View Full Version : 400mxracing?

12-05-2003, 03:06 PM
Anyone ever dealt with him ? I sent him a money order for $300 Nov 23 And now he wont get back to me to let me know if he got the money order or has shipped the wheels and tires i was buying off of him I live in Maryland and he lives in Levittown ,PA he is not far away it should not take this long, Plus I have e mailed him a dozen times and have pm ed him and he has read my pm s . His name is Rob Robinson If anyone knows of him please let me know Thanks:mad:

12-05-2003, 04:06 PM
guess it might be time for a little drive down to Pennsyvania? :D

12-05-2003, 05:42 PM
You've got it JUMBO:macho

12-06-2003, 07:34 AM
Yeah I sent him a money order for $10 for some nacs headlight covers over a week ago and he has read all of my pm's, but he never replied back. I think its time for some detective work :devil:

12-06-2003, 08:23 AM
Ok ROB (400mxracing) I have sent you five pm's and you havent answered the last three and I know you have read them. Now it has been over a week since I sent you the money order and 2 weeks for fast440. If I do not get a reply or my product that I bought off you this week actions will be taken. Because I am not one to be ripped off! :mad:

12-06-2003, 10:15 AM
Originally posted by fast440
Anyone ever dealt with him ? I sent him a money order for $300 Nov 23 And now he wont get back to me to let me know if he got the money order or has shipped the wheels and tires i was buying off of him I live in Maryland and he lives in Levittown ,PA he is not far away it should not take this long, Plus I have e mailed him a dozen times and have pm ed him and he has read my pm s . His name is Rob Robinson If anyone knows of him please let me know Thanks:mad:

you know this is just amazing because i sent him a money order for 300.00 for some beadlocks and tires and he wont respond to me either. is there anyway to find out something about this guy like maybe a phone # or anything?

12-06-2003, 10:39 AM
i pmed the administrater so we will hopefully get this taken care od as soon as possible. If not some action will be taken!

12-06-2003, 10:47 AM
i also pmed the administrator so hopefully we will get our money back. but i will cooperate and help out in anyway to make sure we either get the parts or the money. i can give my phone # to anyone that needs it to help out. thanks

12-06-2003, 10:49 AM
I will back you up on that one mouse!

12-06-2003, 12:59 PM
also my money order was sent to him on nov 24th

here also is a link to the thread where he advertised the rims for sale


i also have this printed out incase it gets deleted

12-06-2003, 04:52 PM
Everyone or almost everyone I heard of that gets ripped off by people are from PA. I got ripped on a set of nerfs and a K@n filter from a town called "Wilbeton PA"... guys name was Steve Casey. We've got to put a stop to people getting ripped off.

12-06-2003, 05:34 PM
I have attempted to contact the seller and I have recorded his IP Addresses to provide to the authorities if required. Also, I banned his account.

I have found that the person is located in PA?

Please send me the address of the person you sent the money too.

12-06-2003, 07:26 PM
Ok I pmed you all of the info that I had. Hey mouse what is this guys e-mail address so I can e-mail the heck out of him until I get a reply?

12-06-2003, 07:27 PM
its on the 2nd page of the link i posted a few posts ago

hes on aol messanger right now

12-06-2003, 07:29 PM
Ok thanks a lot man time to have some fun with this guy :devil: Oh hey did you get my pm also?

12-06-2003, 07:47 PM
ok i just talked with him on aol messanger and he says the he has sent fast440 his money back and should have recieved it today, he has sent me the beadlocks and tires and is supposed to be sending me tonight, he jumped off before i could ask him about your stuff fmf, i will post again as soon as i know more

12-06-2003, 07:54 PM
ok thanks a lot for the update mouse. i am glad to hear that fast is getting his money back and that you are getting your tires, and thanks for trying to ask him about me. But if you see him on again ask if you could please. Oh by the way i e-mailed him and said i will be contacting his local authorities if i did not receive my product or money by wensday. So thanks again for the update and let me know if you find anything else out.

12-06-2003, 07:56 PM
dlf agf: hey
dllf agf: this is mouse from EX Riders
dlf agf: me and fast 440, who apparently also bought the set of beadlocks and tires, both want our money back
Big man 1391: i sent da tires out man they will b there tues
Big man 1391: i sent his money order bac he got it today in da mail man
dlf agf: according to him, he tells me he did not
Big man 1391: well i fedex it yesterday so he gettin it today or monday
dlf agf: because he just posted on EX rides this morning stating that he has not recieved tires and wants his money back
dlf agf: so you sent beadlocks and tires???
Big man 1391: yes
dlf agf: i want a tracking number
Big man 1391: ok let me get it ok
dlf agf: i need it within the next five min
Big man 1391: h/o let me call my wife its in her truck
Big man 1391: i need to sign off ill b on in liek 5 min ok
dlf agf: wait
Big man 1391: yes?
dlf agf: i highly suggest you get on EX riders and talk to Harlem, because you acct has been blocked and there are three people, including me talking about why we haven't recieved parts or money

Thats where he sighned off

12-06-2003, 08:00 PM
thanks for posting that conversation mouse. now maybe we have a chance of getting our stuff back.well i have to go lift for a little bit. I will be back in around 30-45 minutes. please let me know if you here anything more.thanks

12-06-2003, 08:03 PM
i just figured out something in the original thread where he was selling the stuff he was selling his quad and stuff to pay for his car that he got from his parents but in the aol conversation he said he had to call his wife the the tracking # was in her truck. seems weird hes married but parents buying him a car?????

