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View Full Version : Saw a bobcat last night.

11-22-2003, 11:15 PM
Last night me and a buddy of mine where riding our 400's.It was about 1:30 in the morning.I saw two blue eyes with my headlights.

So take off that direction thinking it was a skunk or something.My buddy was riding right behind me.

It ran about 2 foot into the woods and turned around and stared right at us.It wasn't really scared at all.It was alittle bigger than a house cat.It was gray with black strips and really thick fur.

This is the first time I have seen them in the woods.I have heard of them.And my mom and dad saw one where we used to live.

Has anyone else seen one?

11-22-2003, 11:22 PM
the place i ride at sometimes has them and some people have also seen a lynx down there

11-22-2003, 11:27 PM
my housecat is half mancoon..he look like a racoon. hes not to smart though & hes really fat

11-22-2003, 11:31 PM
Can I ask why you were riding at 1:30 AM?

stupid driver
11-22-2003, 11:39 PM
Thursday night i was shuttling my dad to a field to get his truck. On the way, we saw this long thing movin in the corn stalks. We figure its a coon or sumthing. Well, i pull the spotlight on it, and holy crap, its a mountain lion. We have been having reports of them in our area lately, mainly just tracks and an occasional dead livestock animal. I didnt believe it until now. I still cant get over on how long these things are. He wasnt more than 2-3 foot tall, but he had to be at least 5 or 6 foot long w/out the tail. I wanted a better look at it, so i pulled off the road into the field (btw we had just gotten 2 inches of rain and a small twister) and got the car stuck. All for a better look at the thing :rolleyes: . Oh well, i got to see my first cougar. prolly the last too.

11-22-2003, 11:40 PM
The first night I got my 400 we rode till 3:30 am.Then we went to sleep and had to get up at 9 am to work all day.

We normally ride at night.We both work nearly everyday.And then I have school till 6.He ussually doesn't leave his girl freinds house till 10 or 11.The only neighbors I have live about 1/2 mile away and we don't ride there.Plus our 400's still have stock exhaust so there not loud.I don't live in the city.

11-22-2003, 11:46 PM
This one was probably 4 foot long.Maybe 2 foot tall.I know it wasn't a house cat.

A freind of mine lives in the very middle of missouri.He has a 2500 acre farm.He told me they have lots of bobcats.And he also said they have somekind of black panther.I called him on it saying it was bs.But he insisted.He said he has never seen one.But he has seen tracks.I have also seen very large cat prints in my woods.

Yeah this will probably be the last wild cat I ever see to.

11-23-2003, 12:25 AM
I love big cats,a friend of mine got 1 of these (Serval) http://exoticpets.about.com/gi/dynamic/offsite.htm?site=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bundascattery.co m%2F ,it cost 2 grand so she named it 2K,I agreed to watch it for the weekend.....what a mistake,it panted like a dog,fetched like a dog,growled like a dog and acted like a damn dog,they have attitude bigtime and its extrememly hard to disipline...like trying to get if from tearin' chit up around the house,if it wanted it...that was it..no 2 ways about it,they're real strong and can open the fridge,they jump about 8ft easily so if you weren't carefull in the morning it would tackle ya to the ground haha,she had to get rid of it b/c it was getting stronger than her,I wanted 1 but NO WAY lol,a Bobcat would be a cool pet if it was tame

11-23-2003, 08:15 AM
I have about 300 acres of very dense woods behind my house that I ride in all the time. The only thing's I've seen so far, are turkey, deer, squirrels, and chipmunks. On one of the big trails there is a bear den though. Luckilly the township came in the trail and marked it off with bright orange fence. I'm preety surprised I haven't seen any fox, or bobcats, coyotes, or bears. I've lived here for almost 6 years now, I kind of want to see a bobcat or fox:eek2:

ATC Crazy
11-23-2003, 08:28 AM
I've hit a cyote (sp) with my Foreman while riding behind my house. It scared the livin ***** outta me :eek2: I've also seen a couple bobcats while riding in upstate NY.

11-23-2003, 09:18 AM
The only things out of the ordinary that I have seen on my riding expeditions are a couple Fox's, and one time me and my friend came upon some bear fur. It looked like it had been scalped or something. Like the insides had been eaten by something. It was weird. Maybe it was'nt a bear, but it was REALLY thick fur that looked maybe from a black bear cub. That was in Caswell in Orange County, NC.

Ohh yea, I saw cows out one time... :huh

stupid driver
11-23-2003, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by balla250ex
The only things out of the ordinary that I have seen on my riding expeditions are a couple Fox's, and one time me and my friend came upon some bear fur. It looked like it had been scalped or something. Like the insides had been eaten by something. It was weird. Maybe it was'nt a bear, but it was REALLY thick fur that looked maybe from a black bear cub. That was in Caswell in Orange County, NC.

Ohh yea, I saw cows out one time... :huh

the bear mighta been poached. I read where poachers kill the bear, and rather than take the hide, they take the organs that they need. They get quite a bit of money for the gall bladder and a few other organs on the black market. The other body parts that they left behind probably just got taken by wild animals.

11-23-2003, 10:24 AM
i see foxes.....and sometimes in the dark i'll run into there holes, and almost flip over the bars :cuss:

11-23-2003, 10:27 AM
Bobcats are nothing special to me, their all around my house, in the winter you'll see their paw prints, and in the spring or whenever its muddy u'll see em too. Same with coyotes (well not so much any more...I think dad shot most of em:huh ) And a few bears...like living in a wild life park:rolleyes:

11-23-2003, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by hondafox440
Can I ask why you were riding at 1:30 AM?

A better question to ask is, if you thought it was a skunk why the hell would you take off towards it???

Tommy 17
11-23-2003, 12:25 PM
wait till u hear one start screamin... o dear god does it freak u out... sounds like a young lady screamin her freakin head off... i heard it one time and wlaked towards the noise at night... sure enouf there was a bob cat there... i thought it was a lady in trouble... i see them here all the time...

11-23-2003, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by Red00Honda400EX
A better question to ask is, if you thought it was a skunk why the hell would you take off towards it???

Just out of curiosity.Something told me to go check it out.

Yeah me mom has told me the same thing.The same buddy that was with me.Heard a similar noise at a buddies house a couple years ago.He ran home with a golf club.He didn't know what it was.Also my little sister said she heard one last year.The conservation agency came to our house.And they didn't believe us.They said unless and adult SAW it.They didn't believe it.

If I was my little sister I would be offended.

11-23-2003, 02:13 PM
yea sometimes adluts dont take kids serious, but yea there are times when kids are just messin with ya...

11-23-2003, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Tommy 17
wait till u hear one start screamin... o dear god does it freak u out... sounds like a young lady screamin her freakin head off... i heard it one time and wlaked towards the noise at night... sure enouf there was a bob cat there... i thought it was a lady in trouble... i see them here all the time...

When we first moved in here, my parents ALWAYS used to hear things back in the woods that they said sounded like a woman being murdered and screaming for her life, unfortunately I never heard them...my parents thought it might've been bobcats...I guess it was? I didn't even know that we had bobcats here but I guess we do.:eek2:

11-23-2003, 05:51 PM
yea those things scream bloody murder. i had been out on a walk because i was pissed off at my parents for something, and during the same time there was a murderer or some psycho on the loose like at a nearby town or something and i heard one of those cats screaming bloody murder. scared the living ***** out of me, you could bet i was running my @$$ off to my house.

oh and i had a kitten that was half bobcat or lynx something like that. it was a verocious little thing, would never stop biting...oh well, it was fun to play with.

11-23-2003, 06:46 PM

Where in missouri is your buddy's farm we are always looking for more places to ride ;)



11-23-2003, 07:25 PM
In the spring at st. joes state park in Missouri 2 of them ran into our tent 1a.m. in the morning, Scared the shiz out of me LOL

11-23-2003, 11:06 PM
His farm is in Tipton missouri.

It is private property though.I am allowed to ride there.Awesome riding to.The scenery out there is so awesome.

11-23-2003, 11:09 PM
Oh yeah I got my old username back.

So now 2ex1r is moded86R again.Woohoo!

Thanks for all that helped in me getting mypassword back.

11-23-2003, 11:15 PM
female bobcat in heat makes the hair on the back of my neck stand straight up.

that and hearing a rabbit scream...now thats some freaky chit.

11-23-2003, 11:25 PM
before i die, i wil have a cougar and a bobcat stuffed and displayed in my house. i think they look really neat.