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11-04-2003, 07:19 PM
im serious about this ..ive made up my mind to join apart of a kick ***** team. i want to be challenged and made to straiten up my life.. i say if im going to join the armed forces i should go all out and do the hardest most challenging most rewarding part of it.
its going to be good..i can tell all of my aunts/uncles think im one of the less likely to succeed/ and completing a 4 year at least term in the force will make me a real man id say.
what do you guys think?

11-04-2003, 07:21 PM
yah..im joi9ning the airforce as soon as i graduate high school...I got no where else to go & I cant stay here with my parents :mad: lol :rolleyes:

11-04-2003, 07:22 PM
marines = bullet sponges
army = back-up bullet sponges
air force = f^ggot nancy boys
navy = never home

you pick.

11-04-2003, 07:24 PM
You want a challange? Join the Navy Seals :eek2: .

11-04-2003, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
marines = bullet sponges
army = back-up bullet sponges
air force = f^ggot nancy boys
navy = never home

you pick.

:devil: Haven't seen a better key than that!

Whichever service you choose, good luck.

How about navy SEAL? ;)

11-04-2003, 07:27 PM
Marines are the 'hardest' people that I've talked to, they really get bossed around, but they are machines. But every Marine I've talked to seemed like a d!ck to me. If I were you I'd join the ARMY then see if I could get into the Special Forces, I'd MUCH rather join the Special Forces then the Marines. Then again if you're fullbore you could go to the Navy Seals, but I think you have to have a clean record. Not to mention the fact you have to be a MACHINE. To me it seems like the Navy and Air-force do nothing, (compared to the Army, Marines, and Seals) but do a hell of a lot more then me.

11-04-2003, 07:30 PM
Originally posted by 2001400ex
To me it seems like the Navy and Air-force do nothing,

:rolleyes: Well I tell you what you join one of them and then tell me they do nothing.

11-04-2003, 07:35 PM
I said they do a hell of alot more then me, but it seems like the Marines and Army are the ones getting down and dirty when it comes time to, I dont want to get into a flame over it. I don't mean to offend anyone by posting that. Just stating my opinion, my opinion is that the Army, Marines, or Seals do more then the Air-force and Navy, I could be totally wrong. Or I could be right.:o

11-04-2003, 07:36 PM
i have been saying the marines for a while. id like to be in the air force but i want to be the one doign all of the work you know the thought of being a marine makes you feel tough.
navy seal sounds good///i love under seige movies..but i dotn want to joint the navy..we were talkign about it..sounds queer..on the ship will all of those guys // the navy doesnt impress me

11-04-2003, 07:41 PM
i was Special Warfare communications support when i was in the Navy.

being a SEAL isn't easy.

being Special Warfare i had the privledge to work with all of the services.

if you want to see the world, join the Navy. being on the ship and deploying sucks, but when you hit a port.....WHEEEEEE FREAKIN HAAAAAAAA! best times of my life.

11-04-2003, 07:55 PM
you should just be a cop it seems like so much fun

11-04-2003, 08:31 PM
I am a Marine...have been for over 7 years now. Marines get the crap jobs on the ground side, but I am in the air wing...working on F/A-18's and Harriers. You get alot of good schools and training depending on what you want to do.....and you will also spend a good amount of time on boats with the Navy..............You get alot of respect in the Corps.....the Airforce gets all the nice new equipment and living quarters...the Army treats all their people with disrespect, and the Navy spends most of their time deployed......all depends on what you would like to do.......Want to see the world??..Join the Navy......Want to drive a tank......join the Army.....Want to have the nicest living and deployment schedules, and relaxed work environment?? Join the Airforce.......I am glad I joined the Marines, and got alot out of it and still am......BUT if I had it to do all over again, knowing what I know now......I'd sacrifice the respect and join the Airforce. Just my outlook!! Later,

11-04-2003, 11:45 PM
Originally posted by freeride132
you should just be a cop it seems like so much fun

It does, let me know when it starts. 75% of the officers I work with have a military background. Which helped with them getting on.

Most departments will not take you until youre 21.
So go see the world. You might turn out like Batgeek, god rest our soles, another misfit!

11-04-2003, 11:51 PM
oh noooooos!

where's my sailor uniform. oh there it is!