12-06-2003, 08:07 PM
yeah that sounds a little suspicious to me :confused:

12-06-2003, 08:39 PM
Hondaracr196: hey is this rob?
Hondaracr196: this is fmf400ex from exriders and i was just wondering if you got the money order yet?
Big man 1391: yes
Big man 1391: wat did u order?
Hondaracr196: ok good the nacs headlight covers
Big man 1391: da headlite covers
Hondaracr196: yep
Big man 1391: yes im sending it out monday
Big man 1391: ull get it on tuesday bc im fedexing them out ok
Big man 1391: same w/ mouse
Hondaracr196: oh ok well i just wanted to make sure
Big man 1391: u both will get ur stuff on tuesday ok
Big man 1391: yees
Big man 1391: i jsu been so busy n this weather is horrible
Big man 1391: we got like 11 inches roundhere
Hondaracr196: ok that is fine
Big man 1391: yea thanx man
Hondaracr196: wow i believe cuz i ride over in pa sometimes
Big man 1391: yea
Big man 1391: i mean its crazy for an early snowfall for this amount of snow
Hondaracr196: oh man i know, over here we got 8 inches
Big man 1391: they still ahvnt even plowed my neighbor hood yet
Big man 1391: damn
Big man 1391: there doi nall da main roads
Hondaracr196: oh my gosh thats gotta suck
Big man 1391: yea
Hondaracr196: oh ok i see
Big man 1391: n i hear da nex section ova lost power
Big man 1391: so that must sux
Hondaracr196: oh man that would no heat or anything
Big man 1391: yea ikno
Big man 1391: so ight man im headin out yea im sendin em out monday so ul lget em on tueday ok man
Big man 1391: tuesday by 10
Big man 1391: 10am
Hondaracr196: hey do mind if i put this on exriders so i can show everybody that ur sendin their stuff out monday
Big man 1391: yes
Hondaracr196: yes its ok to
Big man 1391: yea i jsu been so busy n hectic lately u kno
Big man 1391: n ahd things to do im so sry for all da curruption
Hondaracr196: yeah i understand well thanks a lot for lettin us know updating us finally
Hondaracr196: yeah well thats ok, im just glad u didnt end up rippin us off and you came up and told us that u were busy and u are sendin the stuff out
Big man 1391: yes
Big man 1391: yea i jus tried gettin on exriders n cant
Big man 1391: i guess they blocked me
Big man 1391: i mso sry man for wat has happened
Big man 1391: i read wat it has said about my son n da mone yfor hsi car
Big man 1391: we only hav one sn
Big man 1391: so we all use it
Hondaracr196: yeah well since u didnt reply to anybody we all thought we were gettin ripped off, and since this has happend before we just all kind of took some action
Big man 1391: jsu so we can talk to people onmline
Big man 1391: yea im very sry man
Big man 1391: we only hav one sn
Big man 1391: betwenn me n my son
Hondaracr196: oh ok i see
Big man 1391: n im sendin ur stuff out monday n it shuld b there tuesday by 10 n da latest wed by 10 if da weather has them backed up wich i doubt but who knows
Hondaracr196: oh so ur son posted the thing about the money for a car i got yah
Big man 1391: yea i jsu wanna clarify that n want yas to understand
Big man 1391: yes
Hondaracr196: yeah ok i understand it now thanks for clarifying that
Hondaracr196: well i gtg so thanks alot for clearing that up and hopefully i will my stuff on tuesday or wensday
Big man 1391: yes ur welcome man
Hondaracr196: ok talk to yah later
Big man 1391: bye
Hondaracr196: bye
well here is are conversation from about 2 minutes ago, so lets see if it hopefully comes in the mail this week.

12-06-2003, 08:49 PM
thats cool, im all for it being a big mix up and if so i will totally praise him to high heaven but i still dont have a tracking # and untill then im not convinced. after all this i want some proof he said he was gonna get back with me in a few min but i still have nothing.

12-06-2003, 08:51 PM
yeah thats true. I knew i forgot to ask for the tracking number. Well he is online still so give him an instant message.

12-06-2003, 08:52 PM
it says hes not available

12-06-2003, 08:58 PM
it does well i am talking to him right now and he said he is sending both of our stuff out monday and we should get it tuesday but no later then wensday. And he will give us the tracking numbers on monday. he said try to instant message him now, he said he never received any messages from you yet.

