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11-05-2003, 09:52 AM
not bad...i liked it better than Reloaded. but definitely not as good as the first.

way cool action sequences. reveals alot of what you were going "huh?" about from Reloaded.

worth watching. i give it 3.5 outta 5 stars.

11-05-2003, 10:02 AM
I thought this was a quad site:p

Good review, but I still haven't seen the 2nd one:(

11-05-2003, 10:08 AM
i loved both the first and the second...i cant wait to see the new one:D

11-05-2003, 01:24 PM
Good to hear it didn't completly suck like relaoded did. I watched that movie like 5 times to see if I missed something, I didn't, it just sucked. If they didn't slow down the movie every 2 minutes for one of there "cool"(read: lame) action sequences then it would have been an hour shorter:o

11-05-2003, 01:42 PM
some matrix info http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=502&e=13&u=/ap/film_matrix_timeline

11-05-2003, 01:48 PM
I just read a terrible review somehwere else. Seems like the plot didn't go where i thought it was going to go. OH well,:mad:

11-05-2003, 01:51 PM
Originally posted by Rico
some matrix info http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&cid=502&e=13&u=/ap/film_matrix_timeline
Thats off IMO. If there where 5 "ones" before Neo then there has to be a much larger gap betweent the first one and him, there isn't.

God I must be sounding like a nerd:huh Damn liturature classes making me think critically about what I read:grr: :o :blah:

11-05-2003, 06:05 PM
Originally posted by Doibugu2
I thought this was a quad site:p

i thought this was the open forum :p

11-05-2003, 06:11 PM
Originally posted by Doibugu2
I thought this was a quad site:p

I thought you were an oober dork

11-05-2003, 08:20 PM
I hate to rain on the parade but I thought Revolutions sucked. It does explain some of the weird crap from Reloaded but that's about it. I'm not going to give it away but the fight scene for Zion was pretty cool and that's where it ended. Very little hand-to-hand fighting and the final fight scene with Neo vs. Agent Smith was gay. Neo is a puss...

After Reloaded when Neo suddenly has the power to stop Sentinels I thought, "Cool, Neo's powers are being realized" but after this movie he barely used them. I give it 2 out of 5 stars and that's being gracious.

11-06-2003, 05:27 AM
Well, I just saw it and I will say this...the 1st one is still the best (how many movies get better as time goes on?) and this one is much better than the 2nd.

Go see it.

11-06-2003, 08:56 AM
Originally posted by Curt
I thought you were an oober dork

What is an oober dork?

I was kidding by the way!:grr:

11-06-2003, 08:59 AM
neo is the anomaly....

and isnt the other guy neos twin:devil:

11-06-2003, 09:05 AM
Hey - I'm going to watch it on Sunday, so don't give too much away, but do Trinity and Perciphony (SP?) get into a chick fight???:devil:

11-06-2003, 09:59 AM
i thought it was alright, the zion battle and the machine city were the best parts i thought.

the final fight between neo an smith was super gay, there is only so much you can do with hand to hand combat, after a while it gets boring....

11-06-2003, 03:22 PM
I may go see it tonight but i have read some reviews and I'm thinking i am going to be let down. Funny line i read from a review is when Neo finally said to the Smith which is in disguise, "Who are you." Seems like he's only smart in manipulating the Matrix! I wasn't too thrilled about the last movie but it did leave me with a lot of questions and we all had our own theories, many from my friends which blow this plot away. Seems like the Brothers have George Lucas CGI syndrome. Speaking of Lucas how much will the next Star Wars be a major suckfest!

11-07-2003, 12:57 AM
Ok, saw it tonight. I guess it's better than the last movie but still not that good. There is no way they had enough to go on for a trilogy. If they cut out a lot of the fortune cookie crap they should have combined this film and the last. And yeah like others have said, the fight with Smith is REALLY BAD. I thought i was watching Dragon ball Z or whatever that cartoon is, well at least Neo gets his but whooped. They spend little time in the Matrix in this film. The French chick says 1 line, but she is busting out of her outfit with major cleavage! The evil albino vamps were nowhere to be found, DUMB because i thought they were cool. Keanue's acting gets even worse. Too many religeous connections with the whole trainstation being like Purgatory.

