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11-20-2003, 09:01 PM
Have you ever had to go to parent/teacher confrence and when you show up the teacher isn't there? Yep, we get there a couple minutes early and the classroom is all dark, door is locked! WTF So we wait five minutes out in the friggin snow for this disorganized ******, and she never shows:cuss: By god my kid better get an "A" for punctuality:grr:

11-20-2003, 09:16 PM
Been to a few teacher/parent meetings. Never had a teacher late. Im sure she did not show for a very important reason.

11-20-2003, 09:29 PM
LOL. I'll give her the benifit of doubt. But If you knew how disorganized she is. Or how many times she has lost graded work and tried to have my kid re-do it, you would see my side.
Lets just say she has a history of fuggin chit up;)

I have never had a teacher late either, until tonight. Kinda suprised, considering Kayla gave her our p/n before she left school today=/

11-20-2003, 09:37 PM
ummmm....... i went to my youngest teacher conferance last week on friday at 9... at 10 after 9 no teacher i was like ok wtf.. at 9:20 the teacher next door reminded me that my conferance was on monday... so i felt like a real dumbazz and left:blah:

Bad Habit
11-20-2003, 09:49 PM
Here's one for ya.
Tonite on the news, they told about a teacher at my kids elementary school that has been suspended for choking a 7 year old special needs student. Suspended?????????? The kid has f'n red and purple marks around his neck and they "suspend" her! I thought special needs teachers were supossed to know how to handle special needs. This is in a small, quiet, family oriented upper-middle class suburb. This just blows me away.
If she's smart she won't show up for any parent/teacher conferences.

11-21-2003, 02:51 AM
Originally posted by 400exmom
ummmm....... i went to my youngest teacher conferance last week on friday at 9... at 10 after 9 no teacher i was like ok wtf.. at 9:20 the teacher next door reminded me that my conferance was on monday... so i felt like a real dumbazz and left:blah:


11-21-2003, 08:47 AM
That's not cool. The Cape hold is taught to special needs teachers for a reason. That teacher should be fired and banned from teaching. The student's parents should pursue criminal charges against the teacher. I don't care if the kid was throwing another kid out the window! that's not right.

Bad Habit
11-21-2003, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by OCCRA288
That's not cool. The Cape hold is taught to special needs teachers for a reason. That teacher should be fired and banned from teaching. The student's parents should pursue criminal charges against the teacher. I don't care if the kid was throwing another kid out the window! that's not right.

My wife was pissed this morning and found out some more. Apparently, what started the incident was the kid throwing his lunch tray in his room, hardly justifies the reaction. The parent's have filed a suit against the district. Here's the kicker, they are only doing this because the district refused to reassign their kid to a new teacher! WTF why is this woman not arrested?

11-21-2003, 10:26 AM
Originally posted by Yellow416ex
My wife was pissed this morning and found out some more. Apparently, what started the incident was the kid throwing his lunch tray in his room, hardly justifies the reaction. The parent's have filed a suit against the district. Here's the kicker, they are only doing this because the district refused to reassign their kid to a new teacher! WTF why is this woman not arrested?

I am not taking any sides, and I can understand your frustration.

BUT there is always two sides to a story, rather than what the media... hypes it up to be for ratings. Small town rumors don't help either.

Bad Habit
11-21-2003, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by popo
I am not taking any sides, and I can understand your frustration.

BUT there is always two sides to a story, rather than what the media... hypes it up to be for ratings. Small town rumors don't help either.

I totally agree with you on this Popo. Everytime I see something on the news, I am the first one to call BS and try and figure out the truth between the lines. The small town rumor mills are pretty abundent around here and that's what surprised me on this one. It happened a couple weeks ago and it was only brought to the lime light after a suit was filed and made a matter of public record. I'm sure all the hens at the beauty shop are steamed because they weren't privy to the info first.:p

11-21-2003, 06:02 PM
Originally posted by soggyrider
Have you ever had to go to parent/teacher confrence and when you show up the teacher isn't there? Yep, we get there a couple minutes early and the classroom is all dark, door is locked! WTF So we wait five minutes out in the friggin snow for this disorganized ******, and she never shows:cuss: By god my kid better get an "A" for punctuality:grr:

Ahhh... how many times as a kid I prayed that would happen!

My story, and the teachers never quite jived... :rolleyes:

11-21-2003, 06:54 PM
Well the teacher called this morning and appologized. LOL dingy woman called all the parents who had a confrence last night but us. Turns out she call one house twice, thinking she was calling our house. The parent that she called and left messages at twice, never bothered to call her and let her know that she had the wrong number on the second call:rolleyes: (Wouldnt the recording sound kinda familiar?)