View Full Version : Quadtrix 6

12-10-2003, 05:11 PM
ok this is stupid....this dude imed me on aol...asking if i wanted to buy his back plastics from him....i told him i didnt have the cash...but he HELD THEM...and hes trying to leave me a bad feed back exriders because what...did i rip him off....i dont think i did...it aint like he sold me something and shipped the item to me and he never recieved a payment....so i think its b/s that he wants to cry like a baby....i mean i was interested in the plastics...no lie...but its like window shoppin...you dont always have to buy...there is no rule that said i had to buy his part...just maybe i found a better deal....or just maybe as i told him...i didnt have the cash....

so folks if you want to deal with a crybaby exrider member.....and who is gonna bytch and complain because you dont buy his item....then talk to Quadtrix 6....he will cry lots of rivers...but in this river hes crying now...hes just gonna have to build a bridge and get over it....:grr:

12-10-2003, 05:15 PM
i mean ppl i get alot of e-mails off my 92 250x parts and i get offers and ppl ask to hold the shyt....its WHOEVER HAS THE GRIP 1ST GETS IT

i dont go iming them threating to post neg. feed back on exriders....grow up...thats bout as bad as notifying aol when some 1 says a cuss word...

12-10-2003, 05:21 PM
I have dealt with
Greg Z
Suck My Pipe
and im sure many others and never had a problem. Your name was clearly stated in my thread that you were taking the plastics and you never responded to that or my PM's. I didnt have your screenname and when i finally got it i got such a lame excuse. YOU DID NOT SAY HOLD THEM YOU SAID "I WILL TAKE THEM"

12-10-2003, 05:24 PM
no i didnt dude....believe what you want to believe im not gonna argue with no crybaby 21 year old..

12-10-2003, 05:29 PM
ok since u talked to me and you have every convo of mine saved on aim...please post them....and checking back to my old e-mails i never see your name...and ive never talked to you b4....ive talked to quadmx18....

12-10-2003, 05:37 PM
Re: rear plastic


QuadTrix6 wrote on 11-14-2003 09:36 PM:
hey i have yellow rear plastic from 2002 400ex. They are mint but there is one crack under the seat. It is barely noticable and hard to see and doesnt affect the plastic at all. it only happened bc the support bolt fell and they cracked from moving. I will let them go prety cheap. PM if interested with an offer.


is there any way you can take a pic and e-mail it to me at TCracin440ex@aol.com if you can ill appreciate it....the plastics i have now are cracked all teh way arround the seat on both sides...im selling the 400ex anyways so i jus want soemthing that will look better than the broken backs on it now

ok...please open your eyes dude...and read this this is the only pm i got from you and replied...never 1nce did i say that i wanted your plastics...because i dont want a set of FKIN plastics that are CRACKED....why would i want to buy cracked plastics when i already got a set that is cracked....if im going to buy something...im going to buy something that is not broken...i asked you to send me pics...and i never got them....

now if you would like me to go and post every last pm i got in my in box and outbox...il gladly do it...or even 1 better...i have nothin to hide ill give you my exriders.com pw and let you see for yourself i dont delete ne thing out my inbox or out box i have every pm ive ever got since ive been registered to exriders

12-11-2003, 01:28 PM
hey you 2, run off and fight it out in the school yard, not on exriders!

12-11-2003, 01:31 PM
zep...i tried to explain to him because i said i was interested in some plastics n he said he had some....doesnt mean i had to buy his product....he says he e-mailed me...he says he pmed me and he says he imed me...but last nite was the 1st time ive ever talked to him on the net...n ive only recieved 2 pm's from him....none of which had his adress like he says...i told him that he has me confused with another exrider member....

12-11-2003, 03:17 PM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
zep...i tried to explain to him because i said i was interested in some plastics n he said he had some....doesnt mean i had to buy his product....he says he e-mailed me...he says he pmed me and he says he imed me...but last nite was the 1st time ive ever talked to him on the net...n ive only recieved 2 pm's from him....none of which had his adress like he says...i told him that he has me confused with another exrider member....

I am not going to get involved in this arguement between you guys. You 2 can work it out amongst yourselves. No one here has anyidea what kind of correspondence you 2 have had with each other, not will any of our advice help the situation.

All I can suggest along with everyone else here, is for you 2 to work the situation out and leave everyone else out of it. If people care, they will make a judgement on how *they* perceive the situation.

good luck

12-11-2003, 03:21 PM
no doubt i aint askin no 1 to get in it...but him leavin me a bad feed back can effect me because i sell parts on here....this place gets bout as much publicity as ebay....

12-11-2003, 07:24 PM
ok im on quadtrix side because he had it clearly posted in his thread that u were taking the rear fenders, even if u had told him that, u should of let him know again when ur name was STILL next to the rear fenders as being sold to you.

also quadtrix was a nice guy to deal with would recommend again

12-11-2003, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by TCracin440ex
ok this is stupid....this dude imed me on aol...asking if i wanted to buy his back plastics from him

Originally posted by TCracin440ex
but last nite was the 1st time ive ever talked to him on the net


12-11-2003, 09:55 PM
yall can take his side...he pmed me 1 time and asked if i wanted to buy as i stated in the pm i posted....and i said i was looking for a set to make my bike look better than what i have now....i never told him 1 time i wanted his plastics....and ive only recieved 2 pm's from him...none of which had his address, or none of which did i reply with yes i want your plastics....and far as me sayin he imed me...i got him confused with quadmx18....i talked to quadmx18 about a set of plastic too....but last nite quadtrix6 imed me asking bout money saying he was leaving me a bad feedback...i never even recieved pics either.....and he has no proof of me sayin that i wanted his plastics on NONE OF HIS FORUMS.......i went throu all 2000 some odd of his post and never 1x did i see my sn saying that i was going to buy his plastics....today i checked all my pm' in box and out box AGAIN....only 2 pm's from him...i dont delete nothing out my pm box so i know im not lying...he may have me confused with another member....and he says he has convos with me on the internet from aim....well he never posted them, he might want to check in his sent mail box and see if he sent me "pics" as he claims he did...and see if just maybe because he said quote on quote "that i sell so much stuff on exriders i delete all my pm's"...so maybe he wants to check 2x....and if he just happend to send me an e-mail....if he didnt PM me and tell me that he sent me a pic under a certain sn....if he even sent pics....then if i didnt reconize the sn i would delete it because i hate spam and ne sn i dont reconize i delete....ok...and just because i told him i was looking for a set of plastics....doesnt mean i have to buy his...i can LOOK with out BUYING....its like window shoping...you can look but u aint gotta buy....shyt if that happened every time we went to a atv dealer or a car dealer or hell ne where...we would be spendin alot of money on alot of not needed things and getting suckered....