OK. NOW THE MAJOR HIGHLIGHT OF THE NIGHT. The preview for a new Ben Stiller movie with Jeniffer Anistan. Watch the preview and wait for the baskerball scene, just about as funny anything from Something about Mary.

SO when you think Matrix, think the first movie. This one didn't save it, although i thought it didn't suck overall just not enough to save the franchise. NOW, bring on the armies of Mordor, bye Matrix! Lord of the Rings has your ***.

11-07-2003, 08:06 AM
isnt the girl the one?

11-07-2003, 10:04 AM
Ok, I saw it too, but you guys have to really think and out yourself in a "matrix state of mind" When Neo stops the sentinals in reloaded, he didn't know he could until that point and he wasn't ready. revolutions explains that. And although you can interpret that agent smith is neo's twin, he is not. He's just a rogue program which can do the same things as neo. The reason you don't see much of the matrix is 1, neo learns he can move in and out of the matrix without being jacked and 2, revolutions is about the battle for zion. Now, going back to relaoded, the five before him made the choice to let zion be destroted and new matrixes be created or al least that was my interpretation.
If your a matrix fan and have watched the animatrix renessaince part 1 and two...go see revolutions. It will lave you wondering about some things but doesn't every good trilogy?
One last thing. the whole trilogy does have religous overtones but only if you stop and think about it. You really have to be a matrix fan to follow it and see the religous overtones. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a star trek convention to go to where we will discuss episode 21 and wether captain kirk and spok met the hot green martian in episode 6 or episode 7 which captain kirk screwed in episode 53.....:confused: :D and yes...I am s geek:p

11-07-2003, 11:12 AM
I thought it was way decent. Just as good as the other two movies. The end just kind of ruins is. The battle scene was awesome thought. Before that there were not big battle scenes jsut nice fight scenes. The Mech warrior things are badass.

The french guys gf is the hottest girl on earth I decided. Maybe it was the boobs.. :blah:

11-07-2003, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by quadman21
Ok, I saw it too, but you guys have to really think and out yourself in a "matrix state of mind" When Neo stops the sentinals in reloaded, he didn't know he could until that point and he wasn't ready. revolutions explains that. And although you can interpret that agent smith is neo's twin, he is not. He's just a rogue program which can do the same things as neo. The reason you don't see much of the matrix is 1, neo learns he can move in and out of the matrix without being jacked and 2, revolutions is about the battle for zion. Now, going back to relaoded, the five before him made the choice to let zion be destroted and new matrixes be created or al least that was my interpretation.
If your a matrix fan and have watched the animatrix renessaince part 1 and two...go see revolutions. It will lave you wondering about some things but doesn't every good trilogy?
One last thing. the whole trilogy does have religous overtones but only if you stop and think about it. You really have to be a matrix fan to follow it and see the religous overtones. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have a star trek convention to go to where we will discuss episode 21 and wether captain kirk and spok met the hot green martian in episode 6 or episode 7 which captain kirk screwed in episode 53.....:confused: :D and yes...I am s geek:p

I don't know. I own Animatrix and have watched it plenty of times, i love the first movie. I went to these last 2 movies in a Matrix state of mind and was let down twice, at least the last movie had left us with plenty of questions and we all had our own idea of what might happen. The ending is really anticlimatic. The Matrix is not destroyed but the people in it have a choice to be unplugged or not. Neo made a deal with the machines to stop SMith in exchange for Zion's safety, do you really think the machines would stick to the deal. Why not just wait till SMith and Neo are dead then resume the attack on Zion. This is not a good Trilogy, these last 2 movies are riding the wave created by the first movie. And geesh, how long was it going to take Neo to figure out that one guy was Smith.