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View Full Version : Playstation 2 help

11-13-2003, 12:08 PM
Hey guys i got a quick question and hopefully someone knows alittle more about the PS2 than i do..When i turn mine one all i get is a black screen, nothing else...i was thinking maybe it just needed cleaned but im not so sure...has this happened to anyone else and what can i do to fix it...i heard you can send it back to sony but im not sure how much that costs or if i should just say F it and go buy a new one...the thing that is killing me is i just bought Socomm 2 and i only got to play it one time...alright any info you guys could throw my way would be helpful...later

11-13-2003, 12:54 PM
ok listen: if you have an old ps2 game in which the back of the cd is blue instead silver like all the current games, try that game. If that game works than there is a problem with the reader. It happened to me, games with silver backs didnt work and with blue backs worked. We called up Sony and we sent the playstation out. They fixed it for free but the problem is it took about 1 to 1 1/2 months. I dont know what else to say, your best bet is to send it out, I got mine back and it was fine and nothing has happened since.

11-13-2003, 01:29 PM
Thanks man...you dont think i could just maybe buy one of those cleaning cd's and get away with it...that sucks not having my PS2 for a month but oh well...thanks for the info...anyone else have this problem

11-13-2003, 01:40 PM
my boys have ps 1 and 2 the ps2 kept readin "disk read error" call the 800 sony number and ****** em out i shipped mine off and 8 friggin weeks later they said its fixed and mailing it back- we got it - it worked for a week then same chit! i called once again and ragged em hard and shipped it back 2 weeks later they mailed me a new one- i think sony has quite a few bad ones out there my sons buds have had the same problem~ just stay on thier ***!! good luck

11-13-2003, 01:48 PM

11-13-2003, 01:55 PM
all i gotta say is you are missing out...socom 2 kicks ***...best game ive ever played online....hit me up on AIM once you get it figured out and tell me your online name..ill add you as a buddy and we can play sometime

11-13-2003, 02:49 PM
socom 2 is terrible...played a little of it at my friends house...I had all kinds of problems with my ps2 & finally decided to run it over with my truck & get a xbox. Xbox is much better & better games are now coming out. PS2 had alot of games but they all suck IMO. I will be buying counterstrike for xbox in a few days for Live so if anyone has xbox live get that game & Ill play you. ;)

11-13-2003, 03:16 PM
Originally posted by Crazy400exMan
socom 2 is terrible...played a little of it at my friends house...I had all kinds of problems with my ps2 & finally decided to run it over with my truck & get a xbox. Xbox is much better & better games are now coming out. PS2 had alot of games but they all suck IMO. I will be buying counterstrike for xbox in a few days for Live so if anyone has xbox live get that game & Ill play you. ;) ya most games are gay when you suck at them..il admit the single player isnt all that great..but get online with it and you wont go back:o

11-13-2003, 03:17 PM
Now that I have broadband....reading this thread is making me think about buy Socom2

11-13-2003, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by MOFO
Now that I have broadband....reading this thread is making me think about buy Socom2 get it and join our exriders clan...Ralph started it...its not a realy serious clan...but its fun....its well worth the money that you pay for it

Lehr 110
11-13-2003, 03:31 PM

here is where you can find out how to fix the read error crap
i did it and my PS2 works fine
bad thing is it voids any warrenty if you do it

11-13-2003, 07:28 PM
thanks man ill try that and see if it works...my aol name is Jblazin98 so when i get that working ill see whats up and ill join your "clan". My name for online is JVF8495 it is the same for Tiger 2004, Madden 2004 and socomm....thanks for the tips guys i really appricate it...

11-14-2003, 12:59 AM
Try taking it apart like it says on the link, but before messing with the gears & stuff just clean the lazer eye (gently don't scratch).

I run mine in a house with a lot of traffic--dust & I've had to do this twice to fix the disc read error.

Also I've found that if I have a stubborn (scratched) disc. rub on some chapstick & polish the disk w/the wax. It fills in the scratches.


11-14-2003, 09:03 AM
The only problem is it doesnt say disk read error when i go to play a game..the screen just stays black, but ill try it anyways...thanks

11-14-2003, 09:16 AM
Originally posted by Jblazin98
The only problem is it doesnt say disk read error when i go to play a game..the screen just stays black, but ill try it anyways...thanks

what happens when you turn your PS2 on with no disc/game in it? Does the browser come up?

11-14-2003, 10:16 AM
socom 2 is awsome if anyone plays aim me on PF054ZFY and will play and i have a clan if u want to join

11-14-2003, 11:55 AM
no when i turn it on nothing happens all i get is a black screen...that is why i think im just goin to have to buy a new one...what do you think???

11-14-2003, 12:14 PM
ok is ur two wires that hook from the ps2 connected to the ps2 and tv and if you hook it up from the vcr is ur vcr on...is ur line to tv on it can be many things

11-14-2003, 12:25 PM
yeah everything is hooked up right...i even took to my friends room to see if maybe my wires were bad but it didnt even work on his tv so i know its not the wires it has to be the PS2..but im not sure if i need to just clean it or maybe the lens is broken...if you have aol can you post your sceenname or IM me at Jblazin98 if you know alittle about this...im junking for some socomm

11-14-2003, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Jblazin98
Hey guys i got a quick question and hopefully someone knows alittle more about the PS2 than i do..When i turn mine one all i get is a black screen, nothing else...i was thinking maybe it just needed cleaned but im not so sure...has this happened to anyone else and what can i do to fix it...i heard you can send it back to sony but im not sure how much that costs or if i should just say F it and go buy a new one...the thing that is killing me is i just bought Socomm 2 and i only got to play it one time...alright any info you guys could throw my way would be helpful...later

buy an xbox:devil: