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View Full Version : dubois pa?

10-28-2003, 02:27 PM
I'am going to be in dubois pa over the thanksgiving weekend. I was hopeing to find a good place to ride. I would like to find someone to ride with too.

10-28-2003, 02:33 PM
Thats michael jacksons favorite town in PA -- dubois (du-boys):eek2:

10-28-2003, 02:55 PM
i live near there... ummm it's a stupid area nothing really there but there are a few trails out that way Marienville has a few trails i'm not sure what they are called or anything i'm not really sure who is goin to be open or anything out that way during the end of Nov. most things shut down b/c of hunting season around here but you can contact Hetrick Racing *814-676-0477* and i'm sure that they will be able to ttell ya who is goin to be open in the area

10-28-2003, 03:10 PM
I live in DuBois, There arent to many good places, but ill show you the place that i ride if you wan me to, its nothing great

10-28-2003, 04:48 PM
do ou have family or somthing in dubois ?? and if ya do who are they i might know them becasue its not exactly a big town. theres a few decent riding spots around here but they are sloly going away becasuse of housing developments and stripping for coal. but theres alot of places to ride if you ride a little ways on rail road tracks.

10-29-2003, 11:33 AM
I'm near DuBois, the only riding your going to do will be on private land. All the trails are closed, except for Majestic, but that's about 2 hrs from DuBois.

10-29-2003, 11:43 AM
I live in Brockway which is about 10 miles from Dubois. There is alot of trails up this way. We could try getting a ride together sometime while you are here.

10-29-2003, 01:50 PM
My friend wanted me to go down there with him. Not sure if I will go or not but if could find some trails or someone with private land to ride on that would be cool.

10-29-2003, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by knighttime
Thats michael jacksons favorite town in PA -- dubois (du-boys):eek2:

hahahahahahaha!!! Good one! :D

10-29-2003, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Hotdog
I live in Brockway which is about 10 miles from Dubois. There is alot of trails up this way. We could try getting a ride together sometime while you are here.

yeah i ride in a few places out there befor. i can get there in 15 minuttes if i ride the rail road tracks from falls creek.

10-29-2003, 06:50 PM
jarred sent you a pm.

10-29-2003, 07:06 PM
I live in DuBois. If u like to trail ride you will like it. Alot of trails if u really look. There is one good place for jumpin in Renoldsville (a couple miles from Dubois) called the Coal Hills ull have to ask around about that;)

Tommy 17
10-29-2003, 08:42 PM
i'm 1 15 mins south of duboy

i tried to find champion motorsports in wilcox up there but i couldn't find it on my way threw just lookin... i was goin 2 stop in a cause some trouble:D

secret sauc002
10-30-2003, 09:09 AM
i live in Johnstown. there arent many trails up here because ppl blocked them off and put boards with nails in them everywhere but marienville is an awesome place to ride.

10-30-2003, 09:19 AM
thanks tgw_400, nice home page very cool. maybe some time we could go riding.
tommy 17 maybe we could get together sometime and go riding.

10-30-2003, 04:16 PM
Originally posted by warren_raptor
thanks tgw_400, nice home page very cool. maybe some time we could go riding.
tommy 17 maybe we could get together sometime and go riding.

thanx, i will anytime. i know alot of trails here;)

Tommy 17
10-30-2003, 06:35 PM
any of u ever want to go riding let me know...

aol name is tommy 50 17 or u can pm me for my cell phone number....

i want to ride some b4 i sale my stuff:macho