12-06-2003, 09:13 PM
ok i just talked to him and he says i will have it tuesday but he doesnt have a tracking # untill i have on im not going to trust hes telling me the truth, when he sends me one ill take back everything and ask harlen to unblock his account. but thats as much as im going if he hasnt contacted me by mon im contacting the usps and his local authorities. i work to hard and to many hours and treat people with to much respect when selling and buying stuff to be jerked around when it only takes 2 minutes to type a simple response to a pm or send a email, its called common decency, good biusness practice.

12-06-2003, 10:01 PM
Rob responded to my Email, and He assured me that everyone will get their product and one of you will be getting back your money order. He sent the money order back Fedex and he should have it by Monday.

mouse and fmf should have their stuff by Tuesday or Wednesday. He is sorry for the delay and meant no harm to anyone.

He will remained Banned until everyone gets their products, but I don't think anyone has anything to worry about.

Now, you all need to become "Supporting Members" or buy a T-shirt to pay for my arbetration fees. :D

12-06-2003, 11:03 PM
you got a deal harlen. as soon as i get my pay check friday my first purchase will be a shirt maybe 2 :D

12-07-2003, 06:05 AM
sure thing harlen sounds good. now as soon as i get some extra cash i will be ordering one! :)

12-07-2003, 10:38 AM
First i have not recieved my money order back , i got i pm from him just saying that he sold the rims and tires and he would send me my money order back. I will believe it when i see it . This has been going on for almost 3 weeks and now he is just going to make everything cool. Yea! He is definatly up to something ! WHy did he tell 2 different people to send money orders out and i know he got mine within a day or 2 he lives in PA and i am in Md he probably got it the very next day! Wht did it take him 2 weeks to finally answer 1 of my 20 emails and pm's to finally just say Oh i sold the rims, When i was the one he sold them to! Just a word for the wise dont deal ! Thanks Tony

12-07-2003, 03:02 PM
well hopefully he will take the money he got from the parts and get some hooked on phonics :rolleyes: .

12-07-2003, 03:49 PM
AMEN! atvmxrider :) :) :)

12-08-2003, 09:49 PM
400mxracing sent me the tracking # this evening and fast440 sent me a pm stating that he has recieved his money order. fmf400ex is the only one that i havent heard from so far but im sure that he has or will have his tracking # soon.

i will post again as soon as i get the parts and confirm they are in the condition he described, but im pretty sure that nothing else will be a problem. the main problem of this transaction was the lack of comminication on the sellers part.

at this point the only negative i can say is the communication part as like i said i havent recieved the parts and confirmed the qaulity but i dont think that will be a problem. the only advice i can give is that commincation is crucial in a biuness deal in order to avoid problems like this that can quickly form into what we have witnessed, this could have all been cleared up with a simple email or a pm. i understand how life can be very busy and time consuming but in order to keep a good reputation in a world where a bad reputation can ruin future buisness deals it is always beneficial to communicate at least a simple email.

12-09-2003, 04:09 PM
ok im going to remain as civil as i can. i have recieved the rims and tires today. that is the only good thing i can say.

400mxracing in your original thread you stated that the rims and tires had never been used never taken out of the box, in fact you said you hadnt even opened them. if you want i can quote your words from the original thread.

you are a flat out liar, from the momment this entire ordeal started you have lied.

these rims have neen used and i would have to say by the looks used alot. they have been mounted on your quad because the back side of the rims have rust from where they have been mounted. there is dirt all over the tires, and scratches on the beadlock ring. and one of the tires is flat ( i havent yet rried to pump it up to see if it will hold air)

the only reason im keeping them is i dont feel like going through the trouble of trying to get my money back because im sure that it would be just like the trouble all of us had to ge through in the first place.

i dont like doing this but im going to say that in my opinion i suggest anyone in the future that decides to buy from you do so very carefully. that they are taking a big risk, i wont ever buy another thing you have for sale and wont believe a word that comes out of your mouth.

that was the reason you said you didnt want to take them out of the box to get pictures is because people would know you where lieing about the condition of the rims.

in my advice you should take the money i sent you and invest in some books on ethics, morals, and how to stop being a compulsive liar.

12-09-2003, 05:18 PM
Does anybody know how old this guy is?

12-09-2003, 06:47 PM
I specifically asked him if they were BRAND NEW NEVER USED in am email and he said YES Sorry you got SCREWED:(

12-09-2003, 07:23 PM
well i got my headlight covers today and they certainly were not in the condition he said they were. I mean they weren't cracked, broken or damaged. They are actually in very good shape. But they are extremely faded like half of each one is almost clear there is hardly any red around the outsides that he never told me about. Glad you finally got ur stuff mouse, but sorry to hear about how he lied about the condition. Hopefully this will not happen in the future again. I have bought quite a few things thru this site and this is the first time I have had to deal with somebody like this. And you were absolutely 100% correct mouse on communication between seller and buyer is the key to a good sales and a good reputation!

12-09-2003, 10:14 PM
if he does come back it will probably be under a diferent name. easier to hide that way. :rolleyes:

12-10-2003, 06:30 AM
hats true, but who knows????:confused: