:12 AM
You could do what the automotives class did when I was in High school. You could disassemble his car and reassemble it on the roof of the school. That's what they did to this english teacher that everyone didn't like. It was the funniest thing to see a car on the roof and her reaction. :D :D :D

12-11-2003, 07:14 AM
Originally posted by 300exOH
You could do what the automotives class did when I was in High school. You could disassemble his car and reassemble it on the roof of the school. That's what they did to this english teacher that everyone didn't like. It was the funniest thing to see a car on the roof and her reaction. :D :D :D

not sure if this was an urban legend or not...but at my high school, rumor had it that a bunch of the shop kids did something similar to what you said. They disassembled a teachers car and re-assembled it in an old classroom.

12-11-2003, 07:21 AM
LMAO! Ours was no urban legend though. I saw it. It still makes me laugh just to think about it. That teacher was a real ***** anyhow. Boy was she pissed. She wasnt too happy with the auto shop teacher since he was the one who came up with the idea for a senior prank.:eek:

12-11-2003, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by batgeek
if you can get to his lesson plans, place some gay porn pics in it.

where you get the gay porn pics is your problem :D

Could you loan us some?

12-11-2003, 10:10 AM
wiring brake lights to the horn wouldnt be that hard at all. you'll need to i believe just get some patch wire. go from the posative of the brake light to the horn posative. this is jsut a guess but it would proably work. when the brake light turns on it gets a surge of power, which would follow the wire to the horn. either that or you might be able to do it to the fuse box somehow.

i always liked wrapping peoples cars in seran wrap. takes FOREVER to get it off. put some silly string on it for a little extra kick

put a small jack on his drive axle so the tires are barely off the ground. he will get it to go and think his tranny went out cause he aint movin.

replace all his tires with 4 donuts.

if its a small car lift it up onto the curb or something.

ideas are endless

12-11-2003, 10:14 AM
jack up his ride and put it on jack stands under it with the tires a little bit off the ground or remove his drive shaft, i had some one put thick zip ties on my drive shaft when i drove it i heard a slapping sound and when i stopped so did the sound it was a great prank

12-11-2003, 10:48 AM
our last year of autobody we got the joy of painting the teachers datsun pick up truck. we did a great job:D

ofcourse we filled in his gas filler hole:o :devil: i reckon he is a body guy and could figure how to fix it:p

12-11-2003, 10:54 AM
You could always do some of our old high school tricks:
Put rocks in his hubcaps. Or get in his car and turn the wipers on, the radio on full blast. And if he's got a carburetor you could pump the gas pedal like a hundred times and flood the engine. Or the old potato jammed up the tailpipe trick. Grease his steering wheel, gear shift knob or his outside door handle(gear shift knob is my favorite because he won't expect it). Install a nice rainbow(homo) bumpersticker on the back of his car. Or one our favorite old tricks, take his license plate off and put it back on upside down. Bend his windshield washer squirters so they shoot straight up in the air. Soap his outside mirrors. Take the rotor out of his distributor. Get a bike lock or cable and fasten his brake pedal to his steering wheel. Tie his seatbelt into a big knot or tie them together. Hang Christmas decorations under the back of his car so he doesn't see them but everyone behind hiim does. Put a blowup doll in his car! Disconnect his battery and reconnect it so he loses all his presets(every day)! We used to put Chevy hubcaps on a Ford and vice~versa. The list goes on............

12-11-2003, 10:57 AM
you guys got some good ideas....

next time I'm at the bar with my buddy's I think I might have to step outside and have some fun...

Knighttime (Mike)... I'll leave yours alone as long as you act stupid and dont know who done it. :devil:

12-11-2003, 11:11 AM
one time when i wasnt looking, some friends that i ride with hooked a chain to my ball hitch on my quad and i took off towards his pond to do some fishing and as soon as i used up all that chain, it threw me over the handle bars. i wouldnt try this. a car will just break the chain anyway. it was funny as hell, especieally since i landed in the pond. they got pics but they wont let me have them. one of them even filmed it. i was so embarrassed cause it was right in front of my girlfriend. i've been waiting for the day to get them back.

12-11-2003, 11:39 AM
We really need to know what type of car the teacher drives.

Anyways we've done the jackstand under the axle before, if it is a small car (rabbit, tempo, chevette, bug) it only takes 6 or 7 guys to lift one up and set it on its roof or in the middle of a bush.

My dad has completely disassembled his sisters car in the driveway and left it there....and wouldn't put it back together.

12-11-2003, 12:52 PM
zip ties on a hose by the fan and on the driveshaft....

12-11-2003, 02:00 PM
It depends on the amount of time you have. One of my favorite quick pranks is to put cattails into the air vents. One crank on that heater knob and it will look like he has sheepskin seat covers! :D

12-11-2003, 02:02 PM
when you guys say "completely dissasemble" a car what do you mean, I know you dont take every single piece apart

12-11-2003, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by bobby88
that was real stupid man. That is Involuntary manslaughter if he would have died. Dont do anything that he can get hurt by when he drives it or something like what jumbo did, that could have ended up real bad.

i think its pretty dam funny, he would have realized his brakes werent workin before he got out on the highway or some ****

wiring the horn to the brakes is hilarious!!! do that

12-11-2003, 02:39 PM
you really want to pi$$ someone off? get a thick chain with a few feet of slack and attach one end to the driveshaft and the other to something, front bumper would be funny.

do the original, switch the gas and brakes

Glow Plug
12-11-2003, 02:42 PM
if he drives a car you could get a jack and then jack put his front or rear wheels (depending on car of course) just jack it like 1/2 an inch off the ground (so the don't notcie) and when they start the car the wheels just spin.

theres my great prank because i'm so awsome :rolleyes:

12-11-2003, 02:48 PM
the gay picture thing could really back fire for a teacher. (do i need to paint a pictuer?)

We used to take Rain-z and write something dumb on th windshield and as soon as it fogged up or rained he would read it.
pretty funny and non destructive or dangerous. Prank have a way of turning dangerous quick guys so be carefull.

12-11-2003, 03:45 PM
I like the cattails in the vents one.:devil:

12-11-2003, 03:48 PM
he has a 98 blazer. he has pulled so many pranks on us its not even funny. everytime we do something to his truck, it just backfires on us and he does something 10 times worse to our cars.

12-11-2003, 04:21 PM
take off the wheels and let it sit on jack stands... or stick sumfin up in the tail pipeif you can get the hood open unplug some wires and stuff... endless stuff you can do...pour some water in his chair if it is a chair that is mad out of like felt... umm..... im sure you could delete alot of crap on his comp. if he gots one... dont delete any lesson plans cuz then he might make u do stuff u dont wanna...

12-11-2003, 04:42 PM
put dishsoap on his windsheild then cover it with dirt and when*if* he uses his wipers to get the dirt off the soap will start getting soapy and bubbly and everything else soap does

12-11-2003, 05:57 PM
Originally posted by Jumbo747
I cut my friends brake line one time....do not do this, it was bad. he wrecked in the parking lot into the tennis court fence. The whole school saw it & it was hilarious! i never did get caught

How would you do that. The lines are seperate like a quad. For exactly that matter, if one goes out you still got the other.

12-11-2003, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by nacs400ex
How would you do that. The lines are seperate like a quad. For exactly that matter, if one goes out you still got the other.
he cut all of them

12-11-2003, 06:09 PM
pee on the windshield washer reservior

that's funny ****

and the 'jacking up the drive shaft' is nice too, nothing could happen, and make sure nobody will get hurt or cold get hurt too,

and dont forget to film that:devil: :devil:

12-11-2003, 06:19 PM
lmao around here we put duct tape down on the road with the stick tape facing up. when u run it over it gets stuck on the tires and it sounds like u gota flat its funny as hell wen people get out an check there tires:devil: :devil: FOR A GOOD PRANK take string and just wrap eevry thing in the car with it so tis like im possible to getin and drive:confused:

12-11-2003, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by 300expower
and the 'jacking up the drive shaft' is nice too, nothing could happen, and make sure nobody will get hurt or cold get hurt too,

Unless he had it to the floor, and the jackstands fell over, that may turn up ugly:eek2:

12-11-2003, 06:33 PM
wll if you think about it that way turning out the windshield washer away could send windshield washer in somebody else windshield, he could be scray and lose the control of his vehicle..

or if you ground the brake to the horn, the lil granma in front of him could be scared and run over somebody walking in front of the car

personnaly if my car wouldn't move when it's on the drive, i would not put the gaz on the floor, i'll go out to check it...

no flames:blah:

12-11-2003, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by 310Rduner
Then why post?

Sorry this is just a thing i find irritating.. I just think its stupid that people reply just to say "nope, sorry can't help".

Nothing personal man, I just feel like I had to get that off my chest :huh

THANK YOU! exactly what we were thinking.

follow him around one night, and when you're close to a lake with a dock, cut him off in front and open the door and duct tape him to the seat. then strap C4 and other explosives you can find on the seats, dashboard, etc. drive him onto the dock and stop. set up some timers for the explosives, tie down the steering wheel so it stays straight, put a brick on the gas pedal and put it into gear....and watch him go bye bye:devil:

i wonder if anyone will recognize where this idea is from...:blah:

or..... piss on his door handle...

12-11-2003, 07:21 PM
i put a fish in a guys car under the seat and it really smelt after a whiel then he had to pay like 100 dollars to get his car cleaned

12-11-2003, 08:11 PM
Take the coil wire off the distributor cap. Connect a wire to it and run the wire under his driver seat. Strip some of the insulation off of the wire under the seat and poke it through. His car won't start, but every time the engine turns over, he will get a shock.

P.S. Make sure he doesn't have a pacemaker!!!

Narly R
12-11-2003, 08:15 PM
Originally posted by 310Rduner
Then why post?

Sorry this is just a thing i find irritating.. I just think its stupid that people reply just to say "nope, sorry can't help".

Nothing personal man, I just feel like I had to get that off my chest :huh

I know what you mean, I dont like it either. I normally dont, I was just tired, and bored, sorry. Wont do it anymore.;)

12-11-2003, 08:16 PM
Originally posted by ridesa02400EX
our auto shop teacher lately has been messin with me and my friend a lot lately doin little jokes like disconnecting on of our plug wires, switching around the shift knobs on the transfer case and the normal shifter, and unplugged the wiper motor right before it started to rain and i didnt notice it. so we need somethin good to get him back im thinkin somwhere along the lines of wiring his brake lights to his horn or somethin i need some ideas

on your shop projects or your personal car? if it was your personal vehicle id be pissed,loosen his valves in the valves stems, so they leak, put the lil caps back on, let all the air out of his spare, that way he gets half way down the road and hes stranded, or just take the valves out of all tires and his spares and throw them away

12-11-2003, 08:37 PM
Yah, but if he decides to take all the valves out of your tires and put them back in his you're screwed.

12-11-2003, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by nacs400ex
How would you do that. The lines are seperate like a quad. For exactly that matter, if one goes out you still got the other. Apparently you've never been driving a vehilcle when a brake line decides to burst b/c the pedal goes to the floor and its very hard to stop:rolleyes:

12-11-2003, 08:51 PM
put a SMALL pebble in his valve stem cap and put it back on so it slowly leaks air

12-11-2003, 08:53 PM
If you ever catch his pickup with a trailer on just pull the pin that holds in the reciever hitch so that when he takes off forward the trailer drops and he has to rahook, fast, easy, safe

12-11-2003, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by js52589
yea taco drives a hoopty he knows these things :o That and I just have great luck:rolleyes:

12-11-2003, 09:00 PM
heres what we did to our cousin. WE disconnected his door and just set it back on without the pins and loosened up the mounts just a lil so when he opened the door it fell off.............tommy boy kind of inspired us for that.......:devil:

12-11-2003, 09:05 PM
just piss all over his interior....no way hed ever get that smell out

12-11-2003, 09:05 PM
Originally posted by lil400exman
heres what we did to our cousin. WE disconnected his door and just set it back on without the pins and loosened up the mounts just a lil so when he opened the door it fell off.............tommy boy kind of inspired us for that.......:devil:

I would kill you, no questions asked.:blah:

12-11-2003, 09:09 PM
smear dog **** under his door handles, and put a pile of it on his engine

12-11-2003, 09:11 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
smear dog **** under his door handles, and put a pile of it on his engine I think your missing the whole point of this. He doesnt wanna tear things up. He wants to play a prank not tear **** up. If you did that to my vehicle you WOULD get beat down.

12-11-2003, 09:18 PM
Yeah Freeride, Just chill. He isn't doing this to an enemy, it's just going to be a fun prank where nobody gets hurt and nothing gets damaged. They're loooking for a laugh.

12-11-2003, 09:23 PM
if you have access to his car for a while, i dont know if there is a way but disconnect his door locks, all except the back hatch. That way he can only enter and exit through the rear cause all the other doors will stay locked.

also, zip ties on the drive train are fun cause every rotation of the drivetrain creats a slapping noise on the frame and the faster you go the faster is slaps

12-11-2003, 09:24 PM
Originally posted by quadfamily
Yeah Freeride, Just chill. He isn't doing this to an enemy, it's just going to be a fun prank where nobody gets hurt and nothing gets damaged. They're loooking for a laugh.

yeah, smear dog **** under his door handles, its funny no one gets hurt and nothing gets damaged, chill about what? sheesh, he asked for ideas

12-11-2003, 09:32 PM
yeah dog **** and piss in his car. Great ideas there buddy. I bet you've got alot of friends huh? Just shut it and you won't get banned tonight. Kabish?

12-13-2003, 08:55 AM
take a lead pencil an make a solid mark from the coil pack [ where the plug wire plugs in at] down to the mounting braket . lead is a conducter . this will cause a miss in the motor an it is very hard to notice because its all black:devil:

12-13-2003, 03:03 PM
i though pencils had graphite in then,.. or can you buy the ones with actual lead in them?

12-13-2003, 03:14 PM
wire a spark plug under his seat and run some wleding wire from the plug to a place that would touch his body like his leg without hit knowing, so when he sits down and truns over the motor he gets a shock he wont forget . haha

12-13-2003, 03:37 PM
lmao zip ties on the drive shaft :muscle:

12-13-2003, 11:06 PM
i dont know if someones said it or not but you should take a leak in his windsheild washer fluid tank and empty the other. they did that to a guy around here. :D

12-13-2003, 11:21 PM
im going to try the cattails to a friend of mine lol that just hilarious.

is it an auto or stick? if its a manuel than hide his shifter

12-14-2003, 11:05 AM
dead fish :D lots under the seats

12-14-2003, 06:04 PM
if its a standard, crawl under it and dissconnect his shift linkage.
if its a standard and you dont need to depress the clutch to start it, disconnect the clutch:devil:

12-14-2003, 06:06 PM
lol i didnt think i would get this many replies this prank has to be harmless and somethin that wont really piss him off i think that ill do the cat tails and probably the ziptie idea and we have acess to his blazer almost every day for 2 hours and we could even get to it for an hour during lunch

jay's 300
12-14-2003, 06:44 PM
Vaseline under the door handles, maybe some on his wiper blades with something on the windshield that he has to clean off when he gets in and the horn trick sound like a pretty good 3 in 1 prank too me! :D

12-14-2003, 07:01 PM
If he drinks coffee puy exlax in it , my freind did that and got expelled because the shop teacher was diebetac thats not the right spelling but oh well. or you could jack up his car untill the wheels are barly off the ground so when he trys to go he thinks he blew his tranny!:devil:

12-15-2003, 09:30 AM
Hey before u leave the shop the day before a weekend when your teacher is gona leave on friday, but glue in the lock in the key hole of the door, or wire tire the door shut when the plyers are int he tool room!
well took lockers and moved them upstairs, and then wee took lockes and locked up the kids lockers outside the door, and we took lockers and put them infront of the door to where ppl couldnt get out of the hall way we have a big *** bottelneck! in school!

