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View Full Version : I think i am now conviced to always where my seat belt

11-22-2003, 10:58 PM
today i was on the way to minneapolis with some friends and the roads looked fine but then right in front of us a suberban lost control going down the highway and went into the ditch sideways and flipped atleast 8 times if not more. We went to help him right away and he must have been in shock or osmthing cuz he wouldent move or talk and then we can start to see flames from under the hood so we had to get him out of there no matter how bad his injuries were, we had 4 people pulling on his door trying to get it open then we finaly got him out and he walked with help of 2 other guys and we sat him in another vehicle, within a minute his whole vehicle was up in flames. then 2 minutes later another car hits the same patch of ice and loses it too and went into the meadian of the highway and almost flipped but luckely he didnt, he just waited in his car until the emergency guys came and could control the traffic cuz this was on a pretty busy highway, took forever for help to get there and about 45 mnutes for the fire department. the guy didnt have a scratch on him and i know that if he wouldendt have had his seat belt on he would have been dead for sure. deffinatly one of the most scariest things i have ever came across.

after we talked with the cop he said the reason it took the paramedics so long was because just 5 minutes b4 this they had just gotten done with a roleover in the same spot and that guy was pretty messed up they said.

11-22-2003, 11:10 PM
i dont mind wearing my seat belt, i feel naked without it

11-22-2003, 11:12 PM
Yep, me too. always wear it! ;)

11-22-2003, 11:14 PM
same here. it's like automatic. you wouldn't drive at night without lights. same thing.

11-22-2003, 11:14 PM
id say i wear my 90% of the time

the only time i really wouldent is if i was just around town where u cant go faster than 30, but most of the time its on.. now it will always be on tho

11-22-2003, 11:20 PM
Originally posted by JUSTINcredible
id say i wear my 90% of the time

the only time i really wouldent is if i was just around town where u cant go faster than 30, but most of the time its on.. now it will always be on tho

Good choice... even a crash at 30mph can do some damage to you.

11-22-2003, 11:23 PM
i never wear mine if friends are in the car with me...i dont feel cool if im wearing it:(

11-22-2003, 11:31 PM
Don't worry about looking cool... you won't look too cool after your head strikes the windshield... or dead. Live to ride another day! And look at it this way, maybe if you buckle up, your buddies will follow suit. But either way, never compromise your safety for someone else. And that's my PSA for the day!! :D

11-22-2003, 11:41 PM
im probably not cool anyways so it shouldnt matter what i do :cool:

11-22-2003, 11:46 PM
yep i always buckle on up. good work pullin that guy out

11-22-2003, 11:54 PM
that was one of the hardest things i have done, if there wasnt someone there telling me what to do i dont think i could have done it... me and my friends were just like "WTF, this did not just happen"

11-23-2003, 12:40 AM
Thats guy is lucky you pulled him out in time for sure. I totalled a 2001 Extended cab silverado that was like 6 months old, luckily we were all wear our seatbelts and the airbags did their job.

Its not just wearing your seatbelt that saves you, I know it looks cool to lean the seat way back, but my best friend lost control in his Integra doing 120+ had the seat leaned way back and it snapped and he was ejected out the back window and flew at least 30 yards, so you know what happened, anyway if you are going to haul *** might as well be as safe as possible.

11-23-2003, 07:06 AM
Originally posted by Crazy400exMan
i never wear mine if friends are in the car with me...i dont feel cool if im wearing it:(

I guess your prefer looking dead then.... :rolleyes:

11-23-2003, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by MOFO
I guess your prefer looking dead then.... :rolleyes: I know this wasn't supposed to be funny but I'm LMAO:D I was thinking something along the lines of how cool would you look with having your forehead rebuilt. A guy came to speak at school one time about safety. He was in an accident where he was ejected and he went head first into a railroad crossing electrical box. He crushed his head and he had to have 4 of his lower ribs removed and placed in his forehead. I also used to work at a body shop and we had a car come in with a bloody windshield that looks as if someone threw a bowling ball from the inside-out. Upon closer inspection there was about a foot long blond hair hanging from the shattered glass.

11-23-2003, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by Guy400
I also used to work at a body shop and we had a car come in with a bloody windshield that looks as if someone threw a bowling ball from the inside-out. Upon closer inspection there was about a foot long blond hair hanging from the shattered glass.

Man, that's terrible. Do you know if the girl (i'm assuming it's a girl) lived through that?

I'm 16 and have been driving for about 5 months, and I can only carry 1 person under 18 in my car when I'm driving. I'ts a law here in NC. I ALWAYS wear my seat belt, and I tell my friend's to put there's on or get out. It's that simple. Not only can you or your bud's get hurt, which is of most importance, but you can also get a ticket which is a big fine.


11-23-2003, 10:30 AM
Hate seatbelts....probably best if I wear em, I put em on when I see the police, otherwise, I won't wear em (or if my mother bytches at me to put it on, but its never for saftey, she just doesn't wanna get a fine by the police). When I start drivin myself, and I'm the one in the drivers seat, I'll probably wear one, but until then...I can't stand them, their unforterable I find. Thats my opinion, but ah well:rolleyes:

11-23-2003, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by freeride132
i dont mind wearing my seat belt, i feel naked without it me too.....

11-23-2003, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by Crazy400exMan
i never wear mine if friends are in the car with me...i dont feel cool if im wearing it:(

:eek: my niece thought the same thing I bet & guess what.......she is NO longer w/ us:( :( she got killed a couple days before her sweet 16 VERY sad:( :( she is missed everday!!!!!

11-23-2003, 11:54 AM
I won't go into detail, but when I was 16 I was involved in a rollover accident which killed the girl driving. We were riding in an '88 Ford Bronco with a sun roof. She was not wearing her seat belt and when we rolled down the hwy, she was haning half way out the sun roof...we rolled 5 times down the road and 2 times in the air, finally landing in the ditch. My buddy, 'ledofthezep' was the only one wearing his belt, I was not wearing mine and was thrown out, nearly missing a telephone pole and lucky the Bronco didn't roll 1 more time b/c I would have been crushed underneath.

Obviously, I always wear my seatbelt!

11-23-2003, 01:26 PM
always wear your seatbelt, if you don't think you need to, then you have it coming for you.

my cousin who just turned 21 was killed a month ago in a car accident. had been out drinking with his gf, both drunk, gf was driving and wearing her seatbelt, he wasn't. basically what happened was the car rolled, he flew through the side window and the car rolled over his head and body killing him instantly. his parents and my aunt and uncle got to see him before they cremated him and basically you couldn't tell what the hell it was they were looking at.

now his gf is in prison for vehicular manslaughter.

wear your freaking seatbelt!!:grr:

11-23-2003, 02:27 PM
why didn't they fix the road or got people to slow down after the first crash?

11-23-2003, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by coryatver
why didn't they fix the road or got people to slow down after the first crash?

after the first one they called the county people who sand and salt the roads but they come from about 30 miles away so it took them some time, and it wasnt snowing or doing anything when the accidents happend and the roads looked dry so they probley just figured the roads were in good shape, well obviously they werent. Just as they were getting everything cleaned up then finaly they came by and put salt down.

11-23-2003, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by JUSTINcredible
after the first one they called the county people who sand and salt the roads but they come from about 30 miles away so it took them some time, and it wasnt snowing or doing anything when the accidents happend and the roads looked dry so they probley just figured the roads were in good shape, well obviously they werent. Just as they were getting everything cleaned up then finaly they came by and put salt down.

my dad works for MNDOT, but he doesn't work on the weekends unless it's an emergency. anyway he was explaining to me why it's not good to salt and sand the road when we get snow like this. they usually don't put down enough salt so when the snow is mixed with the sand it creates a dangerous slush that causes more accidents then prevents. and right after he explained that we went through some and almost did a 180.

what the DOT's should do is wait to plow the roads until the snow is at a dangerous amount, then salt it and sand it. otherwise it causes more problems than solves.

