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11-10-2003, 09:55 PM
I think all of North America should have the same currency . It sucks so bad that the Canadian Dollar and American Dollar aren't the same value . I'd love to go down to the states more than once a year , but because our Canadian dollar isn't worth the same , it kills the pocket book . Our dollar is worth like 60 cents US . If it was all the same I'd guarantee I'd have a bas *** quad also. See all these wicked deals you guys got down there , and up in Canada we got hardly anything . I'm gunna start a one man protest to get the dollar the same . Anyone wanna join me?? LOL . It's good for you guys down south cuz you can come up here for almost free. Hunting season we get lots of Americans in my part of the woods. Especially bear hunters. I Dont know whats up with that . Just wanted to put in my 2 cents about the currency .

11-11-2003, 12:12 AM
Yeah, the exchange rate sucks for the Canadians, but for us down south it is definitely good to us. A lot of people actually buy out of Canada to save some change. Ford Trucks and Honda's seem to come down from there a lot.

11-11-2003, 01:28 PM
Its like 75 cents now

11-11-2003, 01:40 PM
It should be 1$ for 1$ . You're lucky if most banks will give you 75cents on the dollar . Most hover around the 65 to 70 cent mark.
Theres one sweet *** bike in the freestyle section that I'd buy if our dollar was on par.

11-11-2003, 02:29 PM
I suggest ya move outa that location and come on down south.. eh..:cool:

11-11-2003, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
I think all of North America should have the same currency . It sucks so bad that the Canadian Dollar and American Dollar aren't the same value . I'd love to go down to the states more than once a year , but because our Canadian dollar isn't worth the same , it kills the pocket book . Our dollar is worth like 60 cents US . If it was all the same I'd guarantee I'd have a bas *** quad also. See all these wicked deals you guys got down there , and up in Canada we got hardly anything . I'm gunna start a one man protest to get the dollar the same . Anyone wanna join me?? LOL . It's good for you guys down south cuz you can come up here for almost free. Hunting season we get lots of Americans in my part of the woods. Especially bear hunters. I Dont know whats up with that . Just wanted to put in my 2 cents about the currency .

Well yes it would be awesome if that were to happen. But dont count on it. Our Economy depends on it being low in a way. The lower it is the more Americans will buy what we export and tourism.

11-11-2003, 03:10 PM
Countries have thier own right to have thier own economy and currency.

11-11-2003, 03:25 PM
I say no! I enjoy the exchange rate in Windsor:cool:

11-11-2003, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by hondafox440
Countries have thier own right to have thier own economy and currency.

You know what makes up the country ? Citizens

I hope you realize that Canada is not a communist country and the citizens do choose what goes on.

But like I said before what is probably holding Canada back is the tourism and trade reasons.

While talking about tourism. The funniest thing is when you see americans in the summertime with snowboards or skis on the roof thinking there is going to be snow in Ontario.

11-11-2003, 04:25 PM
Hey Rico ,
You got room for a Canuck to camp in your back yard?? I'll bring some REAL beer with me . HAHA Molson Triple X . We'll see how much of a drinker you really are when you step up tp the plate with a Canuck Eh!!! All i need is a 20 foot area for a tent and an outhouse .

11-11-2003, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by Quad18star
Hey Rico ,
You got room for a Canuck to camp in your back yard?? I'll bring some REAL beer with me . HAHA Molson Triple X . We'll see how much of a drinker you really are when you step up tp the plate with a Canuck Eh!!! All i need is a 20 foot area for a tent and an outhouse .

LMFAO Can I come too? Next thing you know all the Canadians will be in Rico's backyard.

11-11-2003, 05:08 PM
Originally posted by nacs400ex
LMFAO Can I come too? Next thing you know all the Canadians will be in Rico's backyard.

Sorry to let you know, but I am staying here! I'd rather stick to Canadian beer, free health care, our snow, our laws and a lot of other benifits we have as Canadians.

11-11-2003, 06:36 PM
BAHH, I aint a sledder so the snow can go away for all I care
True about ours laws, but in the end be do pay for our health care through taxes, nothings for free:p

I dont think I could handle the states though, too many crazy people running around with guns. You know you need to change your gun laws, especially when kids begin to shoot up schools all over. :(

11-11-2003, 08:01 PM
Quad18star, heck if you are bringing the Triple X you can come hang at my place! Plenty of room for your quad and gear here. My place is like one big garage downstairs and just enough to get by upstairs! .............and plenty of fridge space for Triple X!:devil:

11-11-2003, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by Rip_Tear
Sorry to let you know, but I am staying here! I'd rather stick to Canadian beer, free health care, our snow, our laws and a lot of other benifits we have as Canadians.

yea just think u dont have to worry bout terrorists like we do. dam bush. give us clinton he was a PIMP;)

11-11-2003, 09:53 PM
Originally posted by redroost85
Quad18star, heck if you are bringing the Triple X you can come hang at my place! Plenty of room for your quad and gear here. My place is like one big garage downstairs and just enough to get by upstairs! .............and plenty of fridge space for Triple X!:devil:

Well dont have to worry about the quad and gear cuz im one broke *** mofo without any . LOL . I'll bring a case of Triple X and a Case of Canadian and a bottle of Canadian Club . Show you guys how to PARTY !!!!