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View Full Version : How to get dead black bear out of woods?

11-30-2003, 05:59 PM
Well it looks like us jersey boys will finally get to go bear hunting dec 8-13 if the anti don't ruin it for us. I plan on huntin for bear on this patch of state land that only the locals know about. The thing is because it is state land i can't use a quad to pull the bear out. How do u recommend getting the bear out? I know you can't just drag the bear on the ground because the hair will come out. What do you guys recomment putting the bear on or wrapping it up in before i drag it.


11-30-2003, 06:02 PM
yea ive seen those deer sleighs and pull things that u put the deer out and what about those little carts and maybe u could hand drag one of those little trailors u pull ehind the lawn mower in there

twisted threads
11-30-2003, 06:12 PM
I have gotten a few bear and they are a pain to get out of the woods if there big. My first two bear I deboned them and packed them out. My last bear was huge and I wanted to save the hide so I got two large tarps and wrapped the bear in them and tided a rope around the tarps so it looked like the bear was hog tide. We hooked the long rope up to a chainsaw wench and pulled it out.

11-30-2003, 06:14 PM
I have dragged a 300 pound bear out of the woods, with help of another guy. If you get a big one, and you dont want to wreck the fur, you will need a couple guys and maybe wrapping a blanket around it will do fine.. Cant you buy ORV's and ride fourwheelers on state land?

Glow Plug
11-30-2003, 06:15 PM
a sled would be a good Idea if you have a couple of buddies with you

good luck

11-30-2003, 06:23 PM
I think i might just go buy a 20x40 tarp and roll the bear up in that and pull it out with 2-3 other guys. Its a down hill pull.

It sucks that in Jersey we can't use rifles. So i am using a remington 1100 with a rifled barrel and sabot slugs. I got a real good scope on it. I was putting them in a 3in circle at 50 yards, then i moved the plywood to 80 yards and it was still dead on. Only thing that sucks is there sabots are 10-12 bucks for a box of 5. Went through 5 boxes today of all different kinds. Turns out the wincesters shoot the best out of the gun. Compared to some of the other sabots i had with me, shooting the wins were almost like firing a whole different type of gun.


11-30-2003, 06:50 PM
get a big tarp, put the bear in the center then pull all the corners of the tarp together and tie a rope to that and have about 3 guys pull on the rope

Tommy 17
11-30-2003, 07:12 PM
we get all our bears out with a deer cart and about 5 or 6 guyz draggin them...

12-01-2003, 04:38 AM
Put a pair of ruby slippers on the bear and click its heels together:D

12-01-2003, 10:48 AM
Call in a Life Flight and then bribe the pilot when he gets there. :D

12-01-2003, 04:05 PM
Hey, here in Michigan we usually just use a sled or a tarp and drag the bear out with a utility quad. But we got a notice this year from the DNR when we got our hunting licenses. I'll see if I can type it out for you.

The State of Michigan has recently discovered a high population of the Northern Grizzly bear in the northern part of the United States. In order to protect the hunters of Michigan, we are circulating this pamphlet filled with information about the bears you may encounter.

First, be aware that there are measure you can take to protect yourself from bear attacks. More often than not, an attack is caused by a hunter walking near a bear and frightening it. For this reason, we ask that hunters sew small non-reflective bells on their clothing to keep from scaring a bear while it is resting.

Second, in case of a bear attack, you should try to remain calm. If possible, lie down on the ground in the fetal position and cover your vital areas. If you can't get down, try to make as much noise and movement as possible to get the bear to believe you are larger than you really are. If all else fails, use a military or police grade pepper spray aimed at the nose of the bear to ward off an attack.

Finally, know how to identify bears. The Michigan brown bear, which is named because of it's thick, heavy brown coat, is mostly an herbivore. It stands about 5 foot tall on it's hind legs and can weigh up to 500lbs or more.
The Northern grizzly, however is a carnivore. It prefers to eat live prey. The Northern is very large with a thick black coat. Northern Grizzlys have been estimated up to nearly 1000lbs. While on the trail, the easiest way to tell you've happened upon a bear is by finding feces near the trail. Because of it's diet, the brown bears feces can be identified by the presence of berries, twigs, and a sweet fruity odor. The Grizzly bear feces can be identified by its enormous piles composed of small bells, with a strong odor of pepper.

12-01-2003, 04:33 PM
be a man, pull the farker out. sheesh.

12-01-2003, 04:38 PM
Yea throw it over your shoulder and walk out. Not rocket science people.. :D

12-01-2003, 05:02 PM
Originally posted by MITrail400EX
The Grizzly bear feces can be identified by its enormous piles composed of small bells, with a strong odor of pepper.

hahahaha lmao

12-01-2003, 05:22 PM
Be a man about it and drag it out alive....:macho

12-01-2003, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by Guy400
Put a pair of ruby slippers on the bear and click its heels together:D

LMAO if that doesnt work you can coax him out with some honey then shoot his *****:devil:

12-01-2003, 06:45 PM
The chain saw winch is the only way to fly.:macho

12-02-2003, 10:15 AM
personally id pay the fine for draggin that mofo out with my quad before i threw my back out draggin a bear...lmfao

12-02-2003, 12:24 PM
When my dad's friend shoots a bear, it's get about 3 other guys to lift the thing up onto a quad and ride it out no dragging involved.:D