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View Full Version : need help convincing my dad

11-16-2003, 09:52 AM
ok i have a problem with needing to modify things and customize them and my 400ex is stock except for nerf bars, which came on it from the dealer. my problem is, my dad says im not allowed to do anything with it except for like shockcovers or handguards or something, cuz i did quite a bit to the recon, thinking id have that for a long time. i cant even put a diff bumper or handlebars on it.:mad: so....got any ideas to convince him?, id really like a new slip on, or maybe a bumper. i need a way to change his mind.

Glow Plug
11-16-2003, 09:56 AM
did you pay for the bike???

But just say that you'll pay for it and if you sell it you can always take the parts off as long as you keep the stockers :)

11-16-2003, 10:08 AM
i paid for about half of the bike, and i have the dg bumper from my recon that we traded in, and he wont even let me make that bumper work. and i always pay for extra things on it. not to mention i gotta pay for gas....:mad:

11-16-2003, 10:22 AM
Whats wrong with the way it is? You have had it for what, 2 days and you want to modify it already? Be happy with how it is, you don't need to modify it to go fast.

11-16-2003, 12:59 PM
95% Rider 5% Bike

11-16-2003, 01:30 PM
I wouldn't
let my kids mod anything either. Kids in general have NO respect for stuff given to them. The way to convince your father is to show him that you are mature enough to modify and maintain your quad. Ask if you can get a part time job to pay for the mods, and work at changing things SLOWLY. Don't go jumpin in his face crying and *****in bout stuff. If he says "no" then he means "no". The more you pester, the more he will stick to his guns. Go along with him and add a few simple things to it, show him your maturity and give it some time.....the problem with kids now-a-days is they need INSTANT GRATIFICATION. "I want it NOW, not next month". If you paid for 1/2 then offer to repay him the other half to show you are serious about the responsibility of ownership. After you give him some of the money, then ask again, pointing out the fact that you respect his right to ask you to keep it stock, but it IS your quad, and YOUR money. He would have a harder time turning you down then. If you are not old enough to work, then just shut your piehole about the quad and be happy you EVEN have one in the first place. Lots of kids out there would be more than HAPPY to have any quad in ANY condition. After you get older and can buy your own stuff, then you can be the one to say what is done, or not done to it. Just an opinion from a father of 3.