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View Full Version : More snow riding, this time with the GF

01-08-2002, 09:14 AM
Oh how I love the snow. I think we got about 6" the other night. I went out yesterday after work so it was dark already, my dual 55w lights do a good job, but the stator doesn't like the extra juice, they dim while it idles and doesn't like to start if they are on :(

Anyway, I love going to the top of 3rd and then doing a long powerslide drift 360! My gf stopped by after work and I let her ride and she was doing all kinda doughnuts, then I told her to jump on the back and we went around the yard together on it, the extra weight made it harder to slide, but I still got some good drifts in. It was so much more fun than the 2" we got last time, the only thing I regret was not making a jump when I had the plow still attached to the jeep :(

01-08-2002, 02:04 PM
Snow is great untill it melts.

01-08-2002, 06:01 PM
Quadkid-you spelt melt wrong there chief.

I can't believe you got 6 inches. I only got 2 and it is pretty much gone by the second time you ride over it. I had my dad make some jumps with his plow and a landing too. I had them going downhill so i was pretty high up. I pulled my brother around on a saucer and kept going around a really big tree until he was going really fast then i stopped and he slid off the saucer and slid for 20 feet or more.

01-08-2002, 06:08 PM
haha that's a good idea, I forgot about towing a sled or snow tube, I'm going to have to do that, hopefully the snow will last until the weekend and I can ride in the light.

01-08-2002, 06:38 PM
man u are lucky. i live in wisconsin and we got a foot of snow then that all melted due to 60 degree weather. then we got 2" and that all melted today. kind of wierd for january!

01-08-2002, 07:25 PM
if your going to try a saucer you have to find a good one. Last year i broke 8 of them. This year i got a real heavy duty one and it should last for the whole winter. I want to try a metal garbage can lid so it makes sparks on the road. I don't know why my brother still agrees to let me pull him around because i give him a good thrashing every time.

01-09-2002, 05:22 PM
We got snow last weekend but it all melted today b/c it got up to 60* in January, thats really wierd for round here. :huh

Tommy 17
01-10-2002, 01:12 PM
when i woke up today there was over a foot... right now theres 0... we all are goin riding here soon... hittin the track hard its gonna be great....

01-10-2002, 03:17 PM
-update on the saucer- . I used it again to pull him around .so I only used it twice and it cracked. I'm going to find a metal one so it bends instead of cracking. Garbage can lids aren't thick enough. Also last year he pulled me on the road on one of those fake snowboards that are plastic. I recommend not trying this because you fall so much. My whole body was bruised afterwards. I think next time it snows i will try a garbage can with a hole in the bottom so it spins in the turns.

01-20-2002, 04:17 PM

Tommy 17
01-20-2002, 05:44 PM
the 3 punks had fun today i can tell...

i just got back from riding and we had some freezing rain... well i was out in the fields with my girl friend goin like 4th gear then cuttin the wheel and grabbbing the break and doin like 40 spins it was great... then my dumb g.f drove her quad into the same mud puddle now 2 nights in a row and i have had to pull her out my self with my bare hands in watter up to her seat in 15 weather... o well i am goin back out now its so much fun... later have fun eveyrone one... TOMMY:huh

01-20-2002, 05:57 PM
hahah nice pic 3punks :D I'm going to take pics of the jump I made, we got another 6" this weekend and I plowed a nice jump. I have to say my friends 400 jumps better than my 250x, maybe it's the stiff suspension, but it flys straighter and higher.

01-20-2002, 07:59 PM
I made some taller jumps today on top of my old ones that weren't melted and i hurt my wrist. The lip got messed up and i landed sideways with one wheel first and i did something to my wrist. Also saturday night i had a night run on the street at around 10:00. I only saw one plow truck and i went maybe 2 miles total on the road. I then did donuts on a soccerfield.

I killed the saucer today. The whole bottom ripped out and i also tried a tabogan type thing and a big barrel. The tabagon bottom got ripped out and when you turn with the barrel it spins and you hit stuff. I will have to go find an old tire i guess for next time.

01-21-2002, 06:16 AM
Check the spelling NJ300ex

01-21-2002, 10:12 AM
Quadkid- shut up. you are getting really annoying and you never post useful info. I don't see one spelling mistake in there.

01-24-2002, 04:43 AM
NJ he was just tryin to be a hard @$$ since you saw he spelled melt wrong..........BUT I do see *1* error and you didn't capitilize an I...................But just messin wit you dude

02-07-2002, 10:06 PM
Originally posted by 4punksdad

Write a sentence and WEAR A HELMET!:grr

02-08-2002, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by YEE-HAW_400EX_Racer

Write a sentence and WEAR A HELMET!:grr

HEE HAW.........did you have something constructive to add to this thread? or did you just come here to flame?

02-08-2002, 05:55 PM
Originally posted by YEE-HAW_400EX_Racer

Write a sentence and WEAR A HELMET!:grr

hey HEEHAW400ex I just noticed you were born in 1985. that means I was riding atv's before YOU were born. I think I know when I need to have a helmet on.

02-08-2002, 08:19 PM
Yee Haw 400ex racer sounds like a big....

REDNECK!!! :grr

Tommy 17
02-08-2002, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by YEE-HAW_400EX_Racer

Write a sentence and WEAR A HELMET!:grr

well u know he is a mod and ususally he posts stuff like that so it will send him a email tellin him that someone responded so he can moderate it... and the picture he posted with the pic was in the snow so ur the wrong one here...

02-08-2002, 08:56 PM
SHUT UP YOU DUMB [EDITED]!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-09-2002, 05:41 AM
Originally posted by YEE-HAW_400EX_Racer
SHUT UP YOU DUMB [EDITED]!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yee haw...........you have tried this routine before & it never works for you. you start off flaming me for no reason whatsoever, then your little feelings get hurt when you get flamed back.

why not just play nice? why is it any of your concern that I pull my kids on a sled in the snow in my own yard, at low speeds, with no helmet on? furthermore, why is it any of your concern that I posted the picture in this thread with no text attached. this is a thread about riding in the snow isn't it?

maybe you need a vacation?????? intelligent replies are welcomed, flames are not.