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View Full Version : its to far when you bring mom into it....

11-24-2003, 10:07 PM
Alright its been a rough day but im going to tell you all what happend.All my racing buddys where over today, Quad racers an DBers.We was in the basement about 14 of us, all 15-21 in age.Playing ATV2 an fixing a pit bike.I hear my mom yell for me I come up stares my moms real shook up an cryin with a cut on her eye I said mom what happend?She said ''a man a man out side'' I stepped outside an 3 drunk guys where in my garage basically ripping it apart slit my quad tires with a pocket knife.I said ''hey $%^$## get outta here what are you doing''.Then the guy said somthing about him hitting my mom an he started coming after me with these other men these guys where on somthing my dad wasnt there or anything just me.I looked out an seen there truck in the middle of the road blockin the road off.I ran inside an SCREAMED for everybody to get the hell up stares RIGHT NOW they asked why an as soon as I turned around the guy was right there an hit me.All my friends ran up them steps faster than anything right as my dad was pulling in the drive.My friend nick he is 6'5 an 295lb he looks like a white lennox lewis grabs this man after he knew he hit my mom an started pummling him on the floor. while 4 of my other friends were fighting these two guys out side.My dad tossed his phone at one of my friends an told him to call 911 he did an my dad helped hold down this one guy.But the 3rd guy was going nutts an had a club type of metal in his hand.I ran inside an loaded the 410 an told him if he didnt stop he was a goner so he did.The police came the NEWS came it will Air tomarrow morning around here channel 10 an 8 both have the story an im sure you will hear it around tomarrow as it just happend at 10PM tonight.All you people in the southern ohio area look for it on the news.I will be on there.Its not a good thing when men just run up in your house an start beatin up a women they dont even know....sad situation.

Fat Possum
11-24-2003, 10:17 PM
WTF? I'm so glad I live in Tennessee.

11-24-2003, 10:18 PM
Damn man, that's horrible. I hope your mom is alright, did they hit her or did they cut her with the knife? It's a good freaking thing that your friends were there, scary to think about what could have happened if they hadn't been. Glad you guys beat the sh*t out of them, just make sure they don't try some BS lawsuit with a bleeding hard Johnny Cochran lawyer and try to sue you guys.:( The sad thing is they most likely could try and pull some bs lawsuit, and there are actually people out there stupid enough to listen to them.

Narly R
11-24-2003, 10:20 PM
HOLY FREAKIN COW!!!! I cant belive that happened man! That is the most moving thing i have herd in a long time! Im glad u guys got to beat the crap outa them!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: OMG! That is soooo sooo bad they hit ur mom like that! I woulda went sico on them! NOBODY should do that! A 4-10 dont kill if you hit them in the legs, I woulda did it, sorry but I woulda went nuts! I hear abou this kinda stuff, but WOW!! Im very glad you were ok! And ur family and friends. Thats crazy, hope they get what they deserver! My prayers!:(

:mad: :mad: :mad:

11-24-2003, 10:21 PM
Thats pretty crazy. Good think your buddies were there!

11-24-2003, 11:25 PM
good to hear that you guys beat that CHIT out of those guys

11-25-2003, 05:20 AM
Thats some f$cked up *****...

11-25-2003, 05:49 AM
thats crazy man, if somebody did that to my mom i would snap

11-25-2003, 06:00 AM
Yep, no offense or anything, but that .410 would have fired off a few rounds right away if that was my house and my mother.

Who were these guys exactly?

11-25-2003, 07:21 AM
Don't ever wound someone, shoot to kill. Sadly, in America today the victims have all the rights. If you shoot an idiot like that and don't kill him, not only will YOU go to prison, he will sue you, win, and take everything you own. That's the pathetic state of this liberal, bleeding-heart society. I don't know what happened to provoke this incident, but if they went for your quad, it sounds like they were pissed about where you or your buddies ride. That may or may not be the case, but there is no excuse for their action. Rest assured, these guys will get a slap on the hand an be on their merry way, because our prison system is clogged with hard-core criminals--like those dangerous pot smokers!

11-25-2003, 07:51 AM
"clogged with hard-core criminals--like those dangerous pot smokers!" :mad: :mad: aint that the truth!!

~ i say hang em~

11-25-2003, 08:04 AM
wow, glad everyone will be alright. It could have been seriously bad if you had not had a bunch of friends over to help out. Stuff like that makes me sick to my stomach. I'm glad your mom will be ok, I imagine she's prolly real shook up.

I'm with 400exmom - hang 'em high and drop 'em low. No second chances & no forgivness:mad:

11-25-2003, 09:06 AM
move up out da hood...

11-25-2003, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by F-16Guy
Don't ever wound someone, shoot to kill. Sadly, in America today the victims have all the rights. If you shoot an idiot like that and don't kill him, not only will YOU go to prison, he will sue you, win, and take everything you own. That's the pathetic state of this liberal, bleeding-heart society. I don't know what happened to provoke this incident, but if they went for your quad, it sounds like they were pissed about where you or your buddies ride. That may or may not be the case, but there is no excuse for their action. Rest assured, these guys will get a slap on the hand an be on their merry way, because our prison system is clogged with hard-core criminals--like those dangerous pot smokers!

I am with you on!:bandit:

firmly believe that "last rights" would have been the last thing those fawkholes would have heard.

Hope everyone fully recovers, except the fawkholes...I hope they develop a severe case of *** splititis in jail.:devil:

take care.

11-25-2003, 10:12 AM
did they get caught?

11-25-2003, 10:22 AM
dude WOW if anyone were to hit my mom that whould be thee end for them id go get the gun

11-25-2003, 10:29 AM
i thought you had the lega lright to shoot to kill if they enter into your house with other weapons. Theres a big case going around her ein middle tennessee where some kids went into this house to rob this guy of his guns & the guy shot one of the kids in the face & the kid that got shot i nthe face is in jail for like 2 years for robbery & the guy that shot him is free & has been.

11-25-2003, 10:52 AM
Thats nuts where did they come from? I am glad no one got seriously hurt.

11-25-2003, 11:02 AM
damn b...that is f*cked up! Did you know who the guys were before last night? Hope you mom is alright! Was she cut with the knife, or did one of the SOB's hit her?:mad: Man, if someone decided to hit my mom, that would be their last decision!:grr::mad::mad:

I am not law expert by any means, but sounds like at least one of them will face jail time...assault with a deadly weapon.

sounds like they actually will get quite a few charges...but hell, I am just talking out of my ***.

11-25-2003, 11:28 AM
That is unbelievable. I hear about this stuff every now and then, but it's hard to imagine someone you know could have this happen to them. I am no tough guy by any means and would probably do well to hold my own, but you better believe if I got ahold of my 410 one of those SOBs would lose a leg.:mad: I have no sympathy for anyone who does **** like that and they would pay for hitting my mother. I'm glad to hear everythings okay and it was great all of your friends were there. At least you got to beat their *** before they went to jail because the police won't do anything. Keep an eye out and take care man.

11-25-2003, 11:41 AM
Holy chit:eek: I had to read taht twice and it still blows my mind that there are that many messed up freaks out there. What did they want?? That is just so insane I can't belive it. Personally, I would have shot the basterd......:mad:

11-25-2003, 12:57 PM
wow..thats horrible..hope they get jail time!! that sux..hope ur mom is ok

11-25-2003, 03:09 PM
with 14 of you guys, dude i remember this one time my buddys were gettin followed in a car and the people wanted to beat their *** and they came to my buddys house where we hang out and they yelled fight and there was like 13 of us down there and we all were outside in like 5 seconds. why didnt all your buddys go up and woop some ***

11-25-2003, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Crazy400exMan
i thought you had the lega lright to shoot to kill if they enter into your house with other weapons.

If I'm not mistaken, the intruders don't have to have weapons. I believe if anybody forces entry into your house illegally, you can shoot to kill, regardless if the intruder is armed or not.

I'm with F-16 on this, and not just because of legal issues. I don't advocate senseless killing, but if you ARE going to shoot, shoot to kill. I would hate to see somebody shoot an intruder in the leg, only to have the intruder pull a gun out and start shooting back.

Keep us posted on why those guys were in your garage in the first place, they had to have a reason...

11-25-2003, 03:23 PM
oh ya, i dont liek to see my mom cry about anything, so if i found out some guy had hit her and she was bleeding, right then and there it would be OVER with. the guy would be done faster then he could say a word. Anyways, why did they do it? i mean noone just walks into a garage and starts breakin **** for nothing..

11-25-2003, 04:20 PM
sounds a lil fishy,i mean i remember the time you rode a dirtbike for 10 minutes and beat your buddy and jumped a 70 ft double and it was real easy

for some reason i just cant picture a bunch of guys parking in the middle of the road, slapping your mom and slashing your tires and breaking random ****, sounds like something off walker texas ranger

11-25-2003, 05:04 PM
i would beat the $h!t outt them and then i would take my quad.... have someone lift the back end off the ground... put the guy under the tires... get in in 5th pinned and let it roll and that mother f'er until the blood starts hitting you in the face. then rip his balls off and fry them up for him.... its disgusting but that makes me pissed off. im sure you were.

11-25-2003, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
sounds a lil fishy,i mean i remember the time you rode a dirtbike for 10 minutes and beat your buddy and jumped a 70 ft double and it was real easy

for some reason i just cant picture a bunch of guys parking in the middle of the road, slapping your mom and slashing your tires and breaking random ****, sounds like something off walker texas ranger

well. we will see if it is true or not because it will be on some kind of internet site or maybe even a little news station. Its wierd because i know if my mom got hit by a guy and all my friends were there she would have screamed for help. I dont want to sound mean or nothin but sounds a little bit like a drug deal gone bad?? i dont want to sound like your parents may do stuf like that but you never know. I mean come on, three crazy azzes (maybe all wired of cocaine) block off your driveway and go beatin shiit up.??:confused: :huh

11-25-2003, 07:41 PM
wow that sucks did you know em? first of all if they hit my mom id shoot em 2nd of all if they touched my quad i couldnt stop shootin em....just makes me gladd i have a painball gun loaded and ready right where i can get it fast...any A-holes try to break in my house there gettin 235 paintballs in the face ;) and i have this baby cranked up all the way

and we do not own a regular gun

cool 300ex
11-25-2003, 08:19 PM
All you guys probley think its alittle crazy. But with all the *******s out there today i belive it. Good thing your friends where there. Did all them help or just some of them? Just think if they woldn't have been there. If that happened to me all i have is a 22 its the only gun in my house besides the 2 BB guns.

11-25-2003, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by cool 300ex
If that happened to me all i have is a 22 its the only gun in my house besides the 2 BB guns.

dang dude, my house is like a gun wearhouse.....were loaded lol

i got a 20 gauge Winchester, 12 Guage 870 Browning, .22, and a BB gun sittin no more then 2 feet away from me right now in my closet........and thats just my closet........

(oh yah, we hunt) lol

11-25-2003, 09:18 PM
thats the craziest story i've ever heard. you've never seen these guys before in your life and they were just in your garage tearin poop up? thats a little weird..

11-25-2003, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by cool 300ex
If that happened to me all i have is a 22 its the only gun in my house besides the 2 BB guns. [/B]

.45 with night sights on the night stand... AK-47 under the bed with 2-30 round mags...

I'm ready! :devil:

I just hope one of these nights if the phone rings, I don't answer picking up the .45 by mistake... :eek2:

11-25-2003, 10:07 PM
why did you do to make them go into your house anyway?

Narly R
11-25-2003, 10:28 PM
Id someone BROKE into my house and HIT my mom or anybody, i feel I would have the right to defend myself, if they attack me I will shoot them. Crazy *******s!:mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

11-25-2003, 11:02 PM
My only personal defense weapons are the 6 years of martial arts I took, the 2 12" sharpened Ka-Bars underneath my bed, and a dull rusty katana I bought in Tahiti that I'm sure would sting. Only gun in my house is kept locked up.

11-26-2003, 01:25 AM

Surely you are a gracious guy. Most people would have unloaded the gun. I may have reloaded it.

11-26-2003, 04:59 AM
seems like we are only getting part of the story here who are they and why would they come to your house in the first place?
are you saying this is un provoked?

