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11-15-2003, 07:02 PM
I just started wrestling for my high school, and its very intense. What supplements do you guys recommend? I need to gain strength but not alot of weight....and i need good endurance.

If i take protein, would it make my weight increase? should i take 100% whey protein?

Someone recommended L-glutamine to me....?

any suggestions would be helpful
i dont mind gaining some weight from muscle, just not a whole lot....and we run 3+ miles every day at practice

11-15-2003, 07:50 PM

11-15-2003, 09:46 PM
proteins good....whey is for adding mass....soy is a good all around protein....creatine is good...creatine and glutamine are similar if u would get both glutamine pre workout, creatine post workout. for alot of info go to bodybuilding.com thats where i learn everything

stupid driver
11-15-2003, 09:48 PM
first, what are you gonna be wrestling at, and what is your current weight. what is your bodyfat %. if ya dont know the %, take a rough estimate.

I am wrestling at 112 this year. I take a creatine chew. Its called chewtrition, by nucare. 4 tablets gets you 5 grams a day. I have not had any weight gain due to it, and my bench has gone up 7.5 lbs since i started it. Squat has gone up 15 lbs. keep in mind, this is after a week.

for me, my best supplement is dedication. Im not tryin to sound corny, its just the only way i can word it. If you want something bad enough, you will achieve it. I want to make it to state this year, as a freshman. Thats something my school hasnt had in a while. So just keep that in mind.


11-15-2003, 09:58 PM
o ya forgot to mention....protein is the building blocks for muscle....u can build without protein but protein will help the process up a hell of a lot faster and u will feel alot better after ya take it. and like he said dedication is a big part be into it and push yourself. dont do 15 sets of 90 reps benching 3 lbs....get 4-6 good sets of 65-85% of ur max in that means ur pushing it and semi struggling but not like complete cant do another rep after ur done. just push it basically. of course warm up properly and get stretched and all that good stuff so ur ready for the heavy weight.

11-15-2003, 10:34 PM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
proteins good....whey is for adding mass....soy is a good all around protein....creatine is good...creatine and glutamine are similar if u would get both glutamine pre workout, creatine post workout. for alot of info go to bodybuilding.com thats where i learn everything

Not to be mean but that is some seriously bad advice.. Protein is essential in muscle recovery and repair. Secondly, SOY is a terrible source of Protein. Natural foods such as Beef, chicken, Tuna, fish, Eggs, and etc are the best. WHEY and Milk are the best for protein powder supplements.

Creatine and glutamine are nothing a like.. Creatine is a supplement found in Red meat that provides the muscle with energy. While Glutamine is a supplement that aids in protein synthesis or digestion.

Typically you take the Creatine before and after your workout while you can take the Glutamine anytime. I like to take mine 3 times a day (morning, post work-out, and before bedtime).

I understand you were trying to help this guy out but you may want to learn something about supplements before giving someone else advice. This kid could wind up messing up his kidney's or worse.

stupid driver
11-15-2003, 10:55 PM
i'll agree that soy is not as good of a protein as the higher quality whey protein supplements, but i was very impressed when i took mine. Keep in mind, this kid doesnt want to gain weight, just get some strength. So that takes out usin whey supplements right theree. i was on nitrotech for a week and gained 8 lbs. that stuff is awesome, just not for wrestling season. now, back to soy. It is a great protein for all around health. No, your not gonna become an arnold schwarzeneiger by takin soy supps. but, the soy will have many benifits in other catigories. my mom gets this one stuff called "Attain" for free from this chick who works for melaluca. It is a soy protein supplement. It also is chock-fulla vitamins, minerals, and its a good source of fiber. It has a good supply of potassium, which is very important to me, because my body cant utilize it like a normal person. So, soy is not at all a "bad" protein source. I prefer it when i am having to maintain my weight.

but really, try the creatine. Its what you want. Just take it easy on it. Forget about "loading" it during the first week. i stay at 5 grams a day, maybe a little more on match day, and im fine. Good luck


11-15-2003, 11:13 PM
Originally posted by stupid driver
first, what are you gonna be wrestling at, and what is your current weight. what is your bodyfat %. if ya dont know the %, take a rough estimate.

