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View Full Version : Is my counter-ballance off?

Narly R
11-02-2003, 06:56 PM
Well i pretty much re-built the HOLE motor, and a guy helped me (does A LOT of engine work) and he showed me how to line up everything for the counterballance so it doesnt vibrate. Well he said, and showed me to line up the tree dots on the three sprockets. But when i put my clutch cover on, there is a little bar that hooks inside of my counter ballance, and I dont know if that has to be a certain way, or what but I just put it on...

but it seems to vibrate more, its not really really bad, but Im pretty shure its a big differance.:( I guess the only way to know is to take the cover off and look at the dots...:rolleyes: i Can it do any damage if I run it w/the counter ballance off?

11-02-2003, 07:34 PM
Originally posted by Narly R
: i Can it do any damage if I run it w/the counter ballance off?

:huh :huh

The only question I would have about taking off the counter-balancer, is how long before you vibrate your frame to pieces? The counter-balancer also runs the water pump I believe, and I don't see a single possible reason why or how you would get the idea to take Off the counter-balancer??

11-02-2003, 07:35 PM
Ok.. after reading that again.. are you asking about running it with the counterbalancer out of alignment.. I hope that's what your asking. I would not run it with the counter-balancer mis-aligned.. that is putting a LOT of stress on your motor, and frame.

11-02-2003, 08:23 PM
If the dots are lined up you are okay. The rod with the slot is for the water pump. It is driven by the counter balencer. If you look in the end of the counter balencer there is a little rod that lines up with the slot. It is no brainer on installing that, if the clutch cover don't go on all the way it is not right, turn the shaft so when you slide on the clutch cover it is flush when it is on. Then you are okay;)

Running without the couterbalencer, or with it off will crack the frame very quickly. Run it bud.

Narly R
11-02-2003, 09:13 PM
Originally posted by airheadedduner
It is no brainer on installing that, if the clutch cover don't go on all the way it is not right, turn the shaft so when you slide on the clutch cover it is flush when it is on. Then you are okay;)

Running without the couterbalencer, or with it off will crack the frame very quickly. Run it bud.

Ok i got that shaft in ok that on my cover.

NO NO NO! I know i cant run it with-out a counter ballancer, I meant run it off beat or whatever. I rode it and it seemed to be vibrating pretty bad. I just was woundering if it coulda did any damage, i wouldnt think so cause I didnt ride for a real long time, maybe 2 hourse all together. Ill pull it off tomarrow, and see if its all lined up...:confused:

Thanks guys! and hey airheadeddunnder, my msn name is deadblck350@hotmail, try to add me if you canb or sumthin we could talk on there.

11-02-2003, 09:28 PM
My computer is chit, I can't use msn messenger anymore:mad:
PM me if you need anything. My email is airheadedduner@hotmail.com or atrout@chemeketa.cp.edu

Running with the couter balencer off will not hurt the motor, just the frame. If you didn't put much time on it then it is probly okay. It is not hard to fix, well kinda. I think you have to take everything apart to check it. It may be worth it though to check and make sure it is right. All it cost is time, oil, and a clutch cover gasket. BTW be sure you get that retaining bolt on the crank tight, don't want that sucker coming out, believe me:o I would suggest cleaning the bolt, letting it dry, and putting a dab of the lightest(blue) locktight on it.


Narly R
11-02-2003, 09:39 PM
Ok Ill take the cover off and take a peek and HOPE sumthin is rong that i can fix. I JUSt put that gasket on, and the dunes are this weekend, and wont be able to get another one in time, will it still be usable?

Ok thanks airhead... too bad ur msn thing dont work. I dont think i want to run it w/out the balancer...:confused2

11-02-2003, 09:50 PM
It might still be usable being not much time and heat have been on it yet. Be carefull pulling it off and you may be able to save it. I just went out and looked at my R being the clutch cover is off it right now. You need to remove the clutch basket drive gear to check if the crank shaft and the flatter gear that goes under the clutch basket drive gear are in right. here is a dot on the crank, and one on the inside of that gear that need to be lined up. There is a dot on the outside of the gear too, that one lines up with the counter balencer. Hope that helps.

Macdizzy ran one with the weights shaved off. It revved very very fast:eek:

Narly R
11-02-2003, 10:20 PM
Originally posted by airheadedduner
Macdizzy ran one with the weights shaved off. It revved very very fast:eek:

:eek: Id amagine so! I looked at my Service Manual, and it showed the pics. Thans man, i know what i have to do now... just I hope the dots arnt lined up so i have sumthin to fix, if not Ill just put it back together and ride the stupid thing. And Ill be careful with the gasket, the vibrating feels good anyways....:blah:

Thanks man!;) Ill get back to ya and tell ya how it is.... *fingers crossed*

11-03-2003, 09:33 AM
You'll have frame problems with excessive vibration. I'm having them right now, I only rode mine a few times and both front motor mounts need to be replaced.

11-03-2003, 10:27 AM
Originally posted by wilkin250r
You'll have frame problems with excessive vibration. I'm having them right now, I only rode mine a few times and both front motor mounts need to be replaced.
I went through 8 of those suckers(at $17.95 a peice) in one summer because my balencer was about a 1/4 turn off.

Narly R
11-03-2003, 09:24 PM
:( I well i know that I have one crack, but not from the vibration... Ill get it fixed, but didnt have a chance to take it off today, I had to help my friend with his BRAN new CRF450!!! OHHH it is BUTIFUL!!!!!:eek2: :devil:

11-04-2003, 08:53 AM
That sucks. I just found a spare clutch cover gasket in my garage, too bad you don't live closer. Wish I could go with you guys this weekend but I will be racing sat. in salem and can't afford to do both:o

If you need some more R info let me know. I got the factory service manual and can scan pages out of it and email you them.

Maybe you just need to scrap the 350R, you know where there is a crf motor now:devil:

Narly R
11-05-2003, 05:56 PM
Ok hey man, ya thats ok i wish you were commin too, but we'll hit sum races up!;) Im goin to Medford the 17th... My ballancer was off!:mad: But I guess thats good, cause it coulda been sumthin worse. so Ill get it fixed, and I dont even need a new gasket!:cool:

I will eventually sell my engine/frame and get a house or sumthin and put the crf in it, maybe in a year or so, or when i get a freakin JOB!:rolleyes: :D

Thanks for the help man!;) I gots me one of those shop manual's too, great help!:eek2:

Talk to ya'll later...