*starts singing In the Navy by the Village People

now if i can only find my indian costume :(

11-05-2003, 12:09 AM
Originally posted by batgeek
oh noooooos!

where's my sailor uniform. oh there it is!

*starts singing In the Navy by the Village People

now if i can only find my indian costume :(

lol, can I be the cop? Rico can be the indian. Just need somebody to be the gay const worker.

11-05-2003, 12:11 AM
Originally posted by popo
lol, can I be the cop? Rico can be the indian. Just need somebody to be the gay const worker.


yeah, i nominate him.

and a bike dude in leather....yeah! need one of them too.

dunno who to nominate though

we can perform at Rolling Thunder next Hatfield trip!! with a side stop at the jiggly room. maybe have a ladie's nite or something.

we'll make mad cash! :D

great opportunity for you photochoppers out there

11-05-2003, 12:26 AM
Originally posted by batgeek

yeah, i nominate him.

and a bike dude in leather....yeah! need one of them too.

dunno who to nominate though

we can perform at Rolling Thunder next Hatfield trip!! with a side stop at the jiggly room. maybe have a ladie's nite or something.

we'll make mad cash! :D

What about Pappy as the biker with his thong & cheek chiller chaps on.

I am sure Peaches would stuff some thing down Rico's little pouch.... or smoke his tottem pole.

11-05-2003, 12:36 AM
Pappy should get ready and grow his 'stache like the biker guy's.

you might have to beat Peaches offa Rico with yer night stick.

11-05-2003, 12:45 AM
Originally posted by batgeek
Pappy should get ready and grow his 'stache like the biker guy's.

you might have to beat Peaches offa Rico with yer night stick.

Or Pappy could just shave his back and use that for his stache.

I think Rico would be happy with peaches gummy.... :eek2:

11-05-2003, 03:49 AM
:huh I think you guys are beginning to scare me haha

worm..g/l on what ever decision you make

11-05-2003, 05:37 AM
I think you need to just join a service and then after you complete basic (If you even complete it) then try to be billy bad ***! I love listening to kids set back and brag how they are going to be a SEAL, Ranger, Spec ops, etc... It takes a special breed of people to be part of these elite organizations, wishful thinking just doesn't cut it.
If I was you I would join the Army in a 19 series, Delta or Kilo, Cavalry scout or M1 Abrhams crewmen and lets see how tough you are after 30 days train up in FT. Erwin Cali, sleeping in a hasty(small fighting position like a grave) or on the Steel ramp of a Bradley with only a poncho liner. If you are lucky you might get 1 hot meal every other day or 2! After a week of eating MRE's you only have a bowl movement about every 3rd day. You go without a shower for 5-7 days at a time. You get about 2-3 hours sleep per day (if you are lucky). After you make it through the train up and think that was easy, then consider going Seals, Rangers or whater.:macho

11-05-2003, 06:02 AM
You can enlist directly into the Army Ranger Battalions (or at least you could in the 90's). The MOS is UNR4 (unassigned Ranger 4). But if when you finish basic and airborne training you go to the Batts. They put you in RIP (Ranger indoctrination period) this is critical, because if you are seen as unmotivated, physically unfit or become injured they can send you to any infantry unit on the globe (this is when your contract has become nil.) Also the Batts have little personal life, not good for families, but you are one of the best soldiers in the world and you get to play with lots of cool toys. :D

Good luck whatever way you go!

11-05-2003, 06:18 AM
Thats a decision I had a tough time making also. I ended up going into the AF. I do hear some crap from some jarhead buddies of mine, but I can stil whoop their arses, so I don't care...lol And if you want the best of both worlds... Decent stuff and be a bad dude. Go into Combat Control (CCT) or Pararescue (PJ), both Air Force Special Forces. But I'll tell you this, you better be ready to swim...

11-05-2003, 06:25 AM
first decide what you want to get out of the military besides the fact you want to serve your country (you do want to serve your country right?)

if its schooling then id say the air force or navy. if you want to stomp the guts out of someone ...try the army. if you want to learn to kill then see if you have the metal to become a marine:macho

forget all the heroic BS you see on tv and the movies. basic training is tuff enough on most people to make them have second thoughts much less you actually have to see combat. it aint all fun and games.

my brother was in the air force and got every bit of training in computers they would give him....he does very well for himself. i got the skills to turn your head inside out. you decide which is the more useful skill:p

11-05-2003, 06:43 AM
I will tell you this one branch is not going to win a war by themselves. Without the Air force and Navy flying missions and dropping bombs to knock out some of the front then the Army and Marines aren't going to do anything. I have seen what the other branches go through and have talked to hundreds of them that wish they had made the same choice as I did. Besides it feels so good to sit down in front of the TV at dinner time and watch your bombs fall off those plains just destoying everything around.

O Yeah, if you believe all us AIr Force guys are a bunch of wusses or what ever, come mess with us AMMO guys a find out what it is all about.


11-05-2003, 07:19 AM
?!AMMO?! I have never met a bigger bunch of panty-waste, all-show no-go, ill-use of tax payers money, bonafied LOOSERS. WHAT A BUNCH OF SISSIES!!!!!!:eek: :blah:
Comm....now that is were all the TSNS (top secret ninja shtuf) really happens :p :macho :rolleyes:

..hey Jeff...:D

Jeff is right though. I have personally talked to dozens of crossover airmen/sergents (those that cross from one service to another) that WERE in another service and crossed into the AF. Everyone of them had the same answer. They didn't regret joining the service they did, but they do wish they had gone AF the first time. The AF's quality of living FAR ecxeeds any other service....FACT!

The AF has a reputation for being the "cush" service. Well, in all honesty, we do...to an extent. I could go on all day talking about what we do, what we don't do and shat we SHOULD do. But i won't. I will tell you this. If you want to deploy and see the world, the AF can do that. If you want to "paly with the big boys", shoot guns and blow stuff up, we can do that. If you want to get a free college edcation, we can do that. If you want a job that allows you to see your family every night, we can do that. If you want to serve you country and feel proud to do so...BY GOD, i do that everyday!

I've been in just under 5 years now. If you want any truthful answers (you can't belive all of what recruiters tell you), feel free to PM me.

11-05-2003, 07:22 AM
Originally posted by 2001400ex
To me it seems like the Navy and Air-force do nothing,

I would like to see you join the any armed forces and say they don't do anything. I myself have been in the navy for 10 plus years now and I have done quite a bit. Join the armed forces and then say that, that's all I have to say.

11-05-2003, 07:25 AM
LOL, you mean Jay? You know that it doesn't get much closer than AMMO. Besides there just isn't that many people around who get to say I build bombs with the intent for them to kill and destroy and not go to jail for it:devil:


11-05-2003, 07:35 AM
Everybody one have a Fine Air Force Day.

dooo, I think I pissed Desdak off.

11-05-2003, 07:38 AM
sorry Jeff....i mean Jay. My brain is a little numb right now. I am in 7-level school here at Keesler. Our instructor is so boringand has a serious in-ability to teach, it HURTS. He makes the teacher from Ferris Bueler's Day Off look like Mr. Personality! All i can say is THAK GOD I'M GETTING PER DIEM! Though 40 bucks a day still isn't enough or being away from the wife:(

So, I got out of class on Monday at about 3. I decided to go for a walk on the beach...in shorts and a t-shirt...since it was about 75ish degrees. ....how the weather up there;)

11-05-2003, 07:41 AM
Originally posted by popo
Everybody one have a Fine Air Force Day.

dooo, I think I pissed Desdak off.

Nah, he's quite content drinking his coffee and eating his donuts.:eek:

11-05-2003, 07:50 AM
popo, you aren't going to piss me off with cuts on the Air Force it has served me fine just as I have serve my country fine. I have had my hand in hundreds of Iraqi and Afgani deaths and been in one of the only units ever to fight in two wars at once. So you would have to work harder than you want to break my pride.

Texan32, it is about 18 degrees out so you suck. 40 dollars a day, man that is good I think when I went to 7 level at Sheppard I got like 20 or something. The only good thing going on up here is deer season opens Saturday.

I hate donuts and coffee. However, I hear cops love them and I wouldn't want to take food out of anybodies mouth so to speak:D I do love my climate controlled office:blah:


11-05-2003, 07:55 AM
Originally posted by DESDAK4

I hate donuts and coffee. However, I hear cops love them and I wouldn't want to take food out of anybodies mouth so to speak:D I do love my climate controlled office:blah:


So you got that little pun...:D

I think the give up 40 a day cuz we are almost forced to go to the casino's, since there isn't alot else to do here.....

11-05-2003, 07:59 AM
Yeah. That's cool, so did ya win any money? They are starting to talk about quad racing up here at last. Starting out with some ice racing this winter and then opening a track on base in the spring along with starting to get time on the track at the fairgrounds. I am glad it is starting to look up around here as far as quads go. So are you enjoying being back home in Texas?


11-05-2003, 08:07 AM

11-05-2003, 08:17 AM
Originally posted by DESDAK4
Yeah. That's cool, so did ya win any money? They are starting to talk about quad racing up here at last. Starting out with some ice racing this winter and then opening a track on base in the spring along with starting to get time on the track at the fairgrounds. I am glad it is starting to look up around here as far as quads go. So are you enjoying being back home in Texas?


Heck, they sell enough quads up there...i can't believe it has taket this long. San Antonio is great. Haven't had a chance to hit any races since the 2 at the beginning of the year. But, I have 2 really nice track within 45 minutes of the appt. Had a pretty big life change a month ago though. My wife's oldest daughter (9yr) is now living with us. Her ex wanted her out of the house. So, now we are hoping to get base housing after X-mas. I just want my own garage were i can make a mess and my own driveway were i can was my car....I told Lynn that if we can't get a base house, she gets to pic the house we are gonna rent...all i care about is the garage!:macho

11-05-2003, 08:36 AM
I couldn't live without my garage. It's cool that you have the tracks right there. Hopefully by spring I will too. My oldest is 9 not to much trouble and they can do chores.


11-05-2003, 09:53 AM
all i have to say to any of you in the armed forces (and even plain old cops like popo. lol, jk) is THANK YOU. you guys do more than a civilian like my self will ever know about, and we all appreciate it, freedoms are'nt kept by backing down, so thanks for standing up;)

11-05-2003, 12:00 PM
Air Force is just a bunch of pansies, and Bill Gates is just nerd.

I like Pappy's suggestion. What do YOU want to get out of your experience in the military?

If you're just out to become a "man" than definitly go Marines. However, while being tough may make you cool to your friends, it won't make you rich.

You want to see the world? Navy.

You want an education to use after you get out, maybe may some money with your mind instead of your back? Air Force.

You want a general overall, go into the Army.

You know why everybody makes fun of the Air Force? Same reason the bully makes fun of the smart kid, and the same reason that poor people call rich people "snobs". Jealousy.

11-05-2003, 12:25 PM
The thing about me is..I know I could of made it through 4 years in the Marine Corp. I didn't have to prove anything to myself, or anyone else for that matter..... Hell, I probably seen more in 1 month of SERE school then a typical Marine goes thorugh anyway....Notice I did say "typical".........

11-05-2003, 12:43 PM
One of my best friends, and a couple of guys I worked with were all in the Navy and all said they hated it. They used to say NAVY stood for "Never Again Volunteer Yourself" The two guys I worked with both said they wished they had gone Air Force instead. I have a feeling you will still get all the discipline and structure you are looking for in the Air Force. Also - how many enlisted Air Force personel have been killed in Iraq? I don't know for sure, but I'm betting zero. I think you should make Navy your last choice. There is a reason they have to spend so much more then the other branches on advertising LOL...

11-05-2003, 12:44 PM
but SERE school is along the same lines as all that TSNS

11-05-2003, 12:48 PM
What is that Texan?

Did you make it to Fairchild?

11-05-2003, 03:21 PM
I'm with Pappy on this one.

Did 5 years active in Air Force and another 8 in reserves.

Picked my branch and AFSC by what would be useful when I was out of military. Now I make a good living as a manager for a major medical device company.

Still managing warehouses like I did in the Air Force.

But yeah... if you want to kill people and blow things up, the opportunities are much more limited in the AF.

With some exceptions already mentioned the Air Force is more like a "job".

Whatever branch you pick and whatever you do, you'll probably be better off in some way then when you joined.

11-05-2003, 04:12 PM
Air Force- The brains of the military.I would say go to the Air Force. I did 4 years active and 4 years inactive. The Air Force has the best bases the best living, best food and the better looking girls too. If you want to learn something that will carry on after your enlistment then join the AF. They have the best training.
Navy- My buddy is in the navy he signed up for 6 years. He is alway gone stuck on some ship in the middle of nowhere for 6 months at a time. I do have to say he did learn computer and it will help him when he get out in a year.
Army- basically the workers of the armed forces they do all the grunt work.
Marines- If you like to run join them. these guys are always doing warfare training. In the dirt no food always cold just something to test your abilities. Of course this is our front line of defence and I'm glad they are there for us.

Don't get me wrong they all have good and bad things I just think the Air Forse has more good than the rest.

11-05-2003, 07:04 PM
All of the forces have their badasses, it often comes down to the individual. I have respect for all the forces, but all the stereotypes are not true. I was leg infantry but had a 123 gt score my buddy had a 126. Scores good enough for ANY job in the military. As for technical jobs, if you are not certified in the civilian sector your training may not do you any good, as in aviation, if you don't have FAA and other certificates it does you no good when you get out. I've seen several guys get burned by this.

And just to let you know, I'd like to dispell a rumor about the Corp. They are first to fight if it is a SEA attack and even then the Seals were probably ashore a week ahead making maps for the attack.

Iraq - history will tell who was in first.

Desert Storm I - first troops in - Army Special Forces six months before the attack.

Somalia - Navy Seals and Marine Force Recon, then Marine infantry

Panama - Navy Seals and Army Rangers first in, and a couple convention army batts that were already in country.

Grenada - Navy Seals and Marine Force Recon then Army 82nd Airborne

11-05-2003, 07:06 PM
Seals is not something you can just "join." Takes a lot to get there.

11-05-2003, 07:21 PM
High-speed, low-drag info:
DO NOT cock-off to these guys, most of them are BTDT (been there done that). A lot of current and ex spec ops guys. Don't ask dumb questions and they'll help you out.


Good luck

11-06-2003, 06:14 PM
Being prior service--I think there all necessary just decide what you want to do and head in that direction. Its gonna suck at first but it gets better, remember you get out of it what you put into it.
And by all means dont let your recruiter sell you off on something you dont want ( seen it happen several times )
I loved it and would do it again if called upon.

my 2 cents:D

11-06-2003, 06:16 PM
jion dem gurlscouts:bandit:

11-06-2003, 06:18 PM
Originally posted by D11NR
And by all means dont let your recruiter sell you off on something you dont want ( seen it happen several times )

And make absolutly sure you get "EVERYTHING" in writing.

11-06-2003, 06:51 PM
i have an appointment tomm at 12 to see my recruiter..i talked to him for a few minutes today... im going to go in as an engineer.
i think it fits me perfect and is going to be great.. ive grew up on construction equipment and am a natural at operations on them.
what exactly do you man get everything in writing ? ill let you guys in on more tomm.

11-06-2003, 08:17 PM
Get it in writing what your MOS will be (it should give a two digit number with a letter behind it e.i. 11B (infantry rifleman) as an example and then a description of the MOS code. You should receive a printout showing where you will go to basic & advanced training after that most bets are off typically in the Green Machine.
Good luck!

P.S. DONT GO FOR STUPID BONUS $$$. Get the Army college fund & GI bill if indeed you are talking Army. The Army has always had the best college benefits of all the branches but you have to be in combat arms to get the big college $ (Combat engineer IS combat arms). When you get out of the service you get a monthly check if you are in college. Back ten years ago I got $740 a month to go to jr college, so I actually profited by going to school.

11-06-2003, 09:29 PM
Think ahead. Which branch of service offers the best opportunity for civilian employment? Look at what you're good at, what you would like to do, and then choose the branch that best lets you develope those skills. Try to look past the hype that the recruiters push and think about what you want to be doing when your 4 or 6 years are up (they go fast!). I did four years active duty Air Force because I've always wanted to work on aircraft, and now I'm an ART (civilian/reservist) at Luke AFB doing the same job, but as a civilian. The pay is good, the benefits are awesome, and the chances of me losing my job due to downsizing are about 0%. Shooting at people is very exciting, but it's pretty smart to get a jump-start on your career by doing what you want to do if you do become a civilian again. BTW, it's now $900/mo. for full time college (12 credit hours per semester), and if you get out and join the Reserves, they'll throw on another $350/mo. for certain career fields (I'm in one).