I am wrestling at 112 this year. I take a creatine chew. Its called chewtrition, by nucare. 4 tablets gets you 5 grams a day. I have not had any weight gain due to it, and my bench has gone up 7.5 lbs since i started it. Squat has gone up 15 lbs. keep in mind, this is after a week.

i weighed in after practice friday and im 117.4, so ill be in 119...
and if i calculated everything correctly in my wellness class, im about 11% body fat

which out of these should i take.....its probably gonna be one of these pro performance http://www.gncproperformance.com/goods/product/default.asp?id=31952&c=6

and wuts the difference in like... the 100% whey protein, creatine, and protein 95?

and wut r the side effects? cuz i always thought creatine had a side effect

stupid driver
11-15-2003, 11:21 PM
too much creatine can have side effects. Basically, if ya take too much, you will get dehydrated. Ive seen too many people use it incorrectly, and they paid big time. If you take small enough amounts, and keep fluid intake adiquate, you will be fine.

stupid driver
11-15-2003, 11:26 PM
btw, whats the wrestling like in your area. Our state program is finally on the rise again. Its always cool to see the different techniques that different parts of the country have. We always try to hit a few nationals each year. Its kinda fun to square off w/ people that havnt been scoutin you, and vice versa

11-16-2003, 04:32 AM
Originally posted by kaneman23
Not to be mean but that is some seriously bad advice.. Protein is essential in muscle recovery and repair. Secondly, SOY is a terrible source of Protein. Natural foods such as Beef, chicken, Tuna, fish, Eggs, and etc are the best. WHEY and Milk are the best for protein powder supplements.

Creatine and glutamine are nothing a like.. Creatine is a supplement found in Red meat that provides the muscle with energy. While Glutamine is a supplement that aids in protein synthesis or digestion.

Typically you take the Creatine before and after your workout while you can take the Glutamine anytime. I like to take mine 3 times a day (morning, post work-out, and before bedtime).

I understand you were trying to help this guy out but you may want to learn something about supplements before giving someone else advice. This kid could wind up messing up his kidney's or worse.

Thank you for correcting his statement. Too many people just go out and buy a bunch of suppliments based on marketing or pictures of lean mean models in ads.

Understanding what suppliments can or will do for you, does get confusing.. Are you allowed to use creatine in high school sports?

11-16-2003, 04:53 AM
Originally posted by kaneman23
Not to be mean but that is some seriously bad advice.. Protein is essential in muscle recovery and repair. Secondly, SOY is a terrible source of Protein. Natural foods such as Beef, chicken, Tuna, fish, Eggs, and etc are the best. WHEY and Milk are the best for protein powder supplements.

Creatine and glutamine are nothing a like.. Creatine is a supplement found in Red meat that provides the muscle with energy. While Glutamine is a supplement that aids in protein synthesis or digestion.

Typically you take the Creatine before and after your workout while you can take the Glutamine anytime. I like to take mine 3 times a day (morning, post work-out, and before bedtime).

I understand you were trying to help this guy out but you may want to learn something about supplements before giving someone else advice. This kid could wind up messing up his kidney's or worse.

k ive been taking soy for a year now and it is helping me out great...it is an all around protein while whey is all for gaining mass which is correct. also all my advice ive given is stuff im using and is working great for me that is why i told the kid about it. and everything else that i stated ive read from a few different bodybuilding sites...i dont give false info cause that wouldnt be very nice now would it :blah:

11-16-2003, 06:03 AM
Creatine will help with your strength and stamina. You have to "load" for two or three days and then go into a maintenance routine. After two or three weeks let your body rest for a week or two then start over. I would highly recommend drinking alot of water everyday while on creatine. I'm talking a gallon or more throughout the entire day, everyday. It WILL DAMAGE YOUR LIVER AND KIDNEYS IF YOU DON'T CONTINUALLY FLUSH THEM OUT. For everything else drink a protein drink called Met-rx. This is a great all-around protein / meal supplement that has all the necessary growth supplements including L-Glutimine and taste good as well. Be careful though and use these only if you are working out consistently otherwise they will put weight on you because of the protein. These have 45 grams of protein. Your body will burn sugars and other carbs before it does excess protein so if your not using the protein it too will turn to stored energy or fat. Good luck!!! I drink the Met-rx and have had good results over the years. I'm not big on Creatine cause I don't want the risk. I do enough damage to my liver and kidney's using other supplements like beer. :D Last thing and then I'll shut-up, always research any supplement you are thinking about taking and know the pros and cons before you start. There is tons of info about these supplements on the internet.

11-16-2003, 09:46 AM
I posted something about this not too long ago... Im wrestling this year at 140. Im a sophmore, 5' 10'' 145 - 150 pounds, I just started taking WHEY protien. It's great, Im beginning to see muscle develolment and it hasn't made me gain much weight at all. However, nice development doesn't come fro mjust chugging a couple of protien shakes a day. YOU NEED TO WORK OUT. Our practices this year are insane and right after practice I gulp down a blender full of whey protein mixed with crushed ice, a scoop of vinilla fat free ice cream and water.