Originally posted by rookiex
Alright its been a rough day but im going to tell you all what happend.All my racing buddys where over today, Quad racers an DBers.We was in the basement about 14 of us, all 15-21 in age.Playing ATV2 an fixing a pit bike.I hear my mom yell for me I come up stares my moms real shook up an cryin with a cut on her eye I said mom what happend?She said ''a man a man out side'' I stepped outside an 3 drunk guys where in my garage basically ripping it apart slit my quad tires with a pocket knife.I said ''hey $%^$## get outta here what are you doing''.Then the guy said somthing about him hitting my mom an he started coming after me with these other men these guys where on somthing my dad wasnt there or anything just me.I looked out an seen there truck in the middle of the road blockin the road off.I ran inside an SCREAMED for everybody to get the hell up stares RIGHT NOW they asked why an as soon as I turned around the guy was right there an hit me.All my friends ran up them steps faster than anything right as my dad was pulling in the drive.My friend nick he is 6'5 an 295lb he looks like a white lennox lewis grabs this man after he knew he hit my mom an started pummling him on the floor. while 4 of my other friends were fighting these two guys out side.My dad tossed his phone at one of my friends an told him to call 911 he did an my dad helped hold down this one guy.But the 3rd guy was going nutts an had a club type of metal in his hand.I ran inside an loaded the 410 an told him if he didnt stop he was a goner so he did.The police came the NEWS came it will Air tomarrow morning around here channel 10 an 8 both have the story an im sure you will hear it around tomarrow as it just happend at 10PM tonight.All you people in the southern ohio area look for it on the news.I will be on there.Its not a good thing when men just run up in your house an start beatin up a women they dont even know....sad situation.

11-26-2003, 05:27 AM
I have my Glock .40 loaded and my 12 gauge with 00 buckshot ready to go... if those POS tried that here, there would not be much left for the police to pick up.

11-26-2003, 10:27 AM
Did it happen or not? Anyone see it on tv?

11-26-2003, 04:41 PM
Its not on 10tv's website. http://www.10tv.com/news/local.php

11-26-2003, 04:52 PM
nothin the good ole .40 wouldn't have taken care off.

on yer property, physically assaulted yer Mom....i woulda shot em and have no problem doing it.

11-26-2003, 05:54 PM
you guys would be in jail if you shot someone who didnt have a gun , are you crazy, your only allowed to use adequate force, a baseball bat is adequate, hamemr, crow bars, chain saw, meat slicer

11-26-2003, 05:58 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
you guys would be in jail if you shot someone who didnt have a gun , are you crazy, your only allowed to use adequate force, a baseball bat is adequate, hamemr, crow bars, chain saw, meat slicer


If someone broke into MY house and attacked MY family with a knife (deadly weapon) I can and will tell you he would not make it out alive.

11-26-2003, 06:00 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
you guys would be in jail if you shot someone who didnt have a gun , are you crazy, your only allowed to use adequate force, a baseball bat is adequate, hamemr, crow bars, chain saw, meat slicer

Wrong. If someone forces entry into your house illegally, you are allowed to use deadly force, whether the intruder is armed or not.

11-26-2003, 06:02 PM
you guys would be in jail if you shot someone who didnt have a gun , are you crazy, your only allowed to use adequate force, a baseball bat is adequate, hamemr, crow bars, chain saw, meat slicer

and you don't know your rights....

oh and Wilkin250R,

that person or people have to bear significant endangerment toward yourself, your family, or your property. now proving that in court is the hard part.

11-26-2003, 06:04 PM
so you have posted and no trespassing signs on your door, keep out, deadily force will be used, and you have a booby trap, someone breaks in, there walking up the stairs, robbing the place, fall down the stairs and break there neck and dies, there family sues you, who wins

thats not true, you can only use adequate force

if someone steals you watch you cant shoot them in the back of the head on the way out the door, you or your family have to be in eminent danger of life to use deadly force

11-26-2003, 06:06 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
and you don't know your rights....

well the last half was sarcastic...if someone is about to stab your wife or kill you or your family members you can but if there stealing you can only use adequate force to stop them...or thats what law class told us

11-26-2003, 06:07 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
well the last half was sarcastic...if someone is about to stab your wife or kill you or your family members you can but if there stealing you can only use adequate force to stop them...or thats what law class told us

well I suggest no one from your law class attempts to break into my house... they might get a rude wake up call.

11-26-2003, 06:08 PM
i'm not to sure on how true this is, but if someone stole something from you and you walked up behind them and shot them or stabbed them from behind, you can be held at fault or something?:confused:

11-26-2003, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
well I suggest no one from your law class attempts to break into my house... they might get a rude wake up call.

yeah, and youll be in jail LOL

no im not even sure if you can use force to stop the person from stealing, unless they attack you legally , im not sure on that one tho, i know you cant kill anyone for stealing

11-26-2003, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by sportraxrider10
i'm not to sure on how true this is, but if someone stole something from you and you walked up behind them and shot them or stabbed them from behind, you can be held at fault or something?:confused:

you guys are changing the scenario around here... this guy/guys broke INTO his house and attacked his mother....

11-26-2003, 06:14 PM
in this guys case, his mother was attacked. if you want, i can list some cases in CA, OR, WA, VA and NC where the judge found no fault in the shooting when a family member was assaulted.

thats the whole "gamble" when shooting someone on your property during an incident. your lawyer, their lawyer, the jury, the judge....they are all variables that must me taken account of. the law is not 100% cleary defined in incidents like this. it's a judgement call by many people.

11-26-2003, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
yeah, and youll be in jail LOL

no im not even sure if you can use force to stop the person from stealing, unless they attack you legally , im not sure on that one tho, i know you cant kill anyone for stealing

again, I will repeat myself one more time. If someone breaks into your house and attacks a family member (it was said they had a knife), the bad guy would be dead in my house and I promise you I would not be in jail.

your starting to sound like a bleeding heart liberal... :rolleyes:

11-26-2003, 06:14 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
you guys are changing the scenario around here... this guy/guys broke INTO his house and attacked his mother....

he slapped her or something? im pretty sure he would be allowed to hit the guy with a baseball bat if he came after her again, but he cant walk upstairs and shoot the guy

11-26-2003, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
again, I will repeat myself one more time. If someone breaks into your house and attacks a family member (it was said they had a knife), the bad guy would be dead in my house and I promise you I would not be in jail.

your starting to sound like a bleeding heart liberal... :rolleyes:

whats one of them?

stop hiding behind your gun go get a knife and fight him

11-26-2003, 06:16 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
he slapped her or something? im pretty sure he would be allowed to hit the guy with a baseball bat if he came after her again, but he cant walk upstairs and shoot the guy

the guy had a knife on him.... READ ----> deadly weapon.

11-26-2003, 06:16 PM
no im not even sure if you can use force to stop the person from stealing, unless they attack you legally , im not sure on that one tho, i know you cant kill anyone for stealing

we aren't argueing stealing.....


11-26-2003, 06:17 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
whats one of them?

stop hiding behind your gun go get a knife and fight him

WTF... you watch too many movies kid... I will take the fastest and easiest route in stopping the person that is illegally in my house that has attacked my family member.

again, you sound like a bleeding heart liberal... always wanting to make things equal for people... even the bad guys... *sigh*

11-26-2003, 06:21 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
again, you sound like a bleeding heart liberal...

nah, he's just sounding like a dumbchit.

I will take the fastest and easiest route in stopping the person that is illegally in my house that has attacked my family member.


11-26-2003, 06:23 PM
Am i gonna have to seperate you guys??????

11-26-2003, 06:23 PM
Wrong wrong wrong.

If someone breaks into your house, you are allowed to protect yourself and your family by ANY means necessary. You are not required to stop and ask the intruder's motive to find out if he wants to kill you, or just steal your jewelry.

You are not required to WAIT to be attacked before you protect yourself.

The law is set up so that you can protect yourself. You are not required to allow the intruder to shoot at you before you can shoot back, because by then it could be too late.

11-26-2003, 06:25 PM
Originally posted by Taco
Am i gonna have to seperate you guys??????


11-26-2003, 06:26 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
nah, he's just sounding like a dumbchit.



i dont agree with it , its just waht they told us in law class

11-26-2003, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Wrong wrong wrong.

If someone breaks into your house, you are allowed to protect yourself and your family by ANY means necessary. You are not required to stop and ask the intruder's motive to find out if he wants to kill you, or just steal your jewelry.

You are not required to WAIT to be attacked before you protect yourself.

The law is set up so that you can protect yourself. You are not required to allow the intruder to shoot at you before you can shoot back, because by then it could be too late.

maybe in Nevada, but i guarantee its not like that for the majority of the states.

11-26-2003, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Wrong wrong wrong.

If someone breaks into your house, you are allowed to protect yourself and your family by ANY means necessary. You are not required to stop and ask the intruder's motive to find out if he wants to kill you, or just steal your jewelry.

You are not required to WAIT to be attacked before you protect yourself.

The law is set up so that you can protect yourself. You are not required to allow the intruder to shoot at you before you can shoot back, because by then it could be too late.

woah we just talked about this in law today. first off sorry and glad to hear that. glad u got payback on the *******s that would hit ur mother. k about the shooting thing. if he had a knife to your mother and hit her then yes it is fully legal to kill him. thats basically the your life or my family members life policy. now if he had no weapons and ran in and was stealing ur bike. u can use reasonable force to get ur bike back. as in knock him down get ur bike back and stuff but u cannot beat him. and the leg shooting is the worst philosopy ever. because then they can and will sue you. but if they are not attacking you, you cannot attack them. weapons must be present and lives must be in danger or rape or something of that nature. ya cant just go beat some1 down with no weapons for just walking in ur house. loaded guns or kinves dif story. its a sad sad world we live in tho where that is the law

11-26-2003, 06:31 PM
yeah, and i say it and im a bleeding heart librarian

11-26-2003, 06:32 PM
ummm didn't i just state this a couple of posts ago?

11-26-2003, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
maybe in Nevada, but i guarantee its not like that for the majority of the states.

So if somebody is breaking into your house, are you required by law to ask his motive?

Can you fire when he pulls out a gun, or do you have to wait for him to shoot first? Does he have to hit you with the bullet, or can you assume just because he's shooting at you that you are in danger?

Can you shoot him if he has a knife, or are you only allowed to use a knife from that point on? Can your knife be bigger than his, or does it have to be the same size?

11-26-2003, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
ya cant just go beat some1 down with no weapons for just walking in ur house. loaded guns or kinves dif story. its a sad sad world we live in tho where that is the law

ok if some killer is lose and he breaks in ur house and jus stand there u sayin i cant do anything???

11-26-2003, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
So if somebody is breaking into your house, are you required by law to ask his motive?

Can you fire when he pulls out a gun, or do you have to wait for him to shoot first? Does he have to hit you with the bullet, or can you assume just because he's shooting at you that you are in danger?

Can you shoot him if he has a knife, or are you only allowed to use a knife from that point on? Can your knife be bigger than his, or does it have to be the same size?

yeah, cops should be able to shoot anyone theyt hink is dangerous

11-26-2003, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
So if somebody is breaking into your house, are you required by law to ask his motive?

Can you fire when he pulls out a gun, or do you have to wait for him to shoot first? Does he have to hit you with the bullet, or can you assume just because he's shooting at you that you are in danger?

Can you shoot him if he has a knife, or are you only allowed to use a knife from that point on? Can your knife be bigger than his, or does it have to be the same size?

study up on this law a little more bud...if u would do ur plan 9/10 u would be the 1 in trouble

11-26-2003, 06:36 PM
it's called significant endangerment.

if you feel he is of a significant threat, you can shoot him.

now after the fact, if he didn't have a weapon on him....yer fuct. big time.

it's your choice, its your jail time.

11-26-2003, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by YZrida
ok if some killer is lose and he breaks in ur house and jus stand there u sayin i cant do anything???

nope tell him to leave and call the cops, if he gets violent you can use adequate force to defend yourself or your life, if you feel endangered and you shoot him and kill him and the court doesnt feel it was adequate enough your going to be in trouble

11-26-2003, 06:39 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
it's called significant endangerment.

if you feel he is of a significant threat, you can shoot him.

now after the fact, if he didn't have a weapon on him....yer fuct. big time.

it's your choice, its your jail time.

yep, I based my arguing points on the fact that the bad guy attacked his mother and had a knife in his possession.

11-26-2003, 06:39 PM
just fuggin shoot em and bury em in the backyard geez:mad:

11-26-2003, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by Taco
just fuggin shoot em and bury em in the backyard geez:mad:

well I do know thats in the law books for WV. :D

11-26-2003, 06:41 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
yep, I based my arguing points on the fact that the bad guy attacked his mother and had a knife in his possession.

yeah but did he attack her with the knife? i could have a gun in pocket and be beating you up but youc ant kill me because i had a gun on me, i wasnt using it or intending to use it on u

11-26-2003, 06:41 PM
here's a little trick i learned from a San Diego cop.

keep a little .22 with the serial number filed off. if you shoot anyone, place that in his hand or pocket before the cops get there.

it works, trust me. endorsed by the San Diego County Police :D

11-26-2003, 06:42 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
yep, I based my arguing points on the fact that the bad guy attacked his mother and had a knife in his possession.

mine also :D

thats why i said i would have shot the motherf^cker.

oh and since we are talking about guns and knives....

freeride132, why do you insist to keep bringing a knife to a gunfight? quit while yer ahead please.

