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View Full Version : broken arm is heeling!

11-04-2003, 06:06 AM
ive had myt cast on for 6 weeks now and finnally on thursday i get it off!!........but my quad isnt fixed yet i need a welder o fix my mounting bracket for my bumperso in the mean time ill just ride around on my go-ped:( :( :( :( :( :( :(

11-04-2003, 08:09 AM
Sounds like the go ped might be a little safer for you :D
j/p I am sure that you are ready to get the cast off, I know I was when I broke my wrist, although I hate when they cut it off that saw is a little scary, I know it won't do anything but it is still freaky..
Hope you get your 4wheeler fixed soon and good luck on the rest of your recovery :)

11-04-2003, 08:36 AM
I too was nervous when they cut the cast off my leg. Apparently they can screw that up! A guy I work with broke his leg a couple of years ago (dropped a vise on it!). When they removed the cast, some red stuff came out while they were cutting! :eek2: Turns out they had the blade depth set too deep... they then wheeled him in to another room for some stitches... free of charge, I hope! :(

Take it easy when you get the cast off, the bone's still healing. I didn't, so I still have problems four years later...

11-04-2003, 03:28 PM
when i got my first cast off i was freaked out about the saw but i hope they dont cut me up;) i no my quad will get fixed i found a welder but my freind invited me to go to paragone with him but i dont no if i should because it will only be a week later frome when i get the cast off and it will still be heeling:( what should i do:confused:

11-04-2003, 10:44 PM
I would give it at least a couple of weeks to heal...I am sure your doc. will tell you the same thing.

11-04-2003, 10:46 PM
i hate the atrophied body part under the cast...

it just looks wrong when ya look at it compared to the equivilent limb. the dead skin is kinda fun to peel off though :D

11-04-2003, 11:16 PM
Originally posted by batgeek
i hate the atrophied body part under the cast...

it just looks wrong when ya look at it compared to the equivilent limb. the dead skin is kinda fun to peel off though :D

"Yess zat ones a keepa" "mmmm"

11-05-2003, 10:09 PM
Dude don't worry about them cutting the cast off. It's not a big deal. In the last 5 months I've had 4 casts taken off. The blade on the cutter doesn't even spin, it vibrates. Not sure how it works but it does. Damn it feels good tho when they take it off and the air gets at all that dry, peeling, itchy skin!!!!

Greg Z
11-05-2003, 10:24 PM
I broke my leg December 31st 1999 3 oclock from playing football.. I was in the hospital till 11:30 spent my milenium in the car on the way home..

i had that ***** *** cast on my leg for 6 months.. when they were cutting it the doctgor said the saw doesnt cut threw skin.. Trusted him and it didnt :) and he did hit my skin and it didnt cut threw dont worry about it

if he does cut it then that means he just wanted to see you bleed:)