12-15-2003, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by 4wheelboy
lmao around here we put duct tape down on the road with the stick tape facing up. when u run it over it gets stuck on the tires and it sounds like u gota flat its funny as hell wen people get out an check there tires:devil: :devil: FOR A GOOD PRANK take string and just wrap eevry thing in the car with it so tis like im possible to getin and drive:confused:

hahahaha we do that all the time... its so funny!!!!!!

12-15-2003, 10:38 AM
Originally posted by Chef
I would kill you, no questions asked.:blah:

kill me out of jealousy since it is such a good prank and you couldnt come up with one quite so good?:devil:

12-15-2003, 02:11 PM
Take all the Lug nuts off each tire but one!!!!!!!

12-15-2003, 02:52 PM
Take dog sh*t and smear it all over his exhaust so when he starts the car and it warms up it'll give him a smell he will never forget.:devil:

12-15-2003, 02:57 PM
To go along with his dog chit prank. Get a fresh dog turd and put it under his wiper and turn his wipers on full blast while its off. So when he starts it up, it smears the **** all over the wind shield.

12-15-2003, 05:00 PM
im sure shoe polish will work on windshield wipers. its black too so he will never notice.

you could also take the fuses out of his fuse box so not all of his accessories work.

wire the dome light and that 'dinger' when the car door is open so they are always on when the key turns. that will get real annoying real quick.

roll down his windows and take the crank off (or disconnect the power steering)

since its winter turn the ac on and take off the dial (if he has one) or disconnect those levers

i love thinking of these ideas :blah:

12-15-2003, 07:39 PM
Do you know how to hookup a relay? Put about 4-5 car horns (perferably all different tones) on a board and hook the power up through a relay. Put the horns under the driver seat. Then loop the load wire around to the energizer terminal so that it won't quit until the power source is unhooked. Hook the energizer lead into something like the brake light switch or something with keyed power. I guarantee you'll get him out of the seat!

Also, a 10ga wire running from the distributor cap or coil pack to the crease in the driver seat can be an enlightening experience.

How about running some washer tubing from the washer pump through the firewall and out below the steering column aimed at the driver's crotch? Run a jumper wire to the pump from keyed power.

No. I've never pulled pranks like this before. It was some other kids.

Tommy 17
12-15-2003, 07:59 PM
this is the best joke for smell wise...

go to a hunting store or wal-mart and buy

TINKS 69 DOE IN HEAT!!!!!! its deer piss and it stinks horribly bad... then get cottom balls and soak them in the scent... put the cotton balls in his car... it will be unbarrable to sit in that car for months...:p

for school... dump bottles of it down the heaters... doe piss in a heater stinks REALLY BAD!!!!!!! thats gonna be one of our senior pranks this year in school:devil:

Narly R
12-15-2003, 08:39 PM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
this is the best joke for smell wise...

go to a hunting store or wal-mart and buy

TINKS 69 DOE IN HEAT!!!!!! its deer piss and it stinks horribly bad... then get cottom balls and soak them in the scent... put the cotton balls in his car... it will be unbarrable to sit in that car for months...:p

for school... dump bottles of it down the heaters... doe piss in a heater stinks REALLY BAD!!!!!!! thats gonna be one of our senior pranks this year in school:devil:

LMGDAO! I have smelt this stuff, and OMG! I have to bring sum to school.:devil:

Great idea man!:D

12-15-2003, 08:51 PM
get 3 mice.....write with marker on them numbers 1,2, and 4 and let them go in the car....He will be looking forever for mouse number 3!!!!!!!!!