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View Full Version : 250X reverse gears mod

11-03-2003, 10:48 AM
Anyone know anything about removing the reverse gears from a 250X? I think TC used to do it on the 410X motors. It's supposed to take like 20 pounds out of the motor and pick up the revs.

11-03-2003, 12:32 PM
take your motor appart figure what goes with your reverse take it out and put it back together.

But I douth it wil lose 20 pound mabey like 2-3 at the most.
And it does'nt have anything to do your forward gear so I can't see it rev any higher unless you have way to much friction but I really can't see that.

11-03-2003, 02:38 PM
comparison of weight would be taking the rear view mirror off your car for lighter weight. wont be much. faster? just keep telling yourself that. it wont to anything unless it is engaged. get a cdi box with the rev limiter removed. then you can rev higher.

11-03-2003, 02:45 PM
Ok guys, Spinning wieght take power. Why do you think all the motor builders lighten flywheels? I was just asking since I will be splitting the cases on my son's 250x. I have read about this mod but can't remeber where it was. If I remember I think it ends up being a 4 speed when it's done.

11-03-2003, 05:23 PM
I can't see you saving 20 lbs, and it shouldn't make the TOP speed any faster, but it will improve acceleration.

Personally, it sounds sketchy to me, there are other ways to improve acceleration. If you find more information, or you try it, let us know.

11-03-2003, 06:38 PM
Originally posted by markeg192
Ok guys, Spinning wieght take power. Why do you think all the motor builders lighten flywheels? I was just asking since I will be splitting the cases on my son's 250x. I have read about this mod but can't remeber where it was. If I remember I think it ends up being a 4 speed when it's done.

I agree A/C is spinning all the time and takes some drag on a car engine, but when it is not ENGAGED it is not doing a whole lot of dragging. Removing the reverse is not going to make that 250X move much better. Get a CDI box, pipe, and other things worth getting. Doing this mof on a 410 makes alot more sense than a small 250

11-03-2003, 08:51 PM
Well the cases are split and it looks more like 4 or 5 pounds you can save. Not much but he never put his reverse linkage on after he redone it a while back so he doesn't even use it anyways. We'll prolly remove what we know we can and call it good enough.

11-04-2003, 11:10 AM
If I remember I think it ends up being a 4 speed when it's done.

it's only a 250 and with 4 gear it will only go like 45.

Ok guys, Spinning wieght take power. Why do you think all the motor builders lighten flywheels?

And the flywheel is on the crank there is no reducer gear
while the reverse is on a shaft and is not engage so it probably does'nt turn anyway.

11-04-2003, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by 44oEX
it's only a 250 and with 4 gear it will only go like 45.

And the flywheel is on the crank there is no reducer gear
while the reverse is on a shaft and is not engage so it probably does'nt turn anyway.

Yep :p