11-26-2003, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
here's a little trick i learned from a San Diego cop.

keep a little .22 with the serial number filed off. if you shoot anyone, place that in his hand or pocket before the cops get there.

it works, trust me. endorsed by the San Diego County Police :D

r.i.p. tupac:p

11-26-2003, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
yeah but did he attack her with the knife? i could have a gun in pocket and be beating you up but youc ant kill me because i had a gun on me, i wasnt using it or intending to use it on u

doesnt matter, his mother was attacked, he then saw the guy in possession of a knife in his garage, then the guys came after him... thats more than enough reason to fill him full of hollow points.

11-26-2003, 06:45 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
here's a little trick i learned from a San Diego cop.

keep a little .22 with the serial number filed off. if you shoot anyone, place that in his hand or pocket before the cops get there.

it works, trust me. endorsed by the San Diego County Police :D


11-26-2003, 06:45 PM
Maybe I need to clarify things a little bit, I'll add one more tidbit.

If you feel you are in danger, you can shoot. The other person does not have to have a weapon, you do not have to see the weapon, you do not need to know his motives. If you feel you or your family is in danger, you can shoot.

Now, if you are a 300lbs body builder, and you catch a girl breaking into your house, and she turns and runs away screaming, then no, you can't shoot her in the back.

However, if somebody is coming through your bedroom window, and they keep coming even after you tell them not to, you are not required to wait until you see a gun, knife, or any weapon. You are in danger, and are allowed to use any level of force to protect yourself.

11-26-2003, 06:45 PM
youc ant kill me because i had a gun on me, i wasnt using it or intending to use it on u

historically in law, over 90% of cases show that possession IS intent.

11-26-2003, 06:46 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Maybe I need to clarify things a little bit, I'll add one more tidbit.

If you feel you are in danger, you can shoot. The other person does not have to have a weapon, you do not have to see the weapon, you do not need to know his motives. If you feel you or your family is in danger, you can shoot.

Now, if you are a 300lbs body builder, and you catch a girl breaking into your house, and she turns and runs away screaming, then no, you can't shoot her in the back.

However, if somebody is coming through your bedroom window, and they keep coming even after you tell them not to, you are not required to wait until you see a gun, knife, or any weapon. You are in danger, and are allowed to use any level of force to protect yourself.

i have stated this multiple times in this thread.

11-26-2003, 06:47 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
yeah but did he attack her with the knife? i could have a gun in pocket and be beating you up but youc ant kill me because i had a gun on me, i wasnt using it or intending to use it on u

if you broke into my house and I could tell you had a gun, I'd suggest you get out of my gun sights... :eek:

if this was a street fight or any where in the public, it would be a different story. This is NOT the case here.

11-26-2003, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
doesnt matter, his mother was attacked, he then saw the guy in possession of a knife in his garage, then the guys came after him... thats more than enough reason to fill him full of hollow points.

no, his mom wasnt attacked with a knife, unless they were coming at him with a knife he wouldnt really have a defense, thats like your dad getting killed then you finding the killer and killing him, if your there and its to prevent you can take action at your own risk, beyond the fact its up to the court, on the other hand if the guy was coming after him with a knife and he nailed the guy with a bat and broke the guys hand he would be fine im not sure if he coul shoot the guy or not

but thats not enough reason, if he stabbed his mom and the guy came at him with a knife i think he could maybe maybe use a gun

11-26-2003, 06:48 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
historically in law, over 90% of cases show that possession IS intent.

What if he pulls a gun, and you shoot, but his gun turns out to be a water pistol?

11-26-2003, 06:49 PM
9 outta 10 cases, possession IS intent....you willing to take them odds in court?


11-26-2003, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
historically in law, over 90% of cases show that possession IS intent.

perhaps with drugs but i know a ton of people who carry pocket knives or camping knife, and im not sure about handguns but in some states cant you carry one? anyhow my pt is , the guy may only be using the knife to slash his tires, there would have to be some evidence the guy intended to cause harm with it, he hit the kids mom, he didnt stab her

11-26-2003, 06:51 PM
Originally posted by freeride132

but thats not enough reason, if he stabbed his mom and the guy came at him with a knife i think he could maybe maybe use a gun

I'm done... this statement is so ridiculous I cant stand it... its like talking to a wall.

11-26-2003, 06:52 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
What if he pulls a gun, and you shoot, but his gun turns out to be a water pistol?

well a somewhat similar case happened in San Diego. i think it was 1990 or 91.

a guy tried to rob a convienience store with a water pistol. the clerk shot him. the clerk was not found guilty of excessive force, but was found guilty of illegal possession of a handgun.

he didn't go to jail for shooting the robber.

11-26-2003, 06:52 PM
I'm telling you, my best friend is a cop, I get this stuff directly from him.

If you feel you are in danger, you can shoot. If you are a 80yr old woman, and some big 300lb dude breaks into your house, you (as an 80 yr old woman) can shoot, whether the intruder has a gun or not.

The fine point is, you have to feel threatened. You don't have to wait to be attacked, and you don't have to see a weapon.

11-26-2003, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
I'm done... this statement is so ridiculous I cant stand it... its like talking to a wall.

yeah...your an idiot, have you taken any classes about this type of thing? im telling you what they told us, im not positive on that but i think thats what they said

its ridiculious i dont agree with it, i dont really care what you have to say so dont waste your time trying inform me unless you like talking to walls

11-26-2003, 06:53 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
I'm done... this statement is so ridiculous I cant stand it... its like talking to a wall.

nope, its a person...a wall can't talk back.

now whether that "person" has something intelligent to say....well, that's another matter altogether.

11-26-2003, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
The fine point is, you have to feel threatened. You don't have to wait to be attacked, and you don't have to see a weapon.

ummm dude, we are argueing the same thing.

11-26-2003, 06:57 PM
Freeride, I'll tell you, you're wrong. If the man attacked this guys mother, then the man is a threat. If you feel threatened, you are allowed to use any force.

Let's say the guy was raping his mother. Are you telling me he still couldn't shoot?

11-26-2003, 06:57 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
nope, its a person...a wall can't talk back.

now whether that "person" has something intelligent to say....well, that's another matter altogether.

thats odd since you have been saying the same thing as me....law isnt 100% clean cut

what im trying to say is the court has to find your action was reasonable for the amount of danger present, a 300 pound weight lifter is deadly to a old lady, him raising a hand is like me raising a gun and pointing it at your head, its sufficent, its all what the court thinks

dont hate the player hate the game:(

11-26-2003, 06:58 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
ummm dude, we are argueing the same thing.

I'm not arguing with you. You and I are saying the same thing. However, freeride seems to be suggesting that we have to wait to be shot at before we can shoot back.

11-26-2003, 06:59 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
Freeride, I'll tell you, you're wrong. If the man attacked this guys mother, then the man is a threat. If you feel threatened, you are allowed to use any force.

Let's say the guy was raping his mother. Are you telling me he still couldn't shoot?

but the attack was over byt the time he got upstairs correct? he cant go out and g et revenge

im not sure if he was raping her, he could prob use sufficent force to stop the rape

you cant use any force only sufficient force to save your life or stop the guy from doing w.e hes doing

11-26-2003, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
I'm not arguing with you. You and I are saying the same thing. However, freeride seems to be suggesting that we have to wait to be shot at before we can shoot back.

basically your risk legal charges by shooting first no matter what thats all im saying

11-26-2003, 07:03 PM
i myself wouldnt hesitate from shooting someone if me or my family etc were in danger, no matter what the consequences, im just saying the law is retarded they can let the biggest scum bags get away with crap and lock you up, which is bs

11-26-2003, 07:04 PM
the guys had justifiably reason to shoot the assailant. it was well within his rights to do so. period.

now if his lawyer could convice a jury about that....who knows.

11-26-2003, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
the guys had justifiably reason to shoot the assailant. it was well within his rights to do so. period.

now if his lawyer could convice a jury about that....who knows.

thats what i mean

i myself think he had reason to kill those guys but the law might see other wise and thats what i was trying to pt out

11-26-2003, 07:05 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
yeah...your an idiot, have you taken any classes about this type of thing? im telling you what they told us, im not positive on that but i think thats what they said

its ridiculious i dont agree with it, i dont really care what you have to say so dont waste your time trying inform me unless you like talking to walls

as a matter of fact I have family members that are LEO's. This point has been made VERY clear many times before....

Its nice to see you resort to name calling too... very mature debating tool... really says alot about a person and their intelligence.

11-26-2003, 07:07 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
i myself wouldnt hesitate from shooting someone if me or my family etc were in danger,

what? now you are contradicting statements you made before... :confused:

11-26-2003, 07:08 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
basically your risk legal charges by shooting first no matter what thats all im saying

I agree, you're taking a risk. However, provided that the first criteria is met (you honestly feel threatened) you are not limited to "sufficient force"

You do not have to see a weapon to feel threatened.

You are not required to fully access the level of risk or threat. For example, you are not required to determine if the intruder actually means to kill you, or just rape and beat you. He is still a threat, and you can use ANY force to stop him from harming you.

11-26-2003, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
perhaps with drugs but i know a ton of people who carry pocket knives or camping knife, and im not sure about handguns but in some states cant you carry one? anyhow my pt is , the guy may only be using the knife to slash his tires, there would have to be some evidence the guy intended to cause harm with it, he hit the kids mom, he didnt stab her

But this guy wasn't just walking down the street. He forced entry into his house, hit his mother. And you would seriously believe the guy had the gun with him breaking into a house and assaulting people and should not be considered to use it? He clearly stated she had a cut on her eye. And about the attack being over, these men were still in his place destroying property and when he said leave, it is stated the guy came after him with a weapon and said he would kick his ***. And the guy is not justified to use force when at the time he is outnumbered 3 to 1? And don't use that his friends was downstairs excuse becuase they are not present during the threat just as the attack was over when he got upstairs chit.

11-26-2003, 07:12 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
but the attack was over byt the time he got upstairs correct? he cant go out and g et revenge

If the man is still in the house, the attack is not over...

11-26-2003, 07:25 PM
I don't buy the story myself but, I think in most states you are allowed to use deadly force only if you feel you are threatened AND you have no means of ecscape. Vandilism is not a threat to your live.

11-26-2003, 07:33 PM
you have no means of ecscape


AND...the guy attacked his mother for christ's sake!!!

bodily harm to a family member...he did not know how far the guy was going to carry on.

threatened.....hell yeah.

11-26-2003, 07:41 PM
I'm no lawyer but you said it yourself ATACKED if it was real the mother was back in the house and no longer in danger and the guy was vandalising the garage and no longer a physical threat. Not saying the guy didn't deserve a good beating I just think if he went into the garage and shot the guy he might be looking at charges.

11-26-2003, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by markeg192
I'm no lawyer but you said it yourself ATACKED if it was real the mother was back in the house and no longer in danger and the guy was vandalising the garage and no longer a physical threat. Not saying the guy didn't deserve a good beating I just think if he went into the garage and shot the guy he might be looking at charges.

he stated the guy came after him (also stated this guy had a knife) and there was two other guys coming after him in his OWN house.

11-26-2003, 07:47 PM
I think whether he could have took the guy or not by himself. He had three guys coming at him and to me, 3 on 1 is about the same odds as the bodybuilder coming in on the old lady.

11-26-2003, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by markeg192
I'm no lawyer but you said it yourself ATACKED if it was real the mother was back in the house and no longer in danger and the guy was vandalising the garage and no longer a physical threat. Not saying the guy didn't deserve a good beating I just think if he went into the garage and shot the guy he might be looking at charges.

if he attacked his mother(a female) wtf do you think he may have had in mind for him?

significant threat. period.

11-26-2003, 08:26 PM
where's ben when you need him

11-26-2003, 08:28 PM
you dont need to be a lawyer to know your rights.

as a matter of fact, if you don't know your rights, you only have yourself to blame when you get fuct over by the system.

11-26-2003, 09:32 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
you guys would be in jail if you shot someone who didnt have a gun , are you crazy, your only allowed to use adequate force, a baseball bat is adequate, hamemr, crow bars, chain saw, meat slicer

he is right. you can only meet force with force. all of you that are saying "that ******* wouldnt make it out of my house alive! id shoot him with my bazooka!" you may do that, but you wouldnt see the light of day that the so called "free world" sees in this sorry, pathic, day to day broken record that we call life. the whole idea of "rights of the accused" is bull chit. we give them way too much liberty for the things they do. our jails are filled with people who comitt such petty crimes. there is everything from potheads to people who run from cops? so what? they smoked some pot fine the hell out of them and send them on their marry way. and put the ones who do hurt some one is a segnificant way to death. if they still used public be-heading as a form of punnishment think of how much more organized and how much less serious crimes would be comitted. im still with hamaraabi(sp?) in the code of hamaraabi(sp?)- eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. you know how they have some gang innitations where they beat the hell out of the new member? if they did that to people who bad things that would cut down on alot of it. instead of jury duty you would be called for mass *** kickin' duty. well guys im sure ur tired of hearing me talk but i hope everything works out for you and your family man! i would say you are in my prayers but im not the most religios person in the world so ill just say you will be in my thoughts for full justice! later...