11-23-2003, 03:40 PM
For me, wearing a seatbelt is as common as putting the car into gear to drive, or wearing a helmet when you go riding. If you can't find the 3 seconds to reach your arm over and buckle the seatbelt, then you are retarted.

My mom always wears her seatbelt, until one night (2 years ago) my dad and her got into a fight, he dropped her on the side of the road. He came back 5 minutes later to pick her up, and they were only 3 minutes away from home. They were fighting really bad and my mom totally forgot to buckle up. Lets just say my dad didn't even get scratched, and my mom is still paying for it. But im not gonna get into how the accident accured.

Stupid Hurts.

11-23-2003, 03:46 PM
Originally posted by Toadz400
my dad works for MNDOT, but he doesn't work on the weekends unless it's an emergency. anyway he was explaining to me why it's not good to salt and sand the road when we get snow like this. they usually don't put down enough salt so when the snow is mixed with the sand it creates a dangerous slush that causes more accidents then prevents. and right after he explained that we went through some and almost did a 180.

what the DOT's should do is wait to plow the roads until the snow is at a dangerous amount, then salt it and sand it. otherwise it causes more problems than solves.

yesterday tho the highway was just ice, no snow or nothing.

how much snow did u get over there? We got about 8 inches or so but it is blowing around alot

11-23-2003, 05:37 PM
we got a good amount of snow, but not enough to have a need to plow the roads.

the main problem with people driving during the winter is 99% of them dont' know how to drive, period. and most of them don't wear seatbelts.

11-23-2003, 06:29 PM
if you dont wear a seatbelt your stupid.

11-23-2003, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by Adam202
if you dont wear a seatbelt your stupid.

this sums up the entire thread.

11-24-2003, 12:11 AM
I have a rather sad story about one of my best freinds kids that happened a few years ago to her Son......... On her way to visit her Mom is Portland for spring break, she tooks her kids with her and had her Grandma with her on the trip down, she had three kids in the car, the kids were napping in the Van( or at least she thought they were) when the youghest age 4 climbed out of his seat and sneaked to the back of the mini van they were in, and for God knows why............he popped open the hatch back:eek: And flew out onto the freeway and then a Truck Driver ran him over:( it all happened so quick..... This boy was always climbing in and out of sealt belts since I can remember and so did the other kids. I wish they knew how important it is to use one. They all know now, I feel soooooo sad for all of them to witness such a horrific thing and the driver who had to hit him went thew some mental breakdown as well I guess....Ill never forget that collect call from her in the middle of the night with what happened...I told my kids what happened(in a milder manor of course) to my kids on this so that they could hear how important sealt belts can REALLY be....... OH, and to put a twist on it all, I dont know how this all came about but, somehow they found out that the MiniVan they owned ,the hatchback was supposed to have a safety feature that once in motion ( at a particular MPH) the doors and hatch should have Auto. locked so that kids could not open from inside while moving,well this was found to be "defective" and ther was other cases of this so Chrysler got a few lawsuits slapped on them as well for not holding upto there safety features. Sorry for babbling ......:o I guess Im just a firm beliver that selts DO SAVE LIVES,more than NOT.When I first wore one, I HATED it, but now like I mentioed before, I feel naked w/o it........Please wear your seat belts.............;)

11-24-2003, 12:19 AM
being dead or crippled is very UNCOOL!

please please wear yer seatbelts folks.

11-24-2003, 05:40 AM
Originally posted by freeride132
i dont mind wearing my seat belt, i feel naked without it


11-24-2003, 07:41 AM
Originally posted by QuadJunkies
I have a rather sad story about one of my best freinds kids that happened a few years ago to her Son......... On her way to visit her Mom is Portland for spring break, she tooks her kids with her and had her Grandma with her on the trip down, she had three kids in the car, the kids were napping in the Van( or at least she thought they were) when the youghest age 4 climbed out of his seat and sneaked to the back of the mini van they were in, and for God knows why............he popped open the hatch back:eek: And flew out onto the freeway and then a Truck Driver ran him over:( it all happened so quick..... This boy was always climbing in and out of sealt belts since I can remember and so did the other kids. I wish they knew how important it is to use one. They all know now, I feel soooooo sad for all of them to witness such a horrific thing and the driver who had to hit him went thew some mental breakdown as well I guess....Ill never forget that collect call from her in the middle of the night with what happened...I told my kids what happened(in a milder manor of course) to my kids on this so that they could hear how important sealt belts can REALLY be....... OH, and to put a twist on it all, I dont know how this all came about but, somehow they found out that the MiniVan they owned ,the hatchback was supposed to have a safety feature that once in motion ( at a particular MPH) the doors and hatch should have Auto. locked so that kids could not open from inside while moving,well this was found to be "defective" and ther was other cases of this so Chrysler got a few lawsuits slapped on them as well for not holding upto there safety features. Sorry for babbling ......:o I guess Im just a firm beliver that selts DO SAVE LIVES,more than NOT.When I first wore one, I HATED it, but now like I mentioed before, I feel naked w/o it........Please wear your seat belts.............;)

OMG Tina that is horrible!! I can't even imagine if something happened to my kids:confused: that gave me the chills when I read this. Yep I buckle my little guy up tight in a carseat ALL THE TIME!!! I'm a carseat freak!!

11-24-2003, 08:37 AM
Originally posted by blondie69
Hate seatbelts....probably best if I wear em, I put em on when I see the police, otherwise, I won't wear em (or if my mother bytches at me to put it on, but its never for saftey, she just doesn't wanna get a fine by the police). When I start drivin myself, and I'm the one in the drivers seat, I'll probably wear one, but until then...I can't stand them, their unforterable I find. Thats my opinion, but ah well:rolleyes:

start wearin your seatbelt all the time blondie :cuss:

11-24-2003, 08:52 AM
Originally posted by knighttime
start wearin your seatbelt all the time blondie :cuss:

I agree..

If you don't wear your seatbelt ask yourself this question......
Have you ever rammed your face thru a pane of glass at 60mph???

You might be able to say yes to that question one day if you don't start wearing your seatbelt...;) That's if your still alive...:eek2:

11-24-2003, 10:32 AM
OMG Tina that is horrible!! I can't even imagine if something happened to my kids that gave me the chills when I read this. Yep I buckle my little guy up tight in a carseat ALL THE TIME!!! I'm a carseat freak

It wa all over the news locally. Her Grandma in return had a heartattack in the Van from the stress of it all.Her 9 yr old had to go threw intense therapy from nightmares from watching him fly out the back:( very,very sad........

11-24-2003, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by Crazy400exMan
i never wear mine if friends are in the car with me...i dont feel cool if im wearing it:(

Wow, I had the same reaction as SGA. It's not supposed to be funny, but you have to laugh at the sheer stupidity of this statement. Would you feel more cool in a wheelchair, on life support, or just having a metal plate in your head?

I had a cousin, real cute gal with her whole life ahead of her, she was 17. She was in a car, and the car rolled. Not five times, or even twice. It just rolled onto it's top. Not good, but not serious life threatening, as far as accidents go. Everybody else in the car escaped with nothing more than bruises. Not her. When the car rolled, she went halfway out the window, and her head and body were crushed between the car and the ground.

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out if she had only been wearing her seatbelt, she'd still be alive.

11-24-2003, 11:02 AM
never wear mine if friends are in the car with me...i dont feel cool if im wearing it

If you and your friends went riding and you were putting on your helmet and they told you that it was uncool to wear a helmet, would you take it off????

put it on before you start the make and make it a habit,it will become as natural as putting on your helmet......

next time your friends give you crap, tell them that you want to live long enough to ride the new 450r :D :D

11-24-2003, 11:37 AM
I dont know why you all try to reason with people who either think it's uncool to wear one or that it is un-comfortable. You cant reason with people who have no reasoning power themselves. Let darwin do his thing and be done with it.

11-24-2003, 11:53 AM
You cant reason with people who have no reasoning power themselves. Let darwin do his thing and be done with it.

TRUE THAT.........

11-24-2003, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by seatec
Let darwin do his thing and be done with it.

he doesnt seem to be doing a good job.... morons/idiots are born everyday...