11-16-2003, 12:41 PM
Originally posted by vroom
I posted something about this not too long ago... Im wrestling this year at 140. Im a sophmore, 5' 10'' 145 - 150 pounds, I just started taking WHEY protien. It's great, Im beginning to see muscle develolment and it hasn't made me gain much weight at all. However, nice development doesn't come fro mjust chugging a couple of protien shakes a day. YOU NEED TO WORK OUT. Our practices this year are insane and right after practice I gulp down a blender full of whey protein mixed with crushed ice, a scoop of vinilla fat free ice cream and water.

wut brand do u use? I might use pro performance unless i hear something bad about them

stupid driver
11-16-2003, 06:11 PM
My friends have all had great results with nitrotech. It is a great whey protein supplement.

11-16-2003, 07:00 PM
Originally posted by popo
Thank you for correcting his statement. Too many people just go out and buy a bunch of suppliments based on marketing or pictures of lean mean models in ads.

Understanding what suppliments can or will do for you, does get confusing.. Are you allowed to use creatine in high school sports?

NP- I agree about the magazines. Kids will pick up a FLEX or Musclemag and see the Pro's holding a can of Nitrotech. They immediately think they can look like those guys buy taking supplements when in reality it's years of training and steroid use.. Kind of like the ATV mags. You can bolt on an exhaust and gain 15hp!..

11-16-2003, 07:02 PM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
k ive been taking soy for a year now and it is helping me out great...it is an all around protein while whey is all for gaining mass which is correct. also all my advice ive given is stuff im using and is working great for me that is why i told the kid about it. and everything else that i stated ive read from a few different bodybuilding sites...i dont give false info cause that wouldnt be very nice now would it :blah:

I'm not saying it's worthless but I don't see enough benefit for myself. There are much better products out there.

11-16-2003, 07:03 PM
[i] I would highly recommend drinking alot of water everyday while on creatine. I'm talking a gallon or more throughout the entire day, everyday. It WILL DAMAGE YOUR LIVER AND KIDNEYS IF YOU DON'T CONTINUALLY FLUSH THEM OUT. [/B]

I agree about the water part because everyone should drink that much water anyhow. However, it hasn't been proven that creatine damages the kidneys. It's all myth and speculation.

11-16-2003, 07:05 PM
i was just going to make a thread on this......thanks for all the creatine info

iom gonna go drink some water

11-16-2003, 07:11 PM
i dont mean i change the subject but how do u calculate your body fat? i know i dont have too much of that im "5"11 and 139.

11-16-2003, 09:20 PM
NO2 is great i take NO2 and i have gained like 25 lbs in 3 months i mean i know that you dotn wana gain muscle but it makes you so much strogner and it brings blood into your muscles to make them develp very rapidly, it costs about $80 a bottle and lasts about 2 months, you can get it from GNC

11-16-2003, 09:48 PM
i have been taking the metrx power w/ water in the morning and i lift after school...do u think that its ok to do it that way or should i try and drink them before i lift after school? i figure since normally i dont eat breakfast anyway i should just have them then but im not sure if thats a good way to do it...any info would be helpful. thankstom

11-17-2003, 06:32 AM
Originally posted by 400exrider400ex
i have been taking the metrx power w/ water in the morning and i lift after school...do u think that its ok to do it that way or should i try and drink them before i lift after school? i figure since normally i dont eat breakfast anyway i should just have them then but im not sure if thats a good way to do it...any info would be helpful. thankstom

You should eat breakfast like eggs for protein and some form of carbs like oatmeal or cereal. After you lift your body becomes a sponge for nutrition during the first 30 to 45 minutes!!! Drink your Met-rx within 30 to 45 minutes of completing your workout. This will give your body what it needs for better recovery of your muscles. Some people drink 2 or 3 Met-rx a day depending on how much you work out and intensity but that becomes expensive. I would stick with eating as much regular food as you can and use the supplements for right after your workouts. When I say regular food I mean chicken or other meats and good carbs not pizza and ice cream. :D

11-17-2003, 02:35 PM
Whats the best way to gain weight....I just came off 2 surgery's that have held me away from lifting for over 3 months and now i wanna get the weight back and im not sure how to do it......I am taking CreaCyamine which is a new product that has a mix of 5 different types of Creatine and im taking protein shakes.....Any ideas ??? :confused:

11-17-2003, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by kaneman23
I'm not saying it's worthless but I don't see enough benefit for myself. There are much better products out there.

i know im gonna get some whey....ive just been too poor to actually get the suppliments i want....and any protein is better than none and soy does just fine. and that is def correct bout the water and creatine. btw ive never read a mag in my life so i hope u guys werent talking about me with the lifting mags. cell tech works but tastes horrible. and not trying to cut no2 down but i heard it was worthless. but some things work for dif ppl.

11-17-2003, 04:04 PM
ok im going to GNC right now. i am playin Lacrosse this year (first year) and im playin football next year and i wanna get strong
but i dont wanna hurt my body cause i heard creatine can make your balls smaller or somthing.
i do lift every other day been doing that for about 1 1/2 months now,
what should i get ?
i heard musle milk works but does it hurt your body in any way?

11-17-2003, 06:35 PM
Originally posted by 400exrules
wut brand do u use? I might use pro performance unless i hear something bad about them

I use MET-RX WHEY protien plus, it's 46 G's of protien, one of the higher ammounts.. you can find it at vitamin world or your local GNC

11-17-2003, 06:40 PM
Originally posted by RoadkillerRyan
ok im going to GNC right now. i am playin Lacrosse this year (first year) and im playin football next year and i wanna get strong
but i dont wanna hurt my body cause i heard creatine can make your balls smaller or somthing.
i do lift every other day been doing that for about 1 1/2 months now,
what should i get ?
i heard musle milk works but does it hurt your body in any way?

creatine is safe...ive been on it for 2 years and my balls are just fine

11-17-2003, 07:35 PM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
i know im gonna get some whey....ive just been too poor to actually get the suppliments i want....and any protein is better than none and soy does just fine. and that is def correct bout the water and creatine. btw ive never read a mag in my life so i hope u guys werent talking about me with the lifting mags. cell tech works but tastes horrible. and not trying to cut no2 down but i heard it was worthless. but some things work for dif ppl.

I wasn't talking about you.. I was referring to most people in general. You've never read a mag? Not even a Playboy, Hustler, or Penthouse? Brother you haven't lived!

I'm just coming off from using N02 and I'm not impressed. In fact I'm disappointed. Lucky for me that I didn't pay a cent for it otherwise I would be upset.

11-18-2003, 04:13 PM
Originally posted by kaneman23
I wasn't talking about you.. I was referring to most people in general. You've never read a mag? Not even a Playboy, Hustler, or Penthouse? Brother you haven't lived!

I'm just coming off from using N02 and I'm not impressed. In fact I'm disappointed. Lucky for me that I didn't pay a cent for it otherwise I would be upset.

lol actually i havent, thats why i got kazaa tho get some good videos :devil: and yeah ive heard quite a few ppl have the same NO2 results as u. but now u seem like u know alot about lifting....so what r the best suppliments for lifting...and im not trying to be a smart *** jw what u recomend.

11-18-2003, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by bansheeguy77
creatine is safe...ive been on it for 2 years and my balls are just fine
what kind and brand do you use

11-18-2003, 05:15 PM
the gnc pro performance stuff....ya get the powder like 50 servings or something for around 10 bucks

11-18-2003, 05:16 PM
Yea, I was wondering about this too. Football just ended so time to get ripped for next year :devil:

How safe is creatine for a 15 year old (5'11 180)? What changes would I made to my routine when I start taking it (more weight less reps/sets?). What is a good brand or way to get it? How much should I take daily, and when? What are the side effects (common and possible?).

11-18-2003, 08:17 PM
Whats the best way to gain weight cuz now i went to the doctor today and he said that i cant lift at all till the 3rd week in Dec. and i would like to gain some wieght during the wait......

11-19-2003, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by Ryan300exRider
Whats the best way to gain weight cuz now i went to the doctor today and he said that i cant lift at all till the 3rd week in Dec. and i would like to gain some wieght during the wait......

get some gnc weight gainer

11-19-2003, 04:58 PM
Originally posted by hondafox440
Yea, I was wondering about this too. Football just ended so time to get ripped for next year :devil:

How safe is creatine for a 15 year old (5'11 180)? What changes would I made to my routine when I start taking it (more weight less reps/sets?). What is a good brand or way to get it? How much should I take daily, and when? What are the side effects (common and possible?).

same here anyone know?

Smokin 440
11-20-2003, 10:07 PM
ok i'm kinda trin to gain weight through muscle for bein able to have endurance for xc. i don't really like the idea of takin all that crap, but is it more effective if i lift weights every day or every other? because no matter how hard i push myself i dont get sore so does it matter? right now, i'm 15 and around 155 pounds and im 5'10", i wanna be at 170 by spring.
In my workouts i run, do sit-ups, i bench, squat, rows, and misc other stuff and i usually do 5 sets of 12 (bench about 165 squat about 250+) what else can i do, or do u REALLY reccomend protein stuff? thanx for any info

11-21-2003, 01:51 PM