11-26-2003, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
what? now you are contradicting statements you made before... :confused:

nope i was just stating the law before not my opinion, im not counting on a bunch of guys breaking into my house slapping my mom and slashing my holeshots any time soon lmao

11-26-2003, 10:40 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
nope, its a person...a wall can't talk back..

What makes you so sure?:( :blah:

11-26-2003, 10:41 PM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
or just rape and beat you.
Oooooo, that sounds like fun!:D

11-26-2003, 10:47 PM
LOL, I just said that to break the tension.

11-27-2003, 02:24 AM
In Oregon... you have to fear for your life and they have to be force into your home. But you don't have to shoot in Portland, You call the cops, they love to shoot people here, a couple flanel shirt wearing women cops will unload reload and unload again on them... if the offenders are men.

11-27-2003, 04:12 AM
I thought these pics were pretty funny.




The people in those pictures are quite disturbing to me lol.

11-27-2003, 07:03 AM
Originally posted by kicken250x
he is right. you can only meet force with force. all of you that are saying "that ******* wouldnt make it out of my house alive! id shoot him with my bazooka!" you may do that, but you wouldnt see the light of day that the so called "free world" sees in this sorry, pathic, day to day broken record that we call life. the whole idea of "rights of the accused" is bull chit. we give them way too much liberty for the things they do. our jails are filled with people who comitt such petty crimes. there is everything from potheads to people who run from cops? so what? they smoked some pot fine the hell out of them and send them on their marry way. and put the ones who do hurt some one is a segnificant way to death. if they still used public be-heading as a form of punnishment think of how much more organized and how much less serious crimes would be comitted. im still with hamaraabi(sp?) in the code of hamaraabi(sp?)- eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. you know how they have some gang innitations where they beat the hell out of the new member? if they did that to people who bad things that would cut down on alot of it. instead of jury duty you would be called for mass *** kickin' duty. well guys im sure ur tired of hearing me talk but i hope everything works out for you and your family man! i would say you are in my prayers but im not the most religios person in the world so ill just say you will be in my thoughts for full justice! later...

I just spoke to my fathers best friend....best defense lawyer around.... guess what.... your wrong.

Issues that would allow me to walk for shooting this guy.

(1) Broke into house with force
(2) Attacked family member
(3) In possession of weapon
(4) Clearly stated for intruder to leave...then they came after him with possession of a "deadly weapon" and two other guys.

If you have a decent lawyer, it would be a very simple case.

11-27-2003, 07:13 AM
When I woke up this morning, I went to go to my car and there was a knife with a note in it. WHICH THE DUMB ***** SIGNED!!! It was my moms old friend which my mom had ditched because she has gotten really bad with drugs. We called the cops and we are going to press charges to get the tire fixed. (Whats funny is i ran over some nails this week and it has 4 plugs and 2 cans of fix a flat in it.) So now she gets to pay for it. So whats the most expensive place to buy tires? All the note said was stuff like "leave me alone..." (hey your coming over here) and something about "Do not cheat on your husband" which she did and my mom caught her... and just a whole bunch of stuff that she wrote on a drunken rampage im guessing.

11-27-2003, 07:16 AM
Go to a national tire chain... not sure whats big around your area. NTB around here can be expensive...

11-27-2003, 07:23 AM
Originally posted by MOFO
Go to a national tire chain... not sure whats big around your area. NTB around here can be expensive...

cool, I can patch it myself, but hey why not just get a whole new tire, im not paying for it. I should have slashed all the rest of them when I first saw it so I could get all new tires. ;)

11-27-2003, 07:40 AM
9 pages and there is still no answer this really happened.
BTW where I live ( as told from a cop ) gun or no gun someone
forces entry into your home you can shoot to kill seen it happen first hand, I have a permit to carry also and can shoot if I feel my life is in danger.
Glocks Rock

11-27-2003, 07:58 AM
Originally posted by D11NR

Glocks Rock

oh yea! :D

11-27-2003, 09:29 AM
that's sickning. i'm glad you're ok. i would DEFINITLY sue them, i'm sure they'll be putting some time in the big house. hope everything works out alright.

11-27-2003, 05:24 PM
wow! thats insane! so u had no idea who these anus holes were?? pretty much u shoulda shot em! i would say it was self d-fence.thats great that ur pals were there or u would have been SOL!!!! hope ur mama is okay! im glad that they were put away,for at least awhile. u should get some guard dogs or sumthin. that really pisses me off that someone would be dumb enough to do somethin stupid leik that! its all that alcohol that the country is sellin. we need to stop the violance! are u guys goin to sue or at least try to do somethin liek that??

so did ur quad survive?? have u got it fixed? hope much damage did they do? hope it goes better for u!! luck to ya!

11-27-2003, 06:27 PM
did this even happen its sounds a lil too bazaar for me to believe

11-27-2003, 06:32 PM
yer from Kentuky, and you think that is bizzare? :p

11-27-2003, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
yer from Kentuky, and you think that is bizzare? :p


11-27-2003, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
I just spoke to my fathers best friend....best defense lawyer around.... guess what.... your wrong.

Issues that would allow me to walk for shooting this guy.

(1) Broke into house with force
(2) Attacked family member
(3) In possession of weapon
(4) Clearly stated for intruder to leave...then they came after him with possession of a "deadly weapon" and two other guys.

If you have a decent lawyer, it would be a very simple case.

well i never claimed to be a lawyer or anything im just going off of what i know from ELPSA class. plus the laws may be different here than there. but thanks for correcting me, i dont like to spread wrong info ill talk to my ELPSA teacher about it monday and see what he says. well im out, later

11-27-2003, 07:50 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
dang dude, my house is like a gun wearhouse.....were loaded lol

i got a 20 gauge Winchester, 12 Guage 870 Browning, .22, and a BB gun sittin no more then 2 feet away from me right now in my closet........and thats just my closet........

(oh yah, we hunt) lol

No guns in this house. And probably never will be as long as im living here. Im not trusted :o .

11-27-2003, 08:39 PM
This guy hasn't posted since this happened...:eek:

11-27-2003, 08:53 PM
d to hear everyone is ok!!

11-28-2003, 02:46 PM
10 pages... and still no reply from home boy? whats goin on? its understandable seeing as what supposedly happend but he did get on and start the post telling us about it? am i the one one wondering why?:confused: :rolleyes:

11-28-2003, 04:12 PM
O SHIIT! i would have gone psyco on his ***, i'm serious, if he hit my mom or cut her or whatever, i would have ****in' killed his ***!
i'd be diggin' a 6 foot hole in my back yard right now if i were you dude. Any guy that hits or even harms a woman deserves to get his *** beat bad! is your mom okay dude? man im sorry, glad to hear you & your family is ok:eek2:

yea... last night me & my dad almost had to go beat my girlfriends dad's ***, my gf hates him, hes like psyco, he used to hit her and shiit, ne ways, last night i was talkin to her on the phone and her dad called (drunk off his arse) he was like yellin at her and shiit, callin her all kinds of stuff. ne ways, she got back on the phone almost cryin, he told her he was gonna come over there, so me and my dad rode over there but his ***** *** never sowed up. thats not cool to hit women, so i know what its like man, im sorry

11-28-2003, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by Atreyu
This guy hasn't posted since this happened...:eek:

Cause it's all probaby bullchit:rolleyes: .

Tommy 17
11-28-2003, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
Cause it's all probaby bullchit:rolleyes: .

i 2nd that haha...

btw u all talk about how u'd kill this guy if he did this 2 u... 5$ says half of u would freeze, panic, and get ur *** beat lmfao

11-28-2003, 04:32 PM
ive been thinking it was b/s around page 5, just trying to start a whining competition because he know it would happen.

11-28-2003, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by AtvMxRider
Cause it's all probaby bullchit:rolleyes: .

im not going to go as far as to say that im just going to say i have my doubts now. if it isnt true then the guy must have a pretty damn low self-estem. thats pretty sad to say something like that if it isnt true... :rolleyes: did anyone happen to see it on the news as he said?

11-28-2003, 05:02 PM
has anyone else noticed that that post was his most recent post

11-28-2003, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by chucked
has anyone else noticed that that post was his most recent post

i did and thats why i said im not gonna call it complete bs yet...but did anyone from his area see it on the news?

11-28-2003, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by kicken250x
i did and thats why i said im not gonna call it complete bs yet

Everything he has ever posted has been BS. I don't believe a word of it.

11-28-2003, 05:35 PM
Originally posted by HoNdAdude48
O SHIIT! i would have gone psyco on his ***, i'm serious, if he hit my mom or cut her or whatever, i would have ****in' killed his ***!
i'd be diggin' a 6 foot hole in my back yard right now if i were you dude. Any guy that hits or even harms a woman deserves to get his *** beat bad! is your mom okay dude? man im sorry, glad to hear you & your family is ok:eek2:

yea... last night me & my dad almost had to go beat my girlfriends dad's ***, my gf hates him, hes like psyco, he used to hit her and shiit, ne ways, last night i was talkin to her on the phone and her dad called (drunk off his arse) he was like yellin at her and shiit, callin her all kinds of stuff. ne ways, she got back on the phone almost cryin, he told her he was gonna come over there, so me and my dad rode over there but his ***** *** never sowed up. thats not cool to hit women, so i know what its like man, im sorry

yea you and the quad mulisha:eek2:

11-28-2003, 08:47 PM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
i 2nd that haha...

btw u all talk about how u'd kill this guy if he did this 2 u... 5$ says half of u would freeze, panic, and get ur *** beat lmfao

you'd loose your $5 faster than you could pull it out of your wallet. When it comes to my own property and family, lets just say I get a bit "fragile"...if you ever seen the move "The Game" you'd know what I mean when I say fragile.

BTW, I wouldnt doubt one second its BS, but it made for a good scenario to debate... no doubt about that! :D

11-28-2003, 09:37 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
yea you and the quad mulisha:eek2:

dude, dont be haten'! ill change it for you, GO COWBOYS!!

11-28-2003, 09:38 PM
mofo, are you talking about "The Game" with Michael Douglas? Man that was one intense movie that kept me guessing until the very end! I haven't seen that movie since it first came out, I should try to rent it if I can find it.

Tommy 17
11-28-2003, 09:39 PM
mofo notice i said half of u... i know ur crazy *** would do it no questions asked haha

11-29-2003, 04:52 AM
Originally posted by quadfamily
mofo, are you talking about "The Game" with Michael Douglas? Man that was one intense movie that kept me guessing until the very end! I haven't seen that movie since it first came out, I should try to rent it if I can find it.

Yep... the one part I was refering to was when he had his wifes BMW wagon and some guy tried to car jack him... Michael Douglas just looks over at the guy, placing his hand on his gun and said "I'm very fragile right now...."

great movie though... one of my favorites...

12-02-2003, 06:30 PM
For those who didnt believe, I have been at the police station like everyday thats why I havent been on latly.Im sorry I never reply about this yes it is very true an was very serious.We got a whole bunch of stuff we got a new alarm system an crap an been to a lawer for this stuff an police reports an ppl always calling about it.An for those who dont believe its not my issue for you to believe I just felt like sharing this event that happend an saddly enough it did happen :o

12-02-2003, 06:51 PM

12-02-2003, 07:13 PM
Originally posted by D11NR


12-03-2003, 03:17 PM
yeah, we got *******s like that around here too. some1 recently got carjacked. hope ur mom is ok

12-03-2003, 06:36 PM
Originally posted by kicken250x
he is right. you can only meet force with force. all of you that are saying "that ******* wouldnt make it out of my house alive! id shoot him with my bazooka!" you may do that, but you wouldnt see the light of day that the so called "free world" sees in this sorry, pathic, day to day broken record that we call life. the whole idea of "rights of the accused" is bull chit. we give them way too much liberty for the things they do. our jails are filled with people who comitt such petty crimes. there is everything from potheads to people who run from cops? so what? they smoked some pot fine the hell out of them and send them on their marry way. and put the ones who do hurt some one is a segnificant way to death. if they still used public be-heading as a form of punnishment think of how much more organized and how much less serious crimes would be comitted. im still with hamaraabi(sp?) in the code of hamaraabi(sp?)- eye for an eye, tooth for a tooth. you know how they have some gang innitations where they beat the hell out of the new member? if they did that to people who bad things that would cut down on alot of it. instead of jury duty you would be called for mass *** kickin' duty. well guys im sure ur tired of hearing me talk but i hope everything works out for you and your family man! i would say you are in my prayers but im not the most religios person in the world so ill just say you will be in my thoughts for full justice! later... u have a bazooka:rolleyes: . anyways, lets not be getting our boys all pumped up before they start a riot:eek2: :D :p

12-03-2003, 08:13 PM
thats one of the craziest thingg i have read why did they just walk up to your house like that what was the point?

12-04-2003, 01:22 PM
all i know is that if some ******* like that does that to my quad or hurts one of my family members, he's gonna have a pissed off redneck chasing his @$$ down the street with a shotgun full of deer slug:mad: