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View Full Version : rampology 102

11-03-2003, 07:13 PM
ok, this is 102... way back when i had 101 which was about cost.
the reason i wrote that is becuase there seemed to be a huge wave about people complaining of the costs of ramps and i wanted to ejimakate a few folks of the endless lists of expenses.

this one is another thing i see flowing around that bothers me... now before i get into this i just want to make it perfectly clear that this isnt just the people here so im not picking on any invidual person this is something im seeing everywhere... real life and internet.

ok now thats cleared up lets proceed

what this topic is is amateur ramp building... personally I'm against it. not cuz im a weirdo but becuase im seeing alot of bad stuff... bad as in unsafe. i do NOT want to see ANYONE hurt. one of the few downsides to this awesome sport are the injuries. i hate seeing people get hurt. ive been there many times and it sucks horrible. and when ramp building your basically putting your life in your own inexperianced hands and thats not good. and now that ramps are becoming more and more popular it seems everyone and their brother has a ramp nowadays.

granted ramp building isnt rocket science... but it does require an experiance of some sort.. weather its fabrication.. previous ramp experiance, welding..... something that would give you at least a foot in the door to start yourself out on how to properly build a ramp im seeing alot of people that dont know the first clue about anything building something they are going to trust to shoot them 30 ft into the air with.... thats so not cool.

what i recommend is for people to get some sort of professional help. doesnt have to be one of us ramp builders but a professional fabricator or welder or something.. or it could be one of us.. theres enough of us out there and we are all more than willing to help out.. my e mail box is always open.
dont hesitate to ask... you could be killed or messed up for life over something so elementary.

ride safe

11-03-2003, 08:45 PM
good post.
I went the rought of buyin a professionally made ramp from freestyle industries. totally agree on the fact that everybody and there sister has a ramp now. i my self am a ramp dogg thats all i ride now days and im glad that i went the rought of spending the money and getting something thats made right and one less thing to worry about.

now pay attention this is going to be on the final :macho

11-03-2003, 08:51 PM
yep great post. too many wooden ramps and other assorted crappy ramps up on here latley. like i've always said if your not gonna do it the right way stick with dirt. i love my rev 3, i'll never go back to a shoddy home-made ramp.

11-03-2003, 08:57 PM
get a look at the heap of ****:eek: http://fmtx.shread.net/forum/showthread.php?threadid=16420&highlight=ghetto+ramp

11-03-2003, 09:17 PM
He will be lucky if he lives to tell about that hit:eek:

11-03-2003, 09:38 PM
Originally posted by MILF_HUNTER
good post.
I went the rought of buyin a professionally made ramp from freestyle industries. totally agree on the fact that everybody and there sister has a ramp now. i my self am a ramp dogg thats all i ride now days and im glad that i went the rought of spending the money and getting something thats made right and one less thing to worry about.

now pay attention this is going to be on the final :macho

you got one of daves ramps huh ? cool.... long live the moto mafia haha

11-03-2003, 10:21 PM
i dunno if freestyle industries or rockstar ramps or what ever its called is still around. im 110% impressed with my ramp. What is this moto mafia??

11-03-2003, 11:48 PM
they are all three the same things. they are just called moto mafia right now